Who's the mama?


  • Toasting Flutes - 14 years ago

    It's amazing what a magazine will sink down to about a wedding just to get some publicity. I'm glad this rumor finally died down. Of course now we have the Tiger Woods thing still popping up everywhere. It will never end. Their will always be something for people to gossip about.

  • calvin roster - 15 years ago

    what is wrong with you??? get a job that actually has half importance and then maybe you won't have time left over to write up ridiculous crap about people you don't know or care about...

  • Pame^ - 15 years ago

    Oh for cry eyeing out loud, who CARES at this point!...Palin lost, Bristol is knocked up for sure now and poor Trig will always be a special needs child...That's the part that really sucks...
    Having raised a child to majority who had some difficult obstacles to overcome, I pity poor Trig who will eventually be institutionalized..No child should be warehoused like an animal...That's why I believe if one KNOWS their child is that damaged its a kinder then to terminate, then to deliever...Just my opinion, like it or not...

  • Robert MacNeal - 15 years ago

    For lots more facts on this issue of who-is-Trig's-real-mom, see this excellent web site: www.palindeception.com.

  • ella c - 16 years ago

    OMG America! Wake up, please ... it's so unbelievable to us over the other side of the pond that you Yanks would consider giving this dreadful woman such immense power. She is obviously lying her socks off, and worse she is forcing her kids to lie with her - YUK. This was actually a plot on Desperate Housewives a few weeks ago - so Iguess Palin is actually Bree of Desperate Whitehouse-wives. Joe Six pack and his hockey mom are living in the world of TV soaps and movies ... a few years back they voted for Ronald Reagan. No wonder your country is going down the pan.

  • ROSEANN - 16 years ago

    This family is sad. The kind your Mother would say"No---you can't play over there. Stay away from that family..." When you ask "Why?" The answer would always by "Because I said so thats why".

    If McCain is elected I expect to see a trailer parked on the White House Lawn

  • Concerned Citizen - 16 years ago

    Why hasn't anyone really investigated this to prove or disprove if Sarah is Trig's mother? Too many things just don't add up and I'm very concerned that Sarah Palin may be a liar. This woman could possibly become the president of United States and someone needs to get to the bottom of this "babygate" story before the election.

  • WhatIsGoingOn - 16 years ago

    What I can't figure out is why this story has almost completely disappeared from the blogosphere, and why this story has completely disappeared from the regular media! I don't believe that Sarah was recently pregnant ... and I can't believe that she might get away without supplying any verifiable evidence about Trig's birth!

  • jv in alaska - 16 years ago

    My thoughts were the same when i saw Bristol that she LOOKS like the mother. A few other points about Sarah. She would not sign a bill in early spring of this year that would have given 900 special needs people that qualify in our state for extra funding to assist with medical bills, etc... "she wasn't insterested" and her son Track was given the choice of jail time or the military after he and some other teens slashed the tires of 15 or more school buses after they got drunk on a stolen bottle of vodka.

  • Emma - 16 years ago

    I have seen women who look fabulous hours after delivery. I have seen women lose the "baby fat" within weeks of delivery.

    But I have never seen nor heard of an eight month pregnant women in labor flying eight hours with no problems. If she was in labor while flying home to Anchorage, why did she do it? Irresponsible? That's my guess.

    Supposedly, she knew the baby had Down's syndrome.

    SHE DID NOT CARE ABOUT THE HEALTH OF HER UNBORN CHILD. It's possible that she wished ill of the baby.

    Actually, because the child has Down's syndrome, I'm more inclined to believe him to be Sarah's child rather than Bristol's.

  • Just don't know - 16 years ago

    Why couldn't Levi kiss his nephew-to-be on the head? If he is very close to the family, Trig could be like a little brother to him. If the story is true, he is about to become a father and could be developing paternal, loving instincts. I wouldn't look too far into that. All these conspiracy theories make me ill. No one has come out to prove these scenarios or disprove either. I say leave it alone.

