Was Ricky Gervais out of control?


  • Daddeeopig - 13 years ago

    Let me get this straight now: the Golden Globes have at least 2 dress rehersals, the organizers know EXACTLY what is being said in advance, there are teleprompters and cue cards. They are shocked?? Stop pandering to the social breastfeeding "celebrities" and have a good laugh. Thisis the ultimate reality show so lighten up and keep Ricky Gervais!

  • Damski - 13 years ago

    The way some people are going off saying "there's a fine line between comedy and insult and he crossed it. " GET A GRIP! Anyone would think the term 'butt of a joke' was invented by Ricky Gervais last night.

  • Anonymous - 13 years ago

    @sharon said "To hell with him, literally."

    Indescribable torture for eternity? That's not a very proportionate sentiment, sharon. Do you enjoy the vicious revenge fantasies of your religion?

  • Trish - 13 years ago

    I don't know why it is so difficult to understand that Ricky Gervais' performance at the Golden Globes was nothing but mean-spirited. They gave the playground bully a microphone and this is what happened. Can't decide if he was funny or not? Imagine the same ramblings coming out of your child's mouth (like calling Bruce Willis Ashton Kutcher's dad) and it is notably less funny. Don Rickles was never a fave of mine, either. . . for the same reason.

  • Yvonne - 13 years ago

    What a self-righteous bunch - they sure can dish it, but can't seem to take it. What a joke the whole lot of them are. Finally, someone calls them on their antics and they get miffed. Welcome to reality and what most of America thinks of you - Hollywood that is.

  • Carol - 13 years ago

    Just in case Jared totall'y missed the last weeks news about Arizona's shooting, the man was a nutcase (socialist-not conservative). Conservatives don't believe in Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto. There was no political undertone or overtone-he was a nutcase pure and simple.

    Now back to Ricky Gervais. He is not someone I care to watch, but he hopefully made some leftwing nuts realize that their trash talk against conservatives on a regular basis in movies, tv shows, songs, award programs, and even lamestream news can come back to haunt them. I wonder how it felt to have the shoe on the other foot for once. I would love to have gone into their minds for a few minutes. It is a chuckle when you are trashing the conservatives, and freedom of speech, but hate speech if liberals are called on their lifestyles and behaviors. HMMMMM! I detect a little hypocrisy here.

  • GunnyD - 13 years ago

    Ricky Gervais is one-of-a-kind. The Hollywood Elite needs to lighten up. Geeze, Don Rickles would have never had a career had he ever hosted the Golden Globes with THIS crowd. Introducing Bruce Willis as "Ashton Kutcher's dad"???? I thought Willis was gonna grow hair right on the stage he was so pissed!!! Brilliant Ricky.

    And let's not forget the ratings!!! Cuz after all, it's all about the ratings....and I just read where he got a bigger viewer share than last year's show. SOMEBODY must think pretty highly of Ricky Gervais. And Steve Carell leving the office??? There's a guy who has YET to make me laugh in ANY of his work. And I have a great sense of humor!!!!

  • jared - 13 years ago

    hate filled talk like this and the acceptance of it is what got all them people shot and killed in Arizona

  • murdock - 13 years ago

    I don't understand why so many people found his last comment offensive. Usually people "thank" god for their success, he just thanked him for making him an atheist. It's no more offensive than thanking god for your success as an actor or actress. In fact, to me, that is MORE offensive because I don't know why a god would give a flying fig whether they were successful or not. So this was just a good crack at all those "thank god" comments and I found it hilarious.

  • Guy - 13 years ago

    EVERYONE: Stop being babies.

  • Wanda - 13 years ago

    I only got to see the last part of this show and I liked Ricky in several movies he's played in.
    The Office would have never been as popular without Steve Carell.
    You can roast people without being down right nasty. What a disappointment he was and my mouth fell open when I heard his last comment of the evening and thought did he just actually say that!!! The way he introduced Tim Allen was also very rude. My opinion has changed about him and I think he's a nasty little troll and will avoid anything he does in the future.

  • adam - 13 years ago

    i do not watch awards shows because they always suck...with that said, i have watched the golden globes the last 2 years--only because ricky gervais was the host...he made something beautiful out of something that is almost always terribly boring...as david said, thank God for ricky gervais...

