Lets go Bruins! (I smell something fishy, I have been watching this poll for about 5 hours now. And everytime the Bruins get a vote then the Oilers get a vote at the same time. The Bruins get 2 votes, the Oilers get 2 votes.)
Jesse - 17 years ago
Lets Go oilers... 2008-09 season will be a blast in OIL country
I love both logos, easily the best in the NHL.
Bruins are the best team on the face of the earth
Come on bruins fans, it's time to vote, it's almost over .............. ;)
You watched it for five hours?
Drip, drip, drip............
It was a joke for people with a sense of humor... *even more obvious eyeroll*
Yeah, that's really fishy ... people are voting for the Oilers just as much as the Bruins. *eyeroll*
Lets go Bruins! (I smell something fishy, I have been watching this poll for about 5 hours now. And everytime the Bruins get a vote then the Oilers get a vote at the same time. The Bruins get 2 votes, the Oilers get 2 votes.)
Lets Go oilers... 2008-09 season will be a blast in OIL country
Nice observation Brian.
Go Oilers Go!
how fitting is it that the final four consist of two center ices that take up the whole circle, and two that don't? i think its very interesting!