  • mighty isis - 16 years ago

    Take it from a woman whose had seven children and the daughter of one whose had seventeen (17, yes 17), something doesn't add up to Sarah Palin being the mother of Trig.

  • Alexandra - 16 years ago

    I love reading Vanity Fair. It has been my firm favorite, going back to Tina Brown, but to read this article I was deeply disappointed. You have stooped way too low to publish a trashy baseless article like this. Reading it, I felt like I had mistakenly stepped into the world of the vitriolic Daily Kos.

    Shame on you. This is not worthy of Vanity Fair. It has steadily become so partisan, completely blinded by one side of the equation, and hence debased to the lowest common denominator of the trashiest gossip tabloids.

  • ladydi - 16 years ago

    yep I noticed this too,,,it just doesn't add up that Gov is the mother..and as you said check out the pictures ..expecially the one I saw this week, with the daughter holding the baby like it is her son and the boyfriend giving the child a affectionate kiss..
    """And if you really want to be technical about it watch how Sarah or her husband holds little Trig vs. Bristol. Every thing about how Bristol interacts with Trig while holding him is much more affectionate than that of her mother and father.

  • Dee Dee - 16 years ago

    It really doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that baby Trig does not belong to Sarah. She states that she breast feed her baby, but when you look at her breast you know right away that she has no milk going on in those jugs. Now if you were go back and review the photos on the night of McSames convention speech and take a close look at Bristol's breast they appear to be full with milk. Her body stills carries the baby fat from what a new mother would look like. And if you really want to be technical about it watch how Sarah or her husband holds little Trig vs. Bristol. Every thing about how Bristol interacts with Trig while holding him is much more affectionate than that of her mother and father.

  • Joe - 16 years ago

    I don't know who the mother is but I think the father could be the brother?

  • George - Progressive From Oregon - 16 years ago

    I take issue with the reason you give for the September 1, "McCain Campaign discloses Bristol's Pregnancy"

    How ever tongue-in cheek this time line might be, further talking points from the Failure Party is never good journalism or in the best interest of our country.

    On several occasions, before the campaign realized what they were ACTUALLY saying, they gave, as a reason for throwing Bristol to the national press, that it was to counter 'outrageous rumors from the leftist blogosphere'. The leftist blogosphere, of course, being the new Failure Party blame catch-all and newest boogeyman.

    The 'rumors' were ACTUALLY week's/month's old articles in several of the Alaska newspapers. These articles started after Alaska was surprised by the pregnancy revelation from the Gov and follow-up articles never contradicted the questions raised in the articles.

    The fact that Palin is willing to throw her daughter under the wheels of the Straight Talk Express in order to quell stories that might negatively impact her chance of election is insightful in Gov Palin's personality and value system.

    The fact that she would choose to shield her daughter is admirable, but why didn't she just tell the truth at the time? Then, when the articles appeared in the papers, why didn't she just end them by faxing a copy of the birth certificate? Is she so PO'd at the press for questioning her that she isn't willing to stoop to 'having to disprove the story(s)', This too, says volumes about her.

    Further, Wasilla is a small community, surely the doctor who delivered the baby would have heard the stories. WHy did they or the nurses not step forward and , 'Enough of this ridiculousness. I delivered the Gov's baby.'

    Lastly, what are Alaska's statutory rape laws? Is this all motivated by a desire to cover up statutory rape of Bristol?

    Simply telling the public that the Gov has decided the raise the child is normal behavior, the doctor stepping forward to end the speculation is normal, faxing the birth certificate is normal behavior. The rest of this story is ridiculous behavior.

  • Greg - 16 years ago

    If Sarah Palin is the mother, why are there no pictures of her pregnant? Why did her staff not know she was pregnant?

  • Mike Timmons - 16 years ago

    I remember when any whiff of a mistake by the Clintons was spun by the right wing into a serial murder conspiracy.

