Did Lopez go too far in showing Bowen's breastfeeding pics?


  • Josie - 12 years ago

    What a cute photo! I have a baby girl and if i'm vacuuming and she's crying i'll pick her up and keep going. I think what a great way to multi-task with her two boys by feeding at the same time. Plus- both boobs empty at the same time and your never left with one more or less full!

  • Kristi - 13 years ago

    Awesome. This chick is taking care of her kiddos and all these people who say they don't want to see that have no problem seeing hot boobs smashed into slinky dresses at the oscars. Pervs.

  • quicky - 14 years ago

    How to you apply to be next in line for lunch ?

  • Amber - 14 years ago

    If you dont wanna see it dont look, a mother can whip out her breast anytime anywhere and feed her babies, it is absolutly legal. That being said yay for her its good that she is empowered and giving others advice on such a natural thing.

  • Aria - 14 years ago

    ANYONE who has a problem with breastfeeding can just look another direction. It's feeding a baby. Nourishing a small child. It's not sex on a sidewalk or peeing or pooping. It's a child eating. Got a problem and think we breastfeeders should take it to a bathroom? The pack up your own d@mned lunch and go eat in the stall next to me. Think that's gross? Then don't you dare tell me to go feed my baby in there. Grow up and look in a different direction. My baby's nourishment NEEDS trump the comfort-WANTS of others, ALWAYS.

  • Jenna - 14 years ago

    Way to go Julie! Adorable pic - I'd frame it. Be proud for nursing twins, it's hard enough nursing my one! We need to normalize breastfeeding, I have no idea how America became so afraid of the boob. It's a beautiful, natural thing. :)

  • gregg - 14 years ago

    I can't thefuss.Her children are hungry,let's face it,we have all had "children moments"and we quieten them down as best we can! They are only children.She fed them and that is that!!!

  • SA - 14 years ago

    There is nothing sexual about breastfeeding. Those who think otherwise have perverted minds.

  • Kim Smith - 14 years ago

    Good for her! I think it's wonderful for her to be so open about this and shame on The View for being such uptight prudish fools over it.

  • Jodi - 14 years ago

    Adorable pic!

    And for those people who compare breastfeeding to waste elimination...
    Guess what, in addition to eating in public, babies poop and pee in public too-a lot!

  • ErnestPayne - 14 years ago

    Welcome to America where breast feeding and nipples terrify the populace.

  • Don Ror - 14 years ago

    Way to go Julie Bowen. You are awesome and your photos will help hundreds if not thousands of women feel comfortable breastfeeding in public. If anyone is offended, all they have to do is NOT LOOK! Otherwise, it is they who are creating the disturbance and do not be intimidated by their bad behavior.

    You are absolutely awesome!

  • Holly - 14 years ago

    One more comment... to the person worried about a child seeing photos at a later date of the child nursing... ummmmmmm so the (*()* what???? I don't get it? What is so wrong with that?? My kids see younger siblings nurse on a regular basis. My children will see the photos of them nursing.. no problem. My children all know that nursing is best and that they were given the best their mother had to offer to them! To think otherwise is to think that breastfeeding is wrong and should be hidden and is something to be ashamed of!

  • Holly - 14 years ago

    Yes, urinating is natural.. it is also waste.. breastmilk is FOOD not waste. The reason this picture is so amazing is not because she is nursing, is not because she is using the football hold... it IS because nursing twins at all is a minor (or for some MAJOR) miracle all in itself. Anyone who has EVER nursed or been exposed to a nursing mother SHOULD understand this. I love nothing more than to look at my little nursling as he stares into my eyes and nurses. He looks at me with eyes just FULL of love and adoration... and I think some thanks! :) He enjoys nursing as much as I do. I LOVE our time together and our bond that we have and share due to our breastfeeding relationship. There is NO WAY that I will hide him while he nurses or put a blanket over him to block our eyes from locking. So much is said with the eyes, don't you think? I love to talk to my little nursling and just hold him close while he nurses! :) No words can describe to those of you who have not experienced this what passes between a wonderfully bonded mother and child.. especially while nursing! I feel incredibly bad for those mothers who say they have nursed but who have missed out on this connection... perhaps if there was not a blanket in between the mother and child while they were having these huge Oxytocin rushes they would have a different opinion of nursing in public... covered or not.

  • AGuy - 14 years ago

    It's not the breasts that's the problem. It's using her infants for her own self promotion that bugs me. It's great that she breast feeds, it's great that she's a mom, but how far from a "normal" childhood are her kids going to be if this is how she uses them already?

  • balance of power - 14 years ago

    Ahhh breasts;

    Babies get nourishment, men get pleasure. All from two of the most beautiful parts of a woman's body. Neither one is shameful, and both give us women pleasure.

