What is your favorite Foxboro Hot Tubs song?


  • natasha - 17 years ago

    i think Mother Mary and Pedestrian are by far my faves i havent heard any from side B yet except for Pedestrian =[

    cant wait for release !!!

  • eyes don't lie - 17 years ago

    These songs are definatly different, not the sort of music I would normally go for, but WOW! I really like em. They are so catchy and full of energy,I am gonna order the album and I can't wait to let my oldest son listen to it because we are a houshold that mainly listens to Punk, Rock and Metal, but bless him, he is a bit of a chav. We don't judge him for his shit taste in music or his dress sense and sometimes we even quite like the mixes that he has made on his decks, mind u thats normally cus he has mutilated shit music and made it sound a bit better. Anyway he will be so proud of me when he knows that I am broadening my taste in music. All of us in my house love Green Day, even the chav.I couldn't honestly choose which song I like best yet cus I like em all and havn't heard em enough yet to make a decision.You keep making the music boys and we'll keep buying it. Love ya!

  • greeny - 17 years ago

    if i must choose...my favourite songs from this album is mother mary and the pedestrian....but like i said before all songs are fuckin' awesome....love u guys xx

  • Anon - 17 years ago

    I like Ruby Room, so catchy..

  • cristina....AKA...80...AKA...awesome possum - 17 years ago

    mmmmmmmmm.............this band is sexy!!!!!! (just like billie)
    im soooo fucking happy that there coming out with a CD and its really good!!!!!
    they better go on tour or else.......
    i love green day!!!!!!!!!!
    this just shows how good they really are....they can chang there theme and sound and still be super awesome like a baby possum!!!!!
    i love it!!!!!
    The Pedestrian is the best song soo far for me....

  • greeny - 17 years ago

    i love green day more than anything and i'm so happy and excited for this new project called the foxboro hot tubs...all songs are fuckin' great and i cant sort out one favourite.... i just wanna that green day exist 4ever and if billie or mike or tre or anyone who have contact with green day tell tham that if they can at all come to croatia...
    p.s. u guys r fuckin' awesome

  • Matt - 17 years ago

    Pieces of Truth is an awesome. I like the saxophone part Mr. Freese did on track.

  • Rick - 17 years ago

    Alligator is SO catchy!!!

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