    As an independent, I felt with Hillary out of the race, that either candidate would be acceptable. The introduction of Sarah Palin, and her book of revelations as a politician, has changed my mind.

    I mean, is the Republican Party effing nuts? This is the person they feel is the best qualified to be their parties vice presidential candidate?

    Yes or no, the answer to that question scares the heck out of me. GW Bush is Albert Einstein and Winston Churchill rolled into one compared to Sarah Palin.

  • bluesman - 16 years ago

    OK, folks.....maybe it's not Bristoll's, but it SURE as hell isn't Sarah's.... anybody out there had 5 kids? As a rule, the more kids ya have, the quicker the babies come after labor begins (water breaks). Eleven hours' flight from Texass to Alasska? NOT A CHANCE IT'S HERS!!!

    And although I can't say I personally have been there, I HAVE known MANY women that have conceived within a month after the birth of a previous baby, thereby masking it quite likely that it IS Bristoll's.

    Either way, the point is really pretty moot....Sarah Palin is a LIAR. Big surprise there...she's a politician...count ONE against the truth-meter....AND she's a REPUBLICAN POLITICIAN....counts 2, 3, 4, and 5 against the truth-meter.

    Are we gonna let them do it again?!?!?!?!

  • Sue Deaunym - 16 years ago

    Likewise a maternity test: "excuse me Governor, but may I tug on your scalp to be sure this is your real hair?"

  • Sue Deaunym - 16 years ago

    If this intriguingly preposterous conspiracy theory is true, there's no way the medical records or birth certificates of a conspiring state governor or her alleged daughter/granddaughter can be believed.

  • CD - 16 years ago

    Bristol (a 17-yr-old in allegedly her first pregnancy), is already "showing" larger than her mother Sarah (a middle-aged mother of 4), did at 7 1/2 months of pregnancy! This makes no sense. No, this story is concocted. And the normal way to quell rumors about Trig's parentage is to produce a birth certificate or hospital records, not to out your teen-age daughter's illegitimate pregnancy to the world!

    Either Bristol is pregnant with her second child, or she will announce a "miscarriage" in a month or two. By the way, the shape of her body (enhanced by form-fitting clothing now, rather than the loose styles of a few weeks ago) appears to this mother of 3 as post-partum weight rather than pregnancy. However, it could certainly be a combination of both.

  • Ladydi - 16 years ago

    This is some crazy stuff,,Bristol does look preggers now, but something ain't right, maybe it is the 14year old daughter 's child..
    get his..

    the Dr. that supposedly delivered Trig no longer works for the hospital, she is not a OBGYN a ...general paractioner...now why would a gp deliver a special needs child, and there is no record of the child's birth to be found??

    If you belive in McCain, whatever, but this woman was just put on the ticket becase Obama did not pick Hillary, nothing to do with our lives, which is what the elections should be about, pure de selfishness,,and as someone said all of them will have the best medical care, while others will suffer with no insurance..

  • henry - 16 years ago

    V.F. has hit the nail on the head, with this time line. I was willing to give sarah palin the benifit of the dought? but now this is very scary. know wonder she won't talk to A real reporter. only to (charles Gibson) of hard hitting questions on flag pins, capital gains tax, and is she more patriotic then her pastor? The real questions are? who is this woman A heart beat away from the presidency? Will the press get off their asses and do there job for the american people, our lives depend on it.

  • Marcos - 16 years ago

    I wanna see paternity & maternity tests for every damn one of 'em. If Sarah's Trig's mother I'll vote for her. Trig for Secretary of Tongues!

