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Total Votes: 3,884

  • Charles - 15 years ago

    Don Sorchych is probably the least qualified person to ever run a newspaper. Why buy toilet paper when the Sonoran News shows up in your mailbox free and unsolicited?

  • Ella - 15 years ago

    A few last thoughts--as for "religion" & all of those who have bought hook, line & sinker the right-wing lies of Obama being Muslim, know 1st that he is not Muslim, but Christian. Secondly, it should not matter what religion he is as this country is SUPPOSED to be a melting pot. Lastly, when those who founded this country ran away from Britain, they established our govt with a separation of govt & religion. I'd also like to address all of those McCain supporters who respond that he is right for the job due his POW time. How exactly does crashing 5+ jets & getting captured in a war (ANOTHER) we shouldn't have be in, & being out of touch for 6 years while in captivity, being the bottom of his class at school, make one a worthwhile candidate? He of all people should be repelled from war instead of being a warmonger! Do u all know that he has consistently voted against supporting our soldiers (look up McCain didn't know how many houses he had & he is supposed to represent the people??? And to address the comments about how his campaign was run, it was a sad, rude campaign filled with slander & lies--that apparently to the sheep who can't think outside of political spouting & tv, has been somewhat effective. But those who seek truth & look for the better choice will vote accordingly.

  • Suellen - 16 years ago

    Given that I receive your weekly newspaper, I felt that it was time to vote in your presidential poll. Apparently, there are others who feel that it is time for a change from the far right of the Republican party.
    HELLO, Most people of both parties fall in the middle and are moderate. George Bush has successfully alienated the majority of the country by pandering to the religious right. NOW, there will be change. Let's hope the change is more successful than the bipartisan coming together that George W. promised us 8 years ago.

  • Chris L - 16 years ago

    Oh my...the ramblings of KeniaEagle are truly frightening.

  • KeniaEagle - 16 years ago

    After reading the comments of the people who feel socilaisim is the way we should go. Good luck! My only fear is if a person who is proud of his Arabian heritage with assitance from out side the US to help win an election in the US plus not releasing any of the documents which would stop Rumors raises questions of "well how did he get here"! One other item which concerns some of us is, IF this was back in the 40's or 50's which heritage would he be touting?? This election has me very worried not because of race but of what happens if a person with a dubious background is elected does anyone know his true thoughts, we all know who his mentors were. My fears are, will we have the brown shirts spreading fear, intimitating those who disagree.

  • droot22 - 16 years ago

    Vince,-whoever you are, i do think you will end up in hell for not only your worthless opinion, But for useing the Lord to make a comment that is not right or honorable to use for a part of your worthless opinion! Do not use the Lord or anyone else as some excuse to show your opinion. Why do you not run for prsident like whover you want and show the country who one is that thinks they know what is right and that it is o.k. to use the Lords name to spread their little opinion! And.................... Vote for a real American. One who has fought for our country and has been a prisoner of war on Americas behalf for all of us. California has a well known representitive that made a valid and important point! McCain spent as much tme in a P.O.W. camp as Obama has spent as a Senator! Both important. But. One is helping the country in a time of war risking their live while the other;-While very important is a bit safer to perform and doing less for the country.

  • Ralph D. Pate - 16 years ago

    I can't believe we are actually going to elect a Socialist as President of the United States. John Kennedy said, "Ask not what your Country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your Country." Seems he'd no longer be welcome in the Democrat Party. All voters ask now is: "What are you going to do for me now?" The current economic crisis is the direct result of corrupt politicians taking money to look the other way and politicians attempting to pander to the gimme, gimme group. See Barney Frank video. Barney felt there was absolutely nothing wrong with Fannie and Freddie. Thought that doing anything to rein them in would hurt those trying to buy homes they couldn't otherwise afford. What a mess. Ralph D. Pate

  • John Hoeppner - 16 years ago

    I agree with Thomas Jefferson’s words of wisdom, "The government is best which governs least." In modern vernacular one could say “gridlock is good.” The 2008 presidential election is about trust – who will be the Commander-in-Chief of the world’s most powerful military? Who will have their finger on the nuclear trigger?

