As a Boston Tea Party member, what ideology do you most identity with?

1 Comment

  • Jim Davidson - 16 years ago

    Trying to resolve the cognitive dissonance inherent in casting a vote for anarcho-capitalism caused my head to explode. There was much time picking up the bits of brain and setting things to right.

    It seems there is an overwhelming support for classical liberalism. I would like to point out that the indictment of classical liberalism by Hans Hermann Hoppe remains, to my knowledge, unchallenged.

    Simply put, though classical liberals believe we are all created equal, have certain inalienable rights like life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, acquisition of property, the evidence that governments are instituted among men to defend these rights is very scarce indeed. I can think of no government thus established that has been successful in defending these rights. Every government I have encountered or read about has been destructive of these rights.

    Since self-sovereign propertarian individualist wasn't listed, I voted anarcho-capitalist, as that is at least fairly close. Now could someone explain to me who amongst us is persuaded by a majority vote in this poll? -grin-

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