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What issue concerns you the most? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 578

  • Raymond Bayitse - 16 years ago

    We humans are the cause of man slautering which is common in Africa.
    It is important for all to take responsibilities over actions. If things should
    countinue the way it is now, it is certain that our world might be in a mess

  • Linda - 16 years ago

    An issue that was not considered in this poll is that water has been turned into a commodity by various corporations. This is one of the most serious problems in the world.

    In order for people to buy bottled water, it is being harvested from waters around the world and sold to the "haves" and denied to the people who need it the most. There are children and entire communities of peoples dying of thirst, drought, and the lack of hygiene because of the greed of the manufacturers of the production of bottled water, and the thoughtlessness of people who see it as convenience. This is an abomination against humanity, and

    There are facts out there to support what I am writing. I saw a Canadian documentary from 2006 on the subject. The sights and the raw truth was a disparaging commentary on the western culture we have created, through ignorance and lack of knowledge. I caught it on a Canadian station since I live near the border of Canada. I believe the name of it was "The World of Water". I was so disheartened, i neglected to write it down.

    Please try and seek this documentary out. It is an eye opener and an issue to discuss and disseminate as muchl as possible. I am writing my representatives in the Senate and the Congress, and encouraging everyone, with whom I come in contact, to do the same.

    Thanks for taking this in consideration.

  • riverrat - 16 years ago

    all of the above and then some. A cartoon character named Pogo once said: We have met the enemy and they are us. Only a major change in lifestyle and mindset will save mankind. The last time I saw anything approaching this condition was in the 1930's...but it never lasted! As I consider may last days on this side of the valley, I fear for the progeney that my generation spawned.

  • Don - 16 years ago

    Of all the important issues that are being addressed through this website, Global Warming is by far the most mis-guided. We are learning more every day about this theory and it is my opinion that we are wasting time and money that could be better spent on proven problems facing our planet. AGW is not anywhere near what the proponents are arguing. The faster we can all recognize this, the more resources we can devote to REAL PROBLEMS! Do your own research. There is so much still to learn about our climate. We haven't even scratched the surface. Keep up the good work on the other environmental issues!

  • George Harvey - 16 years ago

    I think that most of us see how interrelated the subjects are. We have shortages of food in many parts of the world, and all of us have diets very poorly suited to humans (and cows, pigs, horses, and chickens as well). This is because we have to eat grains and grain products for most of dietary needs. Our government emphasizes a blind, short-term approach to current energy problemsl, and is willing to burn food materials in a very inefficient energy system in order to provide an imaginary benefit. Most of our people seem to ignore the obvious effects we see, and feel now, and are not paying attention to hard-working scientists who told us a quarter century ago about global warming. They warned us about the increasing violence of storms, melting of the tundra in arctic regions, accelerated warming of polar areas, shortages of fresh water, and advancing deserts.

    We have known for several years that changing our energy sources and sharply decreasing emissions would be necessary. Now, Al Gore has just asked us to quickly change our energy sources from petroleum and coal to other earth-friendly sources. The fastest, cheapest way is to build utility-scale wind farms, solar power plants, and geothermal power plants on a greatly accelerated time frame, and start making these now. All of these power plants are practical right now, and do not need any more research to start with. They do need the best brains and engineering skills we can find. They need a large number of new factories to produce parts and supplies, and many thousands of new workers, so we need to put money from wealth corporations and individuals that is sequestered in various places, to work as soon as possible. Obviously, government funding will also be necessary. This will require political leadership of the quality that has been missing, so that our people have a very hard job to do in persuading politicians to move in a sensible direction.

    Al Gore should have our attention, and we should not be misled by his detractors who are mostly still enthusiastic promoters or providers of petroleum.