  • David - 13 years ago

    Thank God for Rick Gervais. He delivered a brilliant perspective on our vacuous hypocritical American ability to sensationalize and worship celebrity "lifestyle".

    As the saying goes, "being politically correct assumes they can hold the clean end of the turd" - well Mr. Gervais not only picked up that turd, he pitched in the air and cracked a home run over the back fence.


  • john guy - 13 years ago

    I think this retrobate was totally out of line, furthermore, He is gay and I never liked him nor his humor. He turned me right off when he started his battering.....I stopped watching the minute he started slamming everyone...did he not get nominated for anything he has done? no... and this is why...I think he is an arrogant little puke....

  • Grant - 13 years ago

    Ricky Gervais is HILARIOUS. I am a Christian, and I took no offense to his joke at the end. I gurantee everyone that has said how "distasteful" it was would not have said so if he had jokingly said "I would like to thank Atheists for making me believe in God". The bottom line is it was all a joke. As a Christian I find it offensive that all the other "Christians" think they have the right to JUDGE others....this is God's job, not ours.

    Anyways, Gervais is a hilarious dude. From his HBO special, to his stand-up, back to his shows and movies, the writing and jokes are phenomenal. These stars have thin skin and are treated like royalty. No one is off limits when it comes to comedy or jokes, and Ricky should be applauded for what he did. Hollywood stars breath the same air as us, consume food, and have the same body functions as all man kind......they shouldn't be treated differently than anyone else. I dont see them curing diseases, or fighting for their country (which most take advantage of).

    Keep going witht he comedy Ricky!!!! You are AWESOME!!

  • chas - 13 years ago

    I'm so tired of christians taking jabs at non-christians. It was great to see somebody speak the truth for once. Thor bless Ricky Gervais!

  • Richard - 13 years ago

    How can anyone insult a God? BTW whose God are we talking about? Will someone please define "God" for me? What does "God" look like? Is God male or female?...with a definite form (say, anthropomorphic) or indefinite form (say, an energy source) If God is ineffable (unknowable)...then by definition people are worshiping something they cannot define or even envision! Makes perfect sense to me! From the begining of time, man's favorite pastime has been killing in the name of God! Better if we worshipped humankind and let God fend for him (her) )(its) self.

  • Tyler - 13 years ago

    The focus on the singular "Thank God for making me an atheist" joke over everything else Ricky Gervais said at the Golden Globes shows me what kind of people are posting here. Not good people, mind you.

    It's amazing how many Christians get so worked up whenever someone proclaims their atheism, yet have no qualms about shouting how "God is great" in public and not expecting criticism for it. That's called hypocrisy. You can't expect us to laud you for saying you're Christians and for you to lambast us for saying we're atheists at the same time. If we atheists were to do the same -- expect love for our proclamations while insulting you for yours -- you would have every right to tell us off for it. As it is, I don't care whether you're Christian, Jewish, Muslim, atheist, Buddhist, Hindu, Jedi, Sikh, Zoroastrian, whatever I missed. If you're gonna act all high and mighty simply because of your dedication to your belief, then I'm not going to like you.

    If you get so worked up over something as silly as Ricky's final comment, then you're really not that comfortable with your religion to begin with. If you were, then you would know that a simple proclamation like this, complete with clever wordplay, is no threat to your faith. Those of you who are offended need to realize that a religion as fragile as yours must not be so great, then. Atheism, Islam, gay marriage, whatever -- none of it is going to destroy Christianity as long as you still believe in it. Same as no religious practice or doctrine is going to convert me from atheism if I don't believe in said practice or doctrine. That's the whole point -- religion is, at its heart, a personal affair. A belief held by a single person, even if it's shared by millions. The only thing that can end your belief is you. Not Ricky Gervais, not Richard Dawkins, not me -- YOU.

    Ricky Gervais is known for being funny and making you uncomfortable at the same time, and he succeeded. If you find his humor discomforting, you're the one responsible for getting back to comfortable. Whether that means realizing it's just words or childishly changing the channel because of it, that's up to you. Just remember, character is defined by our reaction to perceived threats. If you feel threatened by someone saying something that's not a direct call to harm you or your loved ones physically or financially, what does that say about you? The day all atheists come to your door and hold you at gunpoint forcing you to convert is the day you can legitimately consider atheism a threat to Christianity. It will also be the day I stop being an atheist.