    Is any single party trustworthy enough to control all three branches of our government – Executive, Legislative and Judicial? Based on state by state polling it appears that the Democratic Party will have the controlling majority in the U.S. House of Representatives and perhaps 60-seat filibuster proof voting block in the U.S. Senate. Should the Office of U.S. President end up in the hands of the Democratic Party the appointments to the Judicial Branch would give total control of our government to a single unchecked political party.

    The elimination of ideological checks and balances should concern every legally voting citizen of this great nation. John McCain is not perfect for sure – neither is Barack Obama. I agree with Thomas Jefferson. The McCain-Palin ticket gets my vote.

  • melissa - 16 years ago

    Thank you George Fallar! Indeed I have not felt so strongly about the outcome of an election since the Spur Cross vote and am relieved that the people of Cave Creek are not allowing themselves to be fooled by lies. All of you who think Obama is a Socialist, please look up the word, and send back any money you have received from Medicare, Social Security, or unemployment compensation, to name a few of the socialist programs that our country uses to ensure fairness and stability in our society. The change in the poll is a reflection of the change in attitudes that is inevitable if one does even the slightest research into the backgrounds and platforms of the candidates. In a perverse way, the incredible smears against Obama have helped to move voters to look at other sources of news for some balance. This is a strong democracy, and negative fear mongering will lose McCain/Palin this election. I salute the intelligence and courage of the people of Cave Creek! We did not believe that a golf course would be "good for wildlife" on Spur Cross, and we don't believe in voting for incompetence, intolerance, and 4 more years of irresponsible, short sighted government. It is time for change, stop being afraid or indifferent and vote in this important election!

  • Izzy - 16 years ago

    Such a persuasive argument & eloquent prose invoking Barack's middle name (not). Another example of approaching the right-wing slander as if gospel.

    At this point, it is OBVIOUS racism. Shame, shame on all of you who feel threatened just because someone has a better TAN than u!

  • Li - 16 years ago

    It is amazing to me how many people live on sound bites. For those ready to condemn a man, do the research--base your decision on FACT. If u dare, u will find much unsavory about the McShame duo (polygamy, crashing 5 jets, anger mgt problems [warmonger],witchcraft, racism, socialist taking of money from rich oil companies to give to fellow Alaskans...), the list goes on. The lies spread by the RNC are deplorabe, & the continued right-wing slant of this "news" rag. As far as taking just a BASIC look, one team has behaved in a horrid, smear & lie campaign while the other has behaved with honor.

  • George Fallar - 16 years ago

    I'm just amazed how badly people spell and, of course, that the Obama count is higher than the McCain count on a poll sponsored by this weekly!

    This is a no-brainer, anybody who was remotely involved with and cares about the Spur Cross deal should remember the participation of Senator McCain and never cast a vote for him again. Do some research to get the facts, in case you forgot.

    Do we want someone with the supposedly now reformed moral character of Senator McCain, remembering how he ended up with his new wife? Do some research on that, as well. He self-admittedly behaved abominably, and this should eliminate him (and yes, should have eliminated Clinton and Kennedy and Eisenhower and any number of others as well) from consideration for a position that requires steady and uncompromising moral judgement. John Hoeppner includes in his pro-McCain argument that the president should be a man of moral character. He's right, of course, he just has his money on the wrong horse.

    The Keating Five fiasco had Senator McCain censured for poor judgement. This should eliminate him as a contender.

    Even people who don't believe in structured education would have to think about voting for the guy who graduated within a hair of the bottom of his class versus the guy who was the (first black) president of the Harvard Law Review and graduated magna cum laude. Senator McCain would also obviously not have been able to attend his prestigious Alma Mater without the intercession of his dad.

    Mary C. (just above) includes in her argument against Obama that he has admittedly practiced the Muslim religion. True or not, it's astounding that anybody would have the gall to argue PUBLICLY against somebody because of their religion. It's better practice, Mary, to keep your bigotry in private.