  • Patricia Randolph - 16 years ago

    The massive destruction of non-human species concerns me the most - loss of biodiversity. We are killing 1 million farm animals per HOUR in this country for food and importing millions of tons of dead carcasses out of razed rain forest countries for more gluttony, loss of spiritual connection, heart disease and desertification of our land. We are monoculturing the earth and destroying natural predators that are the guardians of diversity. On top of human overpopulation, we still have hunting and trapping enthusiasts who kill FOR RECREATION AND TROPHY controlling our federal and state wildlife management agencies. We have monkeys amongst the most endangered mammals on earth for scientific lab torture and the random benefit it MIGHT offer humans. (This latter stays in place not because it is good science but because the outdated NIH supports it - your tax dollars). We are the most graceless, merciless species on earth, yet tout our being the only species made in God's image. I DOUBT IT! Animal agriculture (slaughterhouse production of animals for food) is - according to the United Nations 2006 agricultural report, a larger contributor to global warming THAN ALL TRANSPORTATION! You could drive an SUV HUMMER and be vegetarian and be more of an environmentalist than the meat-eating Prius driver. Slaughterhouses, trapping, hunting, labs, puppy mills, EXPLOITATION, EXPLOITATION and misery are what we cause the rest of earth's occupants. It is unsustainable as we destroy the ecosystem and are facing the loss of 50% of earth's species because of human choices, human overpopulation, and human mindless cruelty. Please help end the slaughterhouses, end the killing and trapping and suffering of our wildlife for men who tie their manhood (and the 7% of the population that are women who kill) to killing animals - end the labs and puppy mills, end the foie gras and veal....end the suffering we humans willingly cause the OTHER!

  • STEPHAN ALTSCHUL - 16 years ago


  • Elder Activist - 16 years ago

    Our slave making, planet destroying push for trade favorable to a few rich is turning Earth into a dump and will kill us all. We are TOTALLY dependent upon the biosphere - DUH.
    Make decisions that secure the future of ALL the children, whales, worms, humans, and we just might pull out of this tail-spin.
    Improve feedback loops every chance you get -- key to ALL planning. CONGRATULATIONS on your feedback loop!

  • Spencer Selander - 16 years ago

    I chose government and industry, since it's the stranglehold that mega-corporations have on government that is blocking the solution of all of those other problems.

  • Patti Constantino-Martin - 16 years ago


  • pjfinn - 16 years ago

    It's tough to pick just one being as they're so interrelated, but I said global warming. To aggressively address global warming would also address several other issues.

  • Bobby Likis - 16 years ago


  • Ken - 16 years ago

    While all items are important, let us not forget that family planning is important. We need to focus on sources of current issues. The days of encouraging family growth through tax incentives should have been long gone. We need change in this matter and control population resulting in sprawl and high use of resources.

  • Tom Barratt - 16 years ago

    My heart bleeds for the young babies and children who are dying daily due to factors which we do have a great amount of control over. When we see kids that are very overweight and having all kinds of grown up diseases and aren't able to even enjoy normal activities, then I wonder why we as an intelligent nation continue to feed the children the same things that have caused their problems in the first place. Health is still an issue that we do have control over and should be monitoring the eating habits of our children. I have experienced first hand the results of hereditary problems passed down from my ancestors, including a massive heart attack and 6 way bypass and yet never had problem with high blood pressure or overweight issues or high cholesterol. We should all make an effort to seek to know what is good for our bodies and also for our children's bodies in terms of what we put into them. God in the Bible tells us that our bodies are the Temple of God which is in you. Yet we daily put things in our bodies which are litterally killing us daily. We need to educate children better in the schools as well as in our family life. If only we would all spend more time with our children to give them a better opportunity to live a fuller and healthier life we could reverse the current trends that are causing them to experience pain and suffering that should only come in later life. If only one person will make lifestyle changes after reading this message, then God will be rejoicing in Heaven!

  • Bunny Gabel - 16 years ago

    PLEASE drop the mention of nuclear power since its inclusion has a benign connotation. It is not an option.
    In addition to the concerns listed, I'd like to register my fury at the so-called enviromental groups that are undercutting efforts of groups like FOE by going along with corporate and government bad ideas. THey do a lot of damage.

  • Ruth Case - 16 years ago

    I am appalled that you mention nuclear energy, this process produces radioactive waste!