  • Pat Williams - 16 years ago

    Just think about it. Sarah Palin says that she went to Dallas at 8 1/2 months pregnant with full knowledge that she was expecting a Down Syndrome infant which is medically high risk. She says that her water broke in Dallas shortly before giving the keynote speech. After the speech there was a reception. Then she say says she talked to her doctor in Alaska, bypassed hospitals in Dallas, took an 8 hour flight with a stopover in Seattle, bypassed more hospitals in Anchorage and finally gave birth in a clinic not prepared for high risk deliveries. Nobody has been found to verify during the entire time that she appeared to be pregnant or was in labor with her fifth pregnancy. This is impossible from every aspect. Trig must be Bristol's. There must be other lies in connection with Bristol's present condition as well.

  • Sister Christian - 16 years ago

    Thank you Jason M. for hitting the nail on the head!

    Thank you Julie G. for pointing out that not all Christians are single issue voters that have swallowed the lies and propaganda this administration has fed us for the last 8 years!!
    What a mess!!!

    As for those of you vowing to never read VF again, you can plug your ears and shut your eyes and say la la la all you want, the truth will not change.

  • Libi - 16 years ago

    Any woman can tell that Palin did not give birth to a baby. She never gained a pound. There is a picture of her, her husband, and the baby in the hospital and she's in full makeup and perfect hair. And their time line that Bristol just happened to get pregnant on the very day that her mother was giving birth is disgusting.

    I don't know who's baby it is, but it's not Palin's. But the baby will be on Palin's government insurance and all of his medical needs will be paid for by the taxpayers. Perhaps that's why she has decided to claim the child as her own.

    Bristol "plans" to marry Levi, but I guess she'll have her wedding after the taxpayers pay for her baby as well. Politicians will not support the medical needs of the voters, but they have given themselves the best health care that our money can buy them.

  • AuntBinnie - 16 years ago

    One more thing to consider is the older son, Track (other than the possibility of his being Trig's daddy) = Track "enlisted" in the Army for a tour in Iraq? It has been stated he didn't roll out of bed one morning and decide to join the Army -- he "enlisted" under court order due to drunken behavior and vandalism.

  • au - 16 years ago

    Here's what I think: it's not Bristol's. But it's also not Sarah's. So who are Trig's parents? I'm suspecting maybe a girlfriend of older brother Track? The strangest thing are the caps on the MySpace photos from a girl called Mercedes, naming Sarah as mother-in-law.

  • JIM - 16 years ago


  • Eyes Open - 16 years ago

    Sarah Palin (and family) is a reality show on steroids. A reality show has an unlikely, sensational situation, with "real' folks vying for some "prize" when actually the shows are COMPLETELY SCRIPTED. Sarah Palin is an attractive woman. This is the only true thing we can see with our eyes open-- every thing else they tell us about her is as phony as "W" clearing brush on his ranch--

    The fact that McCain"s people are not allowing her to be interviewed by the press is clear evidence that she could not handle herself with the national media-- they need to train their actress a little more before her debut without a written speech in front of her. Maybe she'll have ear phones( telling her what to say) like "W" did during the debates.

    So considering this - the true origins of Trig are surely in question. The giveaway for me was -- when the Palins were confronted with the rumors that Bristol was actually the mother of Trig-- their response was-- "No-- but. actually, she's 5 months pregnant now !! This is a non-sequitor-- unless it has a purpose. ( Why didn't they just continue to conceal her "pregnancy.") And one purpose could be that if she is 5 months pregnant now- she couldn't possibly have been pregnant then.

    The important point for me is for folks to wake up to the nature of the scams that the Rovian party uses to get elected. It is truly unfortunate for the young people in the Palin family that their lives will be forever under a microscope due to both of their parents' ambitious egos.

  • Big Cheese - 16 years ago

    This article is sick. I think the main stream media has finally jumped off the cliff. Of course, I will add Vanity Fair to the list of publications I will never read again, online or in print.

  • FleetGhost - 16 years ago

    All the Mommy stuff is such a diversion., although it's a good question who really birthed Trig. But let's really start getting down to the nitty gritty & find out more about the education of Ms. Sarah, the six colleges she attended starting with the first two in heavily mililtary Hawai'i who have no real record of her course of study or for that matter her really being there.
    No way in '08 to Hair Trigger Sarah & the McBush war machine.