  • TrueRepublican - 16 years ago

    I've been a registered Republican my entire life and always voted a straight party ticket. But my party has been infected with the worst cancer I've ever seen. I'm ashamed by the unbridled hatred, racism, bigotry, and fear I've seen at McCain and Palin rallies and also by the comments of so many McCain and Palin supporters. Each disgusting comment only reinforces the certainty of my vote for the Obama/Biden ticket.
    I believe the modern Republican party needs to be resoundingly defeated so that it can be purged of the evil of Neo-Fascist Corporatism. I still think there is hope for my party, but it will take true Republicans, like me, to win the party back

  • Joe - 16 years ago

    why do you not post all the comments?

  • Kevin - 16 years ago

    Yea, right. I would vote for a yellow mongrel dog before I voted for Barack Hussein Obama II. He will make Jimmy Carter look like one of the framers of the Constitution.

  • Mary C. - 16 years ago

    I cannot believe that any US citizen that loves and holds this country dear would allow someone who is clearly a racist (have you read Michelle Obama's Princeton dissertation?) has admittedly practiced the muslim religion, who wants to "spread the wealth," thus punishing those of us who work hard for our families and country, would support Obama. Osama's campaign is also responsible for the acorn voting fraud. If Obama is elected, this country will go into a depression and will take years to recover. Look at history, the great depression was caused by tax increase. There will be no incentive for technological advancement, our gov. will become more socialist. Medical care will become horrible (look at England's).Don't take my word for your research. Don't vote blindly. Obama will ruin this country, the guy doesn't even possess a select service card and is unlikely even a citizen of this country! John McCain has proven his devotion to this country. PS I am a democrat!

  • Gramma Karen - 16 years ago

    Don't forget, Dumocrats, the recession is about 18 months in. Hmmm? Let's see. Wasn't that just after you all got the majority in Congress?

  • Darnell - 16 years ago

    Anybody who believes Obama was born outside of the U.S. is a complete moron. I put you idiots on the same level as the people who still think Elvis is alive. The fact that this paper runs this ludicrous article is just plain bizarre. Does the Sonoran News really think it's readers are that stupid? Oh wait...

  • Julia - 16 years ago

    Pretty cheesy website Liz and Joanne! If Obama is a citizen, why doesn't he prove it in court? Why issue a stay which only delays that answer until after the election? How could you be so gullible to believe some stupid website that is obviously been put there by some Obama supporters? If someone asked me to supply proof of citizenship, I could do it in a couple of hours. Why does Obama need to hold off the answer for several months? The world is run by morons.

  • Liz Smith - 16 years ago

    McCain was born in PANAMA--how come his picture isn't front page news?!
    For anyone who believes any of this nonsense see: .

    It is a copy of Obama’s birth certificate from the state of Hawaii.

  • JoAnn Anderson - 16 years ago

    Doubtful this will print, but I will attempt anyway. It is OBVIOUS which way this rag publication leans with the smears against Barack continuing. The fact that the front page has a huge picture & article questioning his birth w/o any merit displays the leaning & bigotry. By the way, McCain was born in PANAMA & I don't see an article questioning this! For anyone needed to see Obama's birth certificate for proof see: .

    It is a copy of Obama’s birth certificate from the state of Hawaii.

  • Prell - 16 years ago

    As a Conservative and Republican voter of 35 years, I will be voting for Bob Barr, a Libertarian this cycle. They lost me at Palin.

  • John - 16 years ago

    It is a disgrace that the Sonoran News would put an article like the Obama citizenship issue in it, especially at this time and on the front page. Nothing like swaying the uncommitted with more BS. These allegations by Berg are unsubstantiated!

    Also, Jesus was probably a Democrat. Afterall, he was a carpenter and a community organizer.

  • Tom VanDyke - 16 years ago

    Larry doesn't have a friend of color in this world. Back in Chicago he use to get his ass kicked everyday of the week becuase he was a Jew attempting to be polish. As a Republican and journalist he is "SLIME"..stop posting you're slime rag in the Carefree Post Office; You lack class for Cave Creek as well as for Carefree...Go back to Chicago and get you ass kicked...