    Thank you.

  • jradxit - 13 years ago

    Thank god for Ricky Gervais!

  • Jack - 13 years ago

    Gervais' satirical one-liner about "thank god" wasn't the attack on Christianity some have chosen to see it is.
    It was parody of the empty, vacuous and insincere way in which public figures of both the left and right in America throw "thank god" around rendering the sentiment meaningless.
    He is a Brit and there faith is personal matter between you and god, not something you shove in people's faces, certainly not in the glib way public figures not only do, but are expected to do by the American public.
    He mentioned his atheism, and suddenly people of faith are offended that he publicly proclaimed it. If they take offence at that, then they should be offended when politicians and actors thank god publicly.
    The joke was at the expense of hypocrites.
    And Jesus didn't have anything good to say about hypocrites either.

  • jerald - 13 years ago

    shmeh the idea of god sucks anyway. nothing like a ghost story to put fear in to the hearts of men. god does not exist.

  • Robin - 13 years ago

    It's amazing to me that people in the public eye such as actors, musicians, ect., continue to make political or religious statements at award shows like these. Don't they know that this destroys any credibility that they may have had and in most cases severly affects their bank accounts and their ability to get their next gig.

  • gjg - 13 years ago

    Remember, he only says what some Golden Globe writter scripted for him. If you have a complaint, address to the Golden Globes.

  • Nancy Beasanski - 13 years ago

    There's a fine line between comedy and insult and he crossed it. The sad thing is that everyone one of the topics he chose had potential to be funny in a more tasteful way, but he chose to say f*** you to everyone in the room and to the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA) President, Philip Berk (I think that is who that was) whom he went out of his way to insult as well.

    It was all just inappropriate and in poor taste and with all the other great talent out there, why they chose to use someone like him is beyond me. Makes you wonder if they even knew what he had planned to say. The event really was lovely, too bad this has to overshadow it-ruins it for everyone.

    His last comment about God was completely insulting, in poor taste and just shows the kind of person he is and what levels he will stoop to for a laugh-not a professional, just a fool!

  • Cat - 13 years ago

    Ricky told jokes. He's a comedian. It's interesting to see that if any of them hit too close to home, people took offense. End of the day, he is still the most talked about presenter of the evening. I couldn't wait to see what came out of his mouth next. I didn't let anything offend me by thinking he was speaking to 'me'. Lighten up, folks!

  • Gary - 13 years ago

    Haha! and this why I even find Ricky Gervais even funnier, who needs to lighten up is all the overly sensitive political correct in this country, everyone is a crybaby about their particular race, sex, religion, ailment, favorite color, sexual preference etc. and now it is no longer acceptable to make jokes that offend....sorry, I enjoy his humor and other comedians like him. He is what made the office such a great show, and I am not talking about the scrubbed down for children version for U.S. television, the original British version is the only one worth watching. Part of his humor and the backlash is the social differences between the U.S. and european countries, all of his comments were very tame in comparison to what the BBC will allow, and more importanly, what their culture and people will accept. I am quite frankly disgusted by how much censorship is on comedians and the american people in general. Lighten up people, just because you do not find it funny does not mean many others do not, and if they do, they are not bad people and their right to enjoy that type of humor should not be dictated by what anyone else thinks or feels, yes, even the so called "majority" should not be able to dictate for the entire country what is acceptable and expect that we all behave, enjoy, laugh and only say/think the same things. The fact is Gervais and many other "crude & offensive, non politically correct" comedians have great followings, sell out arenas, have lines for book signings and do very well for themselves. This is not because "noone likes them", it is because there is a following and there are those of us that appreciate that type of humor. I personally think Billy Crystal, Steve Martin and the like, are not funny at all, have they done well for themselves and do they have a strong following, absolutely, so I would never say that they should not be given the right to host a show, or their humor is not funny to anyone, that certainly is not true. I would argue that hosts should be rotated and the types of humor can vary so that a large cross section will watch, I for one would never watch any of these award shows, but knowing Gervais was hosting, I expected controversy in his dialogue and he delivered what I expected, the laughs continue now as I get to listen to those who think he was so awful, crude & offensive, that is an even bigger payoff than his actual jokes. Why can't people just say "I do not care for his humor" and leave it at that? Quit feeling self entitled to only be exposed to what suits your own tastes or, here is a novel idea....do not watch, read, listen etc to what you know will offend you and let those who do enjoy it do so!