  • Gina Jarvi - 16 years ago

    I am not about to condone, nor support, Sarah Palin for VP. I do not trust her. However, no one has taken a moment to consider the special needs issue of Trig and how Downs Syndrome is often a concern for pregnant women over the age of 30. "At age 30, for example, a woman has about a 1 in 900 chance of conceiving a child with DS. Those odds increase to about 1 in 350 by age 35. By 40 the risk rises to about 1 in 100." (http://kidshealth.org/) I believe SP is 44 yrs old.
    Quite frankly, I don't care whose child he belongs to. I care about the rights of women to be able to CHOOSE what is most appropriate and healthiest for them.

  • Julie Gustafson - 16 years ago

    I do think Bristol is the mother. My daughter just gave birth. She took care of herself and has 2 other small children. She is exhausted inspite of a devoted helping husband and loving extended family. For her to go to "work" in three days does not make sense. I've had three of my own and I felt like Sh--. and looked like it too. For Sarah to look gorgeous trim and slim and great 5 months after is not real. ALSO
    At one time I belonged to a pentecostal church, did the whole bible studying bid. I am still a Christian. I love Jesus Christ, but I have gone beyond with HIM. With Him, the results do not justify the means. Read his words.
    I know how "these people" think and rationalize. If lying about a pregnancy or anything else, if being vengeful against someone, if being hateful and deceitful is needed "for the Glory of God" then that is what they will do. Miopia abounds. Saving an alleged unborn child of one inch is paramount and goes before stoping a war that has killed at least one million souls. Going to church and reading the bible is more important than running a soup kitchen or giving service to the world as a health care worker. AMEN! What a horrid mess the Republicans have made of this country.

  • Thea Machina - 16 years ago

    Ok, so I want to point out a lapse in logic here. Considering I've had mono, I get how tired and otherwise ill it can make you, as well as how contagious it can be. Seriously, though? Think about it. They pulled Bristol out of one school because she was so contagious and then sent her to another school... Was she any less contagious at the second school?

    I'm not saying that I know for certain if Trig is Sarah's or Bristol's; what I am saying is that if Bristol really had mono she should have stayed home in quarantine, and if Bristol was really pregnant she should have stayed home in quarantine pretending to have mono. If you're going to try and dupe the nation, put a little more thought into it.

  • Solid Citizen - 16 years ago

    I'm more interested in seeing Obama's birth certificate than Trig's

  • Mr Bill - 16 years ago

    As the official story has us believe, Levi knocked up Bristol while she was still very contagious with mono. SUUURRREE!

    Sarah and Todd were married on 8/29/88

    Track was born on 4/20/89

    That's 7 -3/4 months.

    Sarah taught Bristol well.....

  • D. McArthur - 16 years ago

    Here's a question for the braniacs at VF. Why would they pull Bristol out of school for the first five months of the pregnancy - when she would hardly be showing - rather than the last five months - when her pregnancy would he very obvious? You're so despearate to promote the Obama campaign that you're delusional.

  • popo - 16 years ago

    Wouldn't the new school Bristol attended with mono have some kids in it who could say if she seemed pregnant or not?

  • DonnyDarko - 16 years ago

    What's the frequency Kenneth?

  • Carthaginian - 16 years ago

    Even if everything turns out legit about Trig Palin, those kids are not properly supervised. Mom is running round being governor of Alaska and dad is out winning the toughest snowmobile race in the world, that really doesn't leave much time for those kids.

    We're just old atheistic dirty effin' hippies and yet our daughter was married and over twenty years old before she had our first grandchild. The proof is in the puddin' and this puddin' is knocked up, possibly for the second time.

    Also I'm really shocked at how many people never asked any questions about Sarah Palin outing her daughter's unwed pregnancy on national TV as a means of ending speculation about her own pregnancy.. Why did this supposedly loving mother so grossly violate her own daughter's privacy so that she could keep her own medical records private?