  • melissa Paxton - 16 years ago

    Well, It seems that Terry thinks that anyone who disagrees with him is a "fool." If you are trying to say that there is no evidence that Obama and Biden may be better qualified at his time, please look at the post just before yours for some verifiable facts. I respect another opinion, and I was a McCain supporter, but I find Sarah Palin, a woman just like me, to be unable to convince me that she is qualified to take over if McCain dies in office, and her latest conviction of abuse of power as governor of Alaska does nothing to enhance her standing. We really do need to move beyond this Dick Cheney kind of vice president, but she is not proving herself to be any better. She is very good at speaking to a camera, and was no doubt a fine sportscaster, as many weathermen and newsreaders are, since they are trained to look at the lens with feeling. This does not mean she is actually winking at you personally. Her answers, when unscripted, are scattered and strange, her position on things like shooting wolves from airplanes and thinking we really don't need polar bears anymore as long as we can "drill baby drill" is deeply sad, and frankly, she is multitasking too much with her large family to be good at learning on the job, though she learns lines well. She seems great at whipping up hate and fear, but then do we want that for our country? As to John McCain, his judgement seems to change with each week. I know he is a great hero, I can never say enough good about his service in Viet Nam. However, his vitriolic temper has been well documented, and his many years in Congress have not led to astounding changes one would expect if we follow your logic as to why Obama has not "cleaned up Chicago." His association with convicted felon Charles Keating led to him being censured by Congress and cost taxpayers millions, his being shot down is not really incredibly impressive, and he crashed other planes due to his own errors of judgement. I am sure that you are not a racist or bigot, but simply a concerned voter, and I am glad that people care so much about this election to even comment here, I think it is great for democracy to have discussions and for political parties to take turns running the country. It would be nice to keep things civil, I suggest calling people "fools' is part of the problem, not the solution, but I respect your right to say whatever you believe. I regret calling Sarah Palin a Barbie. By the way, you spelled my first and last name wrong, no offence taken Jerry.

  • Terry Sanborn - 16 years ago

    Mark Twain once said “Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference" Try to reason or debate people like Vince, Liz Smith, Malissa Payton, Tim or Chris L with what ever facts and truths is essentially a waste of time and effort.
    You can present the most compelling evidence in writing or in video, they will only look at you with an empty stare, and there only response will be either you are a bigot, a racist or just down right ignorant. Ed Johnsons comments can all be backed up and verified, if we do not clearly understand the cause of this financial melt down and the people behind it, we will not only repeat it, we may not ever get out of it. Will someone please tell me why there are people that feel Obama is qualified to lead this nation out of this debacle, I would love to listen but the truth be told he has none. If you look at their records I’m sorry but even Sara Palin has better qualities and experience to be commander and chief than Obama. Sara Palin got into politics to fight political corruption and to stem wasteful government spending. Obama while in the Chicago political arena was surrounded with corruption (born and raised in Chicago I know political corruption) did he do anything about it, NO. His short time in Washington, did he do anything about reducing taxes, reduce excessive spending or earmarks, NO. Obama says that he tried to warn the public about the pending disaster with Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac and their sub prime loan, but guess what, there is no record of him doing so; the only thing on record is that he was the third heist recipient of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac contributions. You can not fix something with something that is already broken, the records show that Obama is not the solution to our problems; he is part of our problems. Will Vince, Liz Smith, Malissa Payton, Tim or Chris L please tell me were either Don Sorchych or Becky Fenger are wrong or even miss leading in their October 12th editorial? And please can you reframe from using terms like bigot, racist or ignorance, because no one wants too debate with a fool.

  • liz smith - 16 years ago

    You are The Boss... which team would you hire?

    With America facing historic debt, multiple war fronts, stumbling health care, a weakened dollar, all-time high prison population, skyrocketing Federal spending, mortgage crises, bank foreclosures, etc. etc., this is an unusually critical election year.

    Let's look at the educational background of your two options:

    Occidental College - Two years.
    Columbia University - B.A. political science with a specialization in international relations.
    Harvard - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude

    & Biden:
    University of Delaware - B.A. in history and B.A. in political science.
    Syracuse University College of Law - Juris Doctor (J.D.)


    United States Naval Academy - Class rank 894 of 899

    & Palin:
    Hawaii Pacific University - 1 semester
    North Idaho College - 2 semesters - general study
    University of Idaho - 2 semesters - journalism
    Matanuska-Susitna College - 1 semester
    University of Idaho - 3 semesters - B.A. in journalism

    Now, which team are you going to hire ?

