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Haloscan: Should I keep it, or dump it in favour of Blogger? (Poll Closed)


  • Red Tory - 17 years ago

    I had originally turfed Blogger back on my old blog because I got sick and tired of the comments being vandalized (that’s the best word I can think to describe it) by malicious right-wing lunatics. I do like the fact that Haloscan can identify ISP #s, but as has been demonstrated by some of the more persistent trolls, it can also be circumvented by the use of on-demand ISPs. So it hasn’t proven very effective in that regard. Reliability is my biggest beef with it.

  • JimBobby - 17 years ago

    Back in the early days of Blogger, they didn't even have a commenting system and some third-party providers like Haloscan sprang up. I think Blogger's integrated system is as good as Halo -- not as good as WordPress's native system. Switching to WP means switching URL's and losing all that bookmarked traffic and aggregator memberships.

    I ain't had too much trouble with my Blogger comments. I get a run of spam every couple months but nothin' serious.


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