    I've come to the conclusion that the great majority of us have become so inured to illogical tripe coming from the television that our logical faculties are severely damaged, we basically can't tell excrement from shinola any more.

  • Mike Stamper - 16 years ago

    Re: "Why has Vanity Fair gone cess pool swimming in its effort to hurt the Clintons (in past articles) and hurt the Governor of Alaska...". So in other words, Vanity Fair is nonpartisan and fair. Hmm... Pathological liars are found in both major parties. Thankfully we still have a semi-free press that can investigate without fear of imminent arrest.

  • 1bassman9 - 16 years ago

    Jason Matthews says,

    Isn't it obvious? How many clues point to Bristol being the mom? Let's see. 5 months of mono excused from school. Transferrs even though a popular girl in high school. Sarah co-workers surprised when she told them at 7 months. Photos and video of a thin Sarah at 7 mos, hiking in heels and drinking Starbucks in Alaska. After her water broke, the speech then long plane flight without the crew's awareness then hour drive to hospital. The mysterious removal of pictures and websites once rumor began. The hospital's lack of confirmation or birth records. Come on people, are we that gullable? Do you also believe OJ Simpson was innocent? Do you also believe the government has nothing to hide concerning 9-11? Please, WAKE UP America! WAKE UP! Change is a commin'. And those who don't want the change can just keep on trying to fight it. Good ridance to them.

    I could not have assessed it better myself. Thumbs up!!!

  • thetruest - 16 years ago

    emrj is that a real fuckin Failed attempt at a troll by a fuckin idiot?

    btw man sarah taught bristol well...

  • Bubba - 16 years ago

    Bristol for Prez!

  • charlotte - 16 years ago

    Thank you, VF, for this public service! Ms. Palin scares the living daylights out of me. Creepy in the extreme.

  • emrj - 16 years ago

    Whatever. The question is which of the Palin women murdered Vince Foster?

  • Susan - 16 years ago

    hahahahaha! Funny. And, as usual, the right leaning cannot see tongue placed in cheek while head positioned up ass.

  • Larry - 16 years ago

    I do believe that Sarah is the mother of Bristol though. At least mostly sure.

  • FrenchieCatDU - 16 years ago

    So VF is now the print version of Daily Kos? Not really a step in the world, they have no credibility outside the far left tin foil wearing wackos. You have now sunk to the same level. Never will buy a copy of your magazine again, we will share one copy to contact every advertiser in this issue.

  • Jason Matthews - 16 years ago

    Isn't it obvious? How many clues point to Bristol being the mom? Let's see. 5 months of mono excused from school. Transferrs even though a popular girl in high school. Sarah co-workers surprised when she told them at 7 months. Photos and video of a thin Sarah at 7 mos, hiking in heels and drinking Starbucks in Alaska. After her water broke, the speech then long plane flight without the crew's awareness then hour drive to hospital. The mysterious removal of pictures and websites once rumor began. The hospital's lack of confirmation or birth records.
    Come on people, are we that gullable?
    Do you also believe OJ Simpson was innocent?
    Do you also believe the government has nothing to hide concerning 9-11?

    Please, WAKE UP America! WAKE UP!

    Change is a commin'. And those who don't want the change can just keep on trying to fight it. Good ridance to them.

  • papau - 16 years ago

    Why has Vanity Fair gone cess pool swimming in its effort to hurt the Clintons (in past articles) and hurt the Governor of Alaska - is it just affirmative action to elect a half white President who can't produce a birth certificate and who has made famous the concept of statements about programs/changes you intend if elected being really "just campaign talk" to get elected - this being explained by Obama's econ guru spokesperson to Larry Kudlow on CNBC as reason there is no cost to Obama promises - "we don't expect to pass them". Now based on no facts, you use your media to suggest a scandal - does it feel good to be a Swiftboater?

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