    (And I would add- One team was warned of 9/11 attacks & ignored them, one team re-writes the Constitution, one team lied with an unprovoked war while lining the pockets of their oil companies at taxpayer trillion dollar cost, one team has alienated the world against the U.S., one team has driven the economy of the U.S. into the dumpster...It sounds like an easy choice-?)

  • julia - 16 years ago

    Why are people considered racist because they don't want to vote for socialism? I am so tired of that word being thrown around. Color of the skin has nothing to do with it. Besides, Obama is more white than he is black when you consider he was raised by his white mother. And why is there talk that Palin isn't experienced? What experience does Obama have to be president? He has never been president before. For that matter, what exerpience did George Washington have to be president before he went on to be one of the most respected men in American HIstory? He was a surveyor who lead this country to win the battle for our freedom. Sounds more like the virtues of McCain. And I suppose a "HOCKEY DAD" would be ok.

  • John Hoeppner - 16 years ago

    Because we live in a dangerous world with suicidal terrorists willing to fly themselves and our families into buildings, national security is the first charge for the Commander in Chief of the United States. The president should be a man of moral character that citizens respect and our enemies fear. A man that had the character to withstand five long years of torture in a Vietnamese prision gets my vote. John McCain is the only responsible choice.

  • John - 16 years ago

    Mcsame has turned his back on illegal immigration and as president he will turn his back on this economy and other issues that are vital to the recovery of our economy. His V.P is an insult to the American people and the only reason he chose Palin is because the other choices were smarter than Mcsame. Mcsame keeps dropping the ball on issues and the polls reflect it. Its time for a new direction for our country Obama 2008.

  • David - 16 years ago

    Just trying be fair when judging all of these complaints: If I remember correctly, in 2005 Republicans had a strong majority in BOTH houses so I am confused as to why you can bame Democratic opposition to the death of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac regulation. Republicans would have had to kill it for it not to have moved foward. I was actually backing McCain before his choice of Palin. I do not care if she is a woman, man, orange, or purple; she is not fit in any way to be our VP or President. For those who whine about the "treatment" supposedly given her as sexist or harsh; it is time you looked back on the "treatment" Hilary Clinton has taken over the years. I am not a fan of hers, but at least we have not had to deal with all of this whining and whimpering from those surrounding Palin. And lets not forget all of the de-regulation done during Regan's years that led to the Savings and Loan debacle. Politicians of both parties in the pocket of Wall Street folks!

  • Tommy T. - 16 years ago

    The Republican party is full of idiot racists and the Sonoran News is proof of this. The only reason I'm supporting Obama is that I hope his victory will be a slap to the slack-jawed faces of those who take this rag seriously.

  • Ed Johnson Elkton MI - 16 years ago

    Again to Melissa Paxton & other Democrats with a note to Sandy: The most important part of my comment was that Bush and the Republicans tried to get sane regulation of Mac and Mae in 2005 and were blocked by a majority of Democrats, including Sen. Dodd and Barney Frank.

    The history of all this was given by Fox News Journal Report on Saturday evening 10/4 and that history is indisputable. If you watch ABC. CBS. CNN and NBC, all of which lean very much to the left, you are not going to get anything but the Democrat view of anything. Sandy suggests that 70% of Americans are liberal, which I think is probably wrong, but journalists (really bobble-head news talkers) are about 85% liberal. Fox news leans just a little right, but they describe themselves as "fair and balanced" and I believe that to be true. You can at least get both sides.

    How did the liberal media miss Joe Biden's statement that FDR in 1929 got on TV and explained the stock crash to the people, when he didn't become president until 1933, and TV was two decades away. I know why, they were too busy tearing up Sarah Palin, even after her debate with Biden, which was done quite well.

    Time Magazine ran a 15 page article entitled "Journalism Under Fire", the lead paragraph being what the public believed: "They are rude and accusatory, cynical and almost unpatriotic. They twist facts to support their not-so-hidden liberal agenda ----- they are arrogant and self-righteous ---- and claim that their behavior is sanctioned ---- by the constitution. ABC, CBS, and NBC were all taken to task.