    We love breastfeeding our babies because the pleasure is knowing they are getting good nourishment, the way nature intended and the bonding experience is out of this world.

    As for men and breast nibbling? Yeah, it feels good, but for different reasons.

    Now...dare to deny!

  • Melissa - 14 years ago

    Okay....great that she was able to breast feed her kids, I applaud her for making the choice and the sacrifice to do so. However, I as a mother, a woman, and a wife, do NOT want to see her breasts on public tv. I think that the photo was something that should have remained private. Hello, what happens when 15 or 20 years from now someone finds that pic and shows it to her boys and tells them what all went on? I know if it was me, I'd be embarrassed. Aren't there enough things out there for kids to get teased and harassed about, why add something like this? Have a little thought to your kids future. Also, have a little class, you don't need to expose yourself to everyone when you breast feed, it can be done in a much more appropriate manner.

    Oh, and to the person who said boobs are not sexual objects, try tell your husband and every other man on the planet that one. Sorry, they are sexual objects, even though they do have a practical purpose. That is like saying that a mans penis is not a sexual object, he just uses it for urination. Nice try.

  • Jenny - 14 years ago

    Tom J, great answer! Baby-shaped pasties! Too funny.

    Nothing wrong with showing the world this picture. I breast-fed my 2 kiddos and wouldn't trade it for the world. The boobs are not sexual objects, and Julie's just showing what they were intended to do. If Pam Anderson had done this, I can guarantee there wouldn't be a negative comment. It's not all about sex folks. Beautiful pic!

  • Michelle - 14 years ago

    Bravo to her for being committed to feeding her twins the way God intended!!! It is not easy, but oh so worth it!!

  • Walton - 14 years ago

    I guess it"s all about class, relieving myself is completely natural, yet that isn't publicly acceptable.The differance between humans and animals is discretion. Obviously that line is becoming more and more blurred.

  • Lyn - 14 years ago

    I'm glad she showed this picture. Why does everyone think it's a "private" moment? Since when did feeding your baby become "private"? I see kids with bottles in their mouth ALL the time-on TV, the street, church, family gatherings....ect, ect, ect...I breastfed 5 kids & there was a set of twins in there too...Breastfeeding needs more exposure. So many moms aren't informed properly on this subject, so I'm sure that the general public isn't either. The hospital staff is quick to pop a bottle of formula into newborn babies mouth without even thinking about it. BREAST IS BEST. You go girl!!

  • Misty - 14 years ago

    Yay Julie! Awesome picture, doesn't surprise me that the old biddies on The View wouldn't show it. If I am fortunate to have another baby I'm going to be one of those proud breastfeeding mamas who BFs in public so all immature people get busy looking the other way if it offends you!

  • Pam - 14 years ago

    Cover it up! There are lots of "natural" things out there that I don't want to see.

  • Putin - 14 years ago

    How about without the kids! Never watched the show, but I like Julie's movies

  • Jodi - 14 years ago

    It is the most natural thing! Breastfeeding your child is so important and a great bonding time between Mom and baby! Maybe this will help more women choose breastfeeding when they see a celebrity do it!! Amen!

  • Grr82CU - 14 years ago

    That's why they are there folks - in SPITE of what most adolescent and immature men think and snicker about. From a REAL man's perspecive - the focus should be on the health benefits to the BABIES, not stupid or prudish comments suggesting breast feeding in public or displaying a picture like this is "innappropriate. Grow UP!

  • Dawn - 14 years ago

    Beautiful! There's nothing more natural than breastfeeding!
    It's hard to believe, in this day an age, that anyone would be affended by this.

  • Rene - 14 years ago

    I nursed five kids and yeah its God's gift to women but>> Think of the sickos out there that will take this tender duty and make it an object of their lust. No more encouragement is needed there or anywhere in our society. Yes, its everywhere but that is wrong. And two wrongs don't make a right.

  • John - 14 years ago

    Those two babies are gorgeous. Life is precious and I'm glad hollywood is beginning to appreciate God's work. Maybe this one picture has kept a couple of God's childred from being aborted!

  • Scott - 14 years ago

    Wow, that is so cool. The babies are so cute. And seriously, I just would like to know where the minds are of people that have a problem with this.

  • Dan - 14 years ago

    So she had a "wardrobe malfunction" and displayed her baby pasties. I'm not sure what all the flap is about. They're boobs with kids attached, seems pretty ho-hum to me. Move along, no big deal here.....

  • Tom J - 14 years ago

    Big deal. So she's wearing baby-shaped pasties.

  • George - 14 years ago

    Nowadays it seems to be okay to show any part of the breast except the nipple.