    It was difficult to select because I am concerned about all choices; however, taking back control of our government would allow us to solve all of the problems.

  • Frank T. Manheim - 16 years ago

    I vote for energy because only through this means can we influence global warming. Moreover, the practical problems that are already beginning to be felt will force all sides to get away from slogans and ideology and move toward national harmony. For 30 years we have had conflict between environmentalists and industry, with each side seeking victory. The result has caused ever greater radicalization of both sides, hardening of positions, deterioration of the nation in every way - not just economic and infrastructure, but also environmental management - rated by the Yale-
    Columbia consortium at 39th among 100+ assessed in 2008 (28th in 2006).

    The EU is now way ahead of the U.S. in global warming policy and its experience shows that replacing fossils fuels without breaking the economy requires intensive technology research, innovative policies, and national cooperation. I am hoping that more leaders like Fred Krupp of Environmental Defense will emerge who, while keeping a baseball bat in the corner, has achieved more real progress by talking with industry and seeking creative solutions than all of the NGOs that pride themselves on how many lawsuits they have filed and how many industry initiatives they have shut down.

    In the final analysis, it won't be activists and professors installing transmission lines and providing energy service to the nation - or sustaining the nation's economy. It's going to be industry and business. So promoting an adversary relationship that fosters anger, end runs, and bottom-line thinking will give us more of what we have had for decades and will help no one.

  • Dawn - 16 years ago

    I chose governmental control because I feel that once the People take back their government change will come. Corporate Industry got us into these messes. It will take the People to get us out. Then we can accomplish what we need much easier.

  • Alan Pasch - 16 years ago

    If global warming inflicts the damage of which it's capable, all the others become non-issues.

  • Bobby Likis - 16 years ago

    Energy: renewables, biofuels, fossil fuels, nuclear power directly connect with almost every topic listed / therefore my vote went there.
    The mid-seventies gave Americans a touch of how limited supplies can impact their lives / yet, little was done to change directions.
    Government and Industry: challenging Congress, taxes, corporate campaigns will always be an issue, but car owners will better relate (my opinion) to what they have to deal with on a daily basis... if they are expected to support solutions.
    Problems / solutions / least path of resistance / let’s help Americans visualize their “way forward.” "Pain at the pump" promotes top-of-mind awareness and is a tool that begs to be used.

  • Pam - 16 years ago

    I voted for government and industry because if we can fix them then we can fix everything else with more ease; they are the reason for most of our countries problems. I wanted to pick all the choices, but have to fix goverment in order to accomplish the rest; they pass the laws. WE NEED TO REGULATE.

  • Bonnie Yelverton - 16 years ago

    I chose energy, but I agree that Global Warming/Climate Change is the overall result of poor energy use and decisions, which include transportation. Its effects include water, food and health.
    It is both caused by the results of international agreements, and will need international agreements to be resolved.
    I guess "Global Warming" is the equivalent of an "all of the above" and we really need to address them all to mitigate global warming!

  • Marnie - 16 years ago

    Feel as though global warming encompasses almost all the other choices. We are influencing the balance of this very small planet. We are shifting the balance of this very small planet. We cannot live for long, in geologic terms, if we do this. We are literally killing off huge chunks of life; both plant & animal species disappearing weekly, monthly, daily, for all I know.

    And if we don't do it be global warming, try nanotechnology. Absolutely NOTHING is know of the short term or long term effects of this technology, but we DO KNOW, that changing the internal chemistry of plants and animals is not good for them in the long run. Just look at the already existing chemical body burden we all carry.

  • Blossom Hoag - 16 years ago

    I agree with the first commenter but also know that water is going to become an extremely scarce commodity. We are fouling our waters at an alarming rate and farm raised seafood is next to genetic engineered food in my opinion.

  • Jordan - 16 years ago

    I voted for global warming because it encompasses the two other issues that I think are most important: transportation and energy. If I had to pick one of the more specific issues, it'd probably be transportation.

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