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Should the Canadian Navy adapt an "executive curl" for it's officers' uniforms? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 303

  • thomas steenburg - 14 years ago

    The curl should never have been removed in the first place. I would also bring back two more bottons for the officers tunics so it would be four on each side rather than three. The army how about sam brown belts and swagger sticks. Also bring back the palm up salute for the army and airforce, the R.C.M.P. never droped it. The navy never had it. Anything to return to the traditions before unification would be a good thing.

  • Rick Thomson - 14 years ago

    Given my druthers, I'd scrap unification altogether, and return to the RCN, RCAF and Canadian Army with the uniforms they wore then. Not to mention flying a modified white or blue ensign at naval and airforce bases.

  • Bruce Stewart - 14 years ago

    Traditions were overturned with Hellyer's creation of the Canadian Forces from the RCN, RCAF and the various Army regiments. It's long since time we allowed our men and women in service to visually demonstrate the pride they have in their units through a return to distinctive uniforms.

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