  • yummy - 14 years ago


  • Melissa - 14 years ago

    I have no problem with breastfeeding or even of a breast being exposed, but this 'technique' is nothing new. A picture to illustrate it was unnecessary. Seems to be an attempt to get media attention that worked!!

  • Jay - 14 years ago

    Where is the wrongness in that?
    There is none.
    There is no news here and there is no scandle.
    People just need to stop thinking everything is about sex, and their want to force it in your face values.

    Media, get a damned life!

  • Ela - 14 years ago

    It's a totally natural thing, it has been for ages, I can't really understand all the hype created around this.

  • Lou - 14 years ago

    They are breasts...so what? .. people make a big deal over nothing.

  • Erin - 14 years ago

    What was the purpose of taking a picture? Words work just as well. We don't need proof. I say keep it to yourself. It's a personal and private bond between mother and child. The whole world does not need to be involved.

  • Tim - 14 years ago

    Nice rack....

  • Judith - 14 years ago

    If you have ever nursed twins, as I have, that was the easiest position for the babies.

  • Jim Guess - 14 years ago

    Great Scott! Breastfeeding is so-o-o-o natural and to get all hyped up about it is just plain stupid!

    Fox 411- you blew it big time.

    Julie, you are a GREAT mom! To the detractors just say, "Stuff a dirty sock in it!"

  • Jen - 14 years ago

    Hello, people... that's what boobs are for. Good for her, and great promotion for breastfeeding because it's the BEST for your babies! If she wants to share them, so what. You don't have to look at them if you don't want to. People need to stop looking at breastfeeding as inappropriate or gross or whatever misinformed conception they have. Breastfeeding is natural and women are free to do it wherever they want. I also breastfed my daughter and it was such a special bonding experience that is indescribable. Interesting how men have the most negative comments about this topic.....

  • Vicki - 14 years ago

    Julie you are awesome sharing this picture. I too nursed twins. It shows your committment to their health and the beauty of breastfeedling.

  • Mike - 14 years ago

    I think breastfeeding is great! Great for mom, great for kids. But I think the photos are private family photos and should remain as such. Put them in the baby book, not on public display.

  • Nikki - 14 years ago

    Good for her! I don't understand what the big phobia over seeing a woman breastfeeding is all about. I have breastfed all 4 of my children. People should look at the benefits that these children are receiving from being breastfed instead of the taboo many of us were brought up with as children. Julie you are awesome for sharing your sweet pic. To those that are sooooo offended......GROW UP!! She is using them for what God intending them to be used for. I have only had one person every confront me about breastfeeding in public. They asked me, "Why can't you feed her in the bathroom?" My response, "When you start taking your meals to the toilet to eat them, let me know!"

  • Robert1 - 14 years ago

    I wish I was her baby! She is hot and young and has two healthy beautiful babies,and the children are doing OK too!

  • Willie - 14 years ago

    Ummm, I'm going to go ahead and say what every guy that watches Modern Family is thinking....Holy crap, I had no idea they were that big!!!

  • Nancy - 14 years ago

    Yeah Julie! I breastfed my two boys 2 and 3 years! They are now healthy & very smart 11 and 9 year olds! I too wish all moms breastfed their babies! Formula companies cannot duplicate what is in breastmilk, it saves money, and the bond with your baby will last forever.

  • Kelli - 14 years ago

    The more positive exposure of breastfeeding, the better. I breastfed all three of my babies and it was a fabulous experience!

    More power to her and other moms who can show this is a perfectly normal and natural thing to do. =D

  • Leah - 14 years ago

    Maybe if more women were comfortable enough to share their breastfeeding pictures and stories, there would be more women interested in breastfeeding. Angelina Jolie was on the cover of a magazine breastfeeding one of her twins, but Julie Bowden should be ashamed? More awareness = less mass manufactured formula. Sounds good to me.

  • Jeffrey Rodriguez - 14 years ago

    Uh, yeah...sure. Give me a break. Keep this to yourself you classless dope. Hey! Let's have sex on the sidewalk! It's "natural"!

  • Patti - 14 years ago

    It is the natural and most healthy way to feed your babies. I used to feed mine at football games, and all over town. People need to lighten up. And the View? Who cares what they think. I sure don't.

  • vig0 - 14 years ago

    There's nothing wrong with women showing themselves breastfeeding. It's natural and beautiful. My wife did it with all 4 of our kids. Plus, look at those two beauties!!! And the kids are cute too. ;)

  • Allison Collins Rhys - 14 years ago

    You go girl! I think it's the most beautiful and natural thing on earth. This pic blesses me. It's the way God intended.
    Power to the boobies!

  • PJ - 14 years ago

    Bravo for her showing that a working mom can also be doing one of the most natural, healthiest things for her kids.

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