  • Jeff - 13 years ago

    In todays world where we ought to respect or tolerate one another but he throws out a stupid comment at the end about being athiest and placing God in that sentence. Not in good taste....
    Yet in society we can not have images of Jesus during Christmas because it is offensive.
    After everything that is going on in the world to day I firmly beleive that our country is forever split and never be recognized as a great nation again.
    So as far as insighting some type of hate here it is even thought it is his freedom to do so. We didn't learn a thing from a week ago!

  • Luke R Dyer - 13 years ago

    I thought Ricky was hilarious. What made the night even funnier was watching the audience reactions (or lack of at times)... it was priceless. I was a bit confused at one point though... Bruce Willis ISN'T Ashton Kutcher's dad??? :O) Lighten up people... quit being so stiff!

  • Nancy - 13 years ago

    He showed a complete lack of respect for everyone including God. Just goes to show what an accepting foolish people we have all become.

  • Cameragirl41 - 13 years ago

    Total pig with his "over-the-top" comments called "humor."
    Everything out of hos mouth was a put-down or just gross, including the last comment re God.
    The Golden Globes were classy and enjoyable; he was not.
    Hope they choose someone else next time

  • Jo Jo - 13 years ago

    I don't watch any Hollywood-Liberal award shows (Globes, Oscars, SAGS, etc.) These overpaid individuals don't need to get a "pat on the back" too. For crying out loud these people are some of the most troubled peoples in America (R.D. Jr., L. Lohan, C. Sheen, etc.) and they want to be praised for their bad choices. I saw the highlights and I think R. Gervais was extremely funny and should have taken more shots at more libtards like S. Penn, D. Glover, A. Kutcher, C. Cox, etc. These Hollywood elites live by the mantra, do as I say not as I do. Do you bow down to their mantra??

  • Rod&Mairam - 13 years ago

    I'm a Brit. Ricky Gervais is very much like Royalty ...both are things that our American cousins will neither have nor understand. What Ricky Gervais does is amazing. He is not malicious, nor is he mean-spirited or angry. He is kind hearted, and what he does is very clever...he presents his so called "victims" with a golden opportunity to laugh at themselves, thus enhancing their reputations in the public eye. He WANTS them to laugh. He tees it up, they should smack it down the fairway. Unfortunately the likes of Bruce Willis and Robert Downey Jnr will be waking up this morning wishing they had done just that, rather than reacting the way they did. And Ricky Gervais not working in Hollywood again....oh no! What on earth will he do if that happens? Like he cares....And atheism ain't a crime - it's a god-given right..ha ha.

  • Nevada - 13 years ago

    The only reason we watched "The Golden Globes" was becaus of Ricky. He is hilarious.

    What is sickening is how there are so many "award" shows for these "stars".... many of whom have lost their ability to be real people. What Ricky said was true - and we laughed and laughed. It was a great show! Congratulations to Ricky!

    I hope he's back next year. I'd love to see him at the Academy Awards! That would be SWEET!

  • jane muuse - 13 years ago

    Ricky Gervais is so funny. He poked jokes to stars because thats what they do for a living. stars dont take it seriously cuz their history is all over tabloid anyway.

  • J Lingle - 13 years ago

    Past days of the Golden Globes have a proven record of esteem and elegance in the Hollywood Arena ! Where are those moments ? Why does Hollywood choose to tear down the very talent that makes us dream and go to the movies ? Past emcees as Billy Crystal , made the Oscars UNFORGETABLE ! Steve Martin and yes Alec Baldwin have memorable and unforgetable nights of glamour , esteem, and yes light hearted fun . The actors deserve to be looked at in a professional way ---NOT DEMEANED PERSONALLY LIKE THE NASTY PAPARAZZI DOES !!!!!!!!!!! Bring back the elegance of yesterday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Carol - 13 years ago

    Of course he was crude and offensive. The left doesn't understand anything else, nor do they enjoy anything that is polite and mannerly. And, there is a weird sense of justice that after all the years of conservative bashing at these narcissistic events, the left gets hoisted by their own petard. What goes around comes around.

