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Do you believe John and Patsy Ramsey are innocent of ALL involvement? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 89

  • Vicki - 16 years ago

    the brother killed her

  • T. G. - 16 years ago

    Well, in spite of the new DNA evidence that appears to exonerate the Ramseys, it's still difficult for me to except their innocence. Why, you say? Well, why would any killer leave behind a ransom note that asks for money when the victim is already dead? To taunt the family and police? And, how is it that the killer is so familiar with the surroundings of the house that he or she skips merrily about before, during, and after Jon Benet's death? Even taking the time to write a so called ransom note? And, how did the killer adopt such a familiar tone with the Ramseys in the ransom note? Even quoting a sum of money that Mr. Ramsey had acquired recently, I believe?
    In short, this killer smacks of someone who's not only familiar with the home, but close to the family and enviroment of the victim. Almost too close for comfort. So that by inference or deduction, it would almost certainly point to a member of the family as a killer. Or a friend of the family. So, if the Ramseys are indeed innocent, then who are they covering for after all these years?

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