    The date of the article, Dec. 12, 1983 was just two months after the invasion of Grenada, when the majority of citizens supported Reagan's exclusion of the media from the action. (And yes, history is important!!) In the years since then they have gotten worse. Duke University students vilified by the media; Dan Rather's bogus National Guard letter bashing Bush, and not letting go of it for a month; The Washington Post publishing Janet Cooke's story on an 8 year old heroin addict, for which she got a Pulitzer, then lost it when it was found to be false; until the present day treatment of Sarah Palin and the failure to cite Democrat opposition to regulating Mae and Mac in 2005. How much worse can they get???

    Note that I didn't use any defaming and insulting language when describing Biden, Dodd and Frank. A small apology from me to the TV Talkers.

  • Chris L. Scottsdale - 16 years ago

    The Snorin' News is not the place to go for news. It's sad and embarrassing that our beautiful community is represented by such an ugly rag. The way in which the Snorin news has written about Senator Obama is shameful. The publisher and all who write this trash are clearly racists. Their commentary on Senator Obama, and so many issues, clearly provide evidence of this fact. For example, how else can the horrific and inaccurate ramblings of Becky Fenger be explained. She appears as an Op/Ed writer, but her inability to a) get the facts straight b) think outside her right-wing smeared mind and c) actually write well make her work seem more like that of a high school student cheating their way through a political essay. She's a joke. She garbles up major issues of the day, and spits them back as poorly crafted rants that make no sense to even just a relatively informed reader. Her agenda is clear, but her form of op/ed writing is a horrible mess.

    I also can't help but notice the unhinged, vitriolic quality of all comments about Senator Obama in the Snorin News. This signals to me both ignorance and, without doubt, the sad undercurrent of racism that exists in this community.

  • Martin J. - 16 years ago

    Hey Vince, Jesus would never run on the GOP ticket. If anything, Jesus would either be a Democrat, or possibly a Libertarian.

    To anybody complaining about "liberal media bias," just shut up already and stop making excuses for why your candidates suck.

    Obama/Biden 2012 (because '08 is in the bag)

  • Joe - 16 years ago

    For Ed.

    Attached is a post relating specifically to CRA loans and the default rates associated with such loans. Sub prime defaults are more related to investor-owned properties and those purchased by speculators attempting to ride the wave of escalating home values. The fact that every half-awake loan officer, builder, plumber and politician in the country has known that an end would come eventually doesn't negate the fact that careless, irresponsible and even criminal activity on the part of those in control of our economy has brought us to this point.

  • melissa - 16 years ago

    To Ed. While your thoughtful comment was a history lesson in why the meltdown happened, and it does merit further study into why something this serious was left to become a dire emergency under the Bush administration, this poll has to do with who will be best prepared to handle the country now, in this election cycle: John McCain and Sarah Palin, or Barack Obama and Joe Biden. McCain is not in a position to believe that his choice of an inexperienced and inarticulate running mate will not matter, and the possibility of having her as our chief executive is real and could potentially make the follies of Clinton or Carter look like works of genius. Voting for another poorly prepared and hotheaded candidate can't be the answer to the mistakes of the past. or to improving our standing across the world.

  • Sandy - 16 years ago

    I believe all Americans all have the right to their own opinion and to speak it when and where they want. All the males who are intimidated by a strong women, like Sarah Palin should move to Russia! I just don't get it Obama can do no wrong, he can be fawned over by the liberal women of the View and its cute! But all Palin gets are the Barbie doll and beauty queen comments from the women haters of America. It works both ways fellow Americans. 70% of Americans are liberals, media the worst of them. Why can't you liberals just enjoy your dreamland at home, you always get the upperhand on everything anyway, I could care less on who you like or vote for, why can't you give the other side the same respect!