  • anna - 13 years ago

    I don't see how he was too offensive, the majority of his jokes were quite true. Maybe it has something to do with British comedy? Gervais is tame compared to Frankie Boyle, one of the country's top comedians. Search him on YouTube and you'll understand.

    This reminds me a lot of when Wayne Rooney threw a tantrum because the England fans booed the team at the World Cup. If you can't take the criticism, you're in the wrong business.

  • manfred - 13 years ago

    Liberal jokesters, such as SNL use comedy to attack conservatives all the time. Conservatives complain about it. I see no problem in liberals complaining about being attacked by this guy through his comedy. Everyone needs to learn to lighten up and enjoy a good laugh at themselves. Comedy has it's roots in making light of someone or something, and is not done in a hate filled context. Let's not P.C. comedy to death.

  • Ollie Sullivan - 13 years ago

    He was NOT FUNNY in my humble opinion...I had to turn him OFF...embarrassing!

  • Steve - 13 years ago

    Last night Gervais proved himself to be the poster boy for: JERK!

  • gee - 13 years ago

    ricky had his moments, most of it was very funny. but what did you expect from a brit? but the poll says it all, the majority thought he was a good host, and i agree. equal opportunity offender, love it!!

  • Truth be told - 13 years ago

    Stop the whining and turn the tv off if you don't like it!!!

  • j - 13 years ago

    hahaha gervais rocks. Haha thank god im an atheist. five words is all it takes. genius. what a great performance. loved it.

  • JM - 13 years ago

    I did not enjoy this host's comments at all. I thought most things said were in extremely poor taste and ended up setting the DVR so I can watch the show tonight and fast forward through all of his dialogue. Now I know why I have never watched The Office (and never will!). You can do much better in picking a host and hope you do for next year's ceremony.

  • Chryselephantine - 13 years ago

    Only Zeus can judge Ricky Gervais.

  • AtChris - 13 years ago

    Also, I do not get this poll at all. The question and the choices do not make sense. Fox can easily twist the result to their own agenda.

  • AtChris - 13 years ago

    @Chris: how was the last part offensive? I am a christian but it does not sound offensive at all. I mean he just stated he is an atheist. So what?

  • chris - 13 years ago

    I think he was in very poor and offensive taste. I am so sick of people taking jabs at Christianity that I could scream! If you want to be an atheist, that is fine. But if I am not out there shouting my Christianity in front of everyone, why should he feel the need to shout his offensiveness in front of millions of people on national television. I definitely will exercise my personal right and change the channel when The Office comes on television at my house.

  • Sharon Aucar - 13 years ago

    I thought he was hilarious. He made it clear a few days ago that he intended to be outrageous as host this year. If those tighta$$ narcasistic Hollywood elitists don't have enough sense of humor to laugh at themselves, then let them go back to their countless award shows where everyone tells them how wonderful and flawless they are.

  • sharon - 13 years ago

    Judy why don't you use your apparent self proclaimed"( God given) intelligence to tell us why that comment was so funny, you know in the scope of a comedic joke and all, because I feel I have a great sense of humor and I sure don't understand what was supposed to be "the jest of the joke" as you say. As far as I am concerned he took advantage of the situation to say something entirely personal and inflammatory before he went off the air. To hell with him, literally.

  • Judy - 13 years ago

    Some people need the intelligence to realize the jest of the joke and not take it so seriously, he is a comedian and in the scope of a comedic joke it was funny. People who have a sense of humour understand this.

  • sharon - 13 years ago

    This guys last comment making a dig at God was in extreme bad taste. If he is indeed an atheist that is his personal loss. Anyone who would say something like that at the end of a nationally televised awards program does not deserve the priviledge of hosting it. I have no respect for this fool.

  • Shari Horeth - 13 years ago

    What a JOKE!!! His final comment made me want to puke! Find someone WORTH hosting your show next time please!

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