sorry i spelled Taylor wrong well whoever is reading or looking at this blog just exit out right now.if you actually like it you are so retarted you are also a stupid bitch.
yo this shit was fucking crap whoever made this blog is a bitch.i also think there should be more Taylir Swift.but not Hannah Montana she CAN NOT sing.
Haley - 16 years ago
Nice comment!!! Taylor Swift rock's you'r socks!!! Hannah Montana sucks
Chealcie - 16 years ago
I think there could be more pictures of Taylor Swift!!!! I'm a big fan!!!!!!!!! Our song is my fav song even thought it's old!! Our song rock's Taylor!!!!! You're the best country singer ever!!!!! And will always be in my eye's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
coco - 16 years ago
I think Hannah Montana should be in your blog because she rocks! I said no 100 times almost
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sorry i spelled Taylor wrong well whoever is reading or looking at this blog just exit out right now.if you actually like it you are so retarted you are also a stupid bitch.
yo this shit was fucking crap whoever made this blog is a bitch.i also think there should be more Taylir Swift.but not Hannah Montana she CAN NOT sing.
Nice comment!!! Taylor Swift rock's you'r socks!!! Hannah Montana sucks
I think there could be more pictures of Taylor Swift!!!! I'm a big fan!!!!!!!!! Our song is my fav song even thought it's old!! Our song rock's Taylor!!!!! You're the best country singer ever!!!!! And will always be in my eye's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think Hannah Montana should be in your blog because she rocks! I said no 100 times almost