  • Larry - 16 years ago

    Ed from Elkton happens to be 100% correct. In fact John McCain presented congress in 2005 that if unattended Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae would collapse. Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer and alike are on on Record saying that would not happen. It is amazing that all the fiancial committees are overseen currently by the same (Democrats) people that made the rules and laws that caused the failures. Now they are the ones preparing the bailout plan. There is something wrong with that

  • ed johnson Elkton MI - 16 years ago

    To Vince and Melissa: The truth about what caused our economic "meltdown" lies in the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) from the Carter administration in 1977 and amended by Clinton in 1995. CRA was lobbied by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) and other so-called "community organizations". CRA was created to ensure that people without funds to get normally credit checked mortgages, got special treatment. Lending institutions were under threat of punishment if they didn't comply, and people working for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were given bonuses for giving out sub-prime mortgages. Thus was born the No Income, No Job, No Documentation mortgages. Clinton ex-staffers Franklin Raines and Jamie Gorelick got tens of millions of dollars in options and bonuses from Fannie Mae. Rep. Barney Frank and other democrats successfully blocked Bush from curbing and controlling Mae and Mac in 2005. CRA had control of lending institutions that were lobbied by the same kind of "community organizers" that Obama bragged about doing. He worked with ACORN doing just that, getting sub-prime mortgages for people that couldn't really afford them. The liberal media has neglected their primary job of not only giving voters the truth, but the history of how the "truth" came about. If you are a hard-nosed Democrat you, of course, will not believe this, but the foregoing is exactly what happened. Do a search for CRA and you will get much more information than what I've furnished.

  • Tim - 16 years ago

    The country is financially bankrupt and we are still at a war that should not have been fought in the first place. Electing Senator McSame and the beauty queen will not solve any of our issues. Its time to admit that this country needs someone who can take us in a different direction. Please educate yourselves on the issues at hand and vote with your consience.

  • Vince - 16 years ago

    Hello, Did anyone see the market drop today? 777 points!!! When someone says it is the liberals that are wrong with this country you should look at the 500 billion debt the current Republican administration has already put us in. Not to mention the 700 billion to 1 trillion that will be forthcoming.

    Where were the regulators that are appointed by the administration? Why didn't they do something about it? The laws were on the books and they had all the power to prevent this. I know because I was the CEO of a financial institution. So when we liberals speak it is usually with facts. Not biased innuendos that are simply talking points for right wing crazys and Fox TV

  • melissa paxton - 16 years ago

    The idea of having a Barbie for vice president is bad enough, but after watching John McCain vacillate last week as he tried to decide just how to get Sarah Palin out of the upcoming vice presidential debate by attempting to use the stock market crises as an excuse to postpone his own debate was just sickening. He was probably praying for another hurricane to get him off the hook like he got when Bush and Cheney stayed away from the convention to sit in Austin watching the Weather Channel. Then, he "suspended" his campaign, whatever that means, since he went ahead and continued his television appearances and adds while keeping everyone guessing in Mississippi. What a scary person to put in charge! His choice of Palin is what is known as thinking with his little head. I used to really admire John McCain, but he has sold out. As for the biased poll and other coverage from the Sonoran News, I agree, but at least we get to use our free speech to disagree. Sadly, a large number of people in Cave Creek have sworn off reading the Sonoran News, so the polls will always be skewed.

  • Joe - 16 years ago

    Republicans could live 10.000 years and working 24x7, could not begin to touch the feet of insane liberals like Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter and Slick Willie Clinton, who DESTROYED THE UNITED STATES!

    Liberals like "Vince" are what is wrong with this country.

    Liberalism isd a disease.

  • Liz Smith - 16 years ago

    1) I am surprised that the Sonoran News hasn't gotten lawsuits for the obvious racism with your "Marxist" Obama poll

    2) Only the ignorant will vote McCain/Palin...Our financial system is on the brink of collapse, Trillions of dollars for an unprovoked, unnecessary war (McCain DIDN'T EVEN LEARN FROM NAM!!!), the corruption both w/McCain/Palin--the warmonger & the religious nitwit. The rest of the world wonders what is wrong with us that we would even consider this McBush team!

  • Vince - 16 years ago

    I think you Republicans, including Don Sorchych, have cause enough havoc in the past eight years. At this point I wouldn't vote Republican even if Jesus himself were the party's nominee. Sorry Lord, but the GOP did it to you and to the rest of the country too!

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