Should doctors take the "Stimulus" money to computerize their offices?


  • Delbert Butta - 14 years ago

    I lost my wife during Katrina and have had 3 heart attacks since 2005
    I am in great pain and with my legs and have had severe anxiety yet no doctor well issue pain medication or anxiety medication for me.
    My cardiologist tells me that I may have 1 to 2 more years to live only 30 percent of my heart works
    I am 54 years old and her death was the downfall of my health and I am told that I must learn to live with the pain.
    so if you would like my opinion I would say desolate the federal government and the IRS and abolish organized crime.
    Thank You.

  • Kelly - 14 years ago

    HHS has always dreamed of having every miniscul facet of every single persons health record on one single computer.
    Now they can control and pass judgement on everyone and everything, begin economic credentialling, start financially penalizing doctors who are "not in compliance" with the "new standards"
    This (E records) is what they have never had previously, and what they desparately need to gain more control.

    PS: with the deficit at frightening high levels, cut backs in budgets inevitable, does anyone really think our Gov. will push physicians to the "head of the list" to receive these med record stimulus grant money? I suggest to you the medical community will be the last in line, will never receive a dime, only excuses, and future "promises" to pay stimulus money, etc. This was the grandest slight of hand and bait and switch tactic done to date. Ask your collegues if 90% of MD's who bought new medical systems have since received their stmulus money back yet. I know of noone receiving anything.

  • DANIEL BUCKLEY - 14 years ago


  • betty - 14 years ago

    By the time you spend the money on a system. It won't be compatiable with theirs and will have to change it

  • ER - 14 years ago

    While electronic medical records are undeniably useful tools, speeding one's ability to search for information and eliminating the notoriously poor handwriting in the medical profession as a barrier to interpretiing that information, one should always be hesitant to take money from the government. With that money will inevitably come the expectation of, and demand for, increasing control.

  • Doug - 14 years ago

    Everyone knows; in The United States of America… Government is to serve the People, and NOT... the people, to serve government... and, if a servant were to be hired in your home to serve and then steal or rob from you... what actions are taken?

    Well, today; government would have them arrested and slap their hands and then set them free to do it all over again… just like those in government, that are elected to SERVE! What they obviously, don’t know what or how to do… is simply, READ The Constitution that was put in place by our Heroic Fore-Fathers.

    It wasn’t too many years ago... thieves would have been horse whipped and then shot or better yet, hung. We need to bring justice back! We also, don’t need or care about this Obama Care Plan! We need someone to go against big business with some back-bone, such as; is the case with insurance companies.

    Insurance companies should be required by law to be a NON-Profit Organizations, putting those that buy the insurance into a position where their primary objective is to take care of those buying insurance and NOT… some share holder! The Share Holders have apparently become more important to the insurance companies than those buying insurance. What are these insurance companies in business for to make money or to help those in need of medical attention?

    These share holder need to invest in something that is more tangible and can provide jobs for the American work force instead of being part of a leeching scam to de-rail health care so we as Americans are forced into swallowing this Obama Health Care Plan. What A Joke! Obama Health Care is not a solution, but a Big-Band-Aid that can only cover a wound as it Festers with increasing taxation as the Share Holders continue to get rich.

    I think this Tea Party Movement is just what America needs to allow those in government to be reminded that they who are elected to serve in Washington or other government offices, need to understand, just who it is... that’s really in charge of governing; it is... “We The People” and don’t take us lightly!

    Again, it's not those in government, but the people… and the people HAVE SPOKEN, as you will see!

    I Hope you're listening, unlike the English did during the Original Tea Party held back in Boston. The only thing about today’s Tea Party movement is; it’s spreading all across America and not just in Boston… and it’s going to get bigger and stronger.

    Government needs to understand; Americans don’t want a weak back boned, Democratic or Republic party… to Divide and Drive us Apart or into an Oppressed, Taxed Whipped People! We are the People and We are a United People and We want our Constitution to remain as it is; or God Help America… and those in office? And as for those who think they serve America’s best interest… as they try to strip us of our rights and freedoms… they had better get their acts together or they’re out of there, this year; guaranteed!

    NO ENCUMBANTS NEED APPLY because it’s DO OR DIE… Come Election Day 2010! Go Tea-Party and down with Obama Care and its slave driven taxation!

  • Donna Hedricks - 14 years ago

    Dr. David Blumenthal, Obama's Czar overseeing the HIT committee of HHS that is CURRENTLY making the laws regardign "each person's" medical records and how THEY INTEND ON USING THEM said in one of his press releases last year that we WILL HAVE UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE THROUGH OUR MEDICAL RECORDS. go to and look up meaningful users. You will be shocked to see how much control they intend over our lives. THE INSURANCE MANDATES ALL MUST USE THE ELECTRONIC MEDICAL RECORD SYSTEM LINKING BOTH LAWS TOGETHER.

  • Donna Hedicks - 14 years ago

    Government Electronic Health record system SHALL check for things like who gets care, what type of care, if the Dr. applied his treatment equally. AND IF THE INDIVIDUAL FOLLOWS DOCTOR'S ORDERS. If you are FAT... if you SMOKE... if you... it doesn't matter what you do, they will have a matrics that REQUIRES their decisions on your health records to be passed by THEM.

  • Donna Hedricks - 14 years ago


  • Donna Hedricks - 14 years ago

    WARNING: Accepting stimulus money to install electronic health records REQUIRES all records put into HHS's under Sebilius's control. This control includes governing boards that computes ALL YOUR HEALTH DECISIONS

  • Dorine McKinnon - 14 years ago

    Just like the cash for clunkers program, where you signed your own computer over to the government if you logged onto their interface - if you take Obama-bucks they will control the database and force doctors into being unpaid servants of the government...

  • Edward Cline - 14 years ago

    Here is an excellent discussion of the unconstitutionality of ObamaCare, and especially of the “personal mandate” (formerly the “public option”). Professor Barnett’s paper is thorough and unanswerable. Your attorneys may draw more wisdom, cogency, and argument from his paper than they may already bring to the task. While it focuses on the mandate that Americans engage in a commercial transaction against their will, it also pertains to the virtual enslavement or indentured servitude of medical professionals of all suasions, which is no less horrific.

    I wish you well in your suit. Expect to be stonewalled by rationalizations and appeals to the “public good.” Don’t let them divert you from your goal -- the nullification of ObamaCare, followed, hopefully, in a new Congress, with its repeal.

  • Rick Rhey - 14 years ago

    I am appalled by the extent to which doctors are willing to sacrifice the welfare of their patients to their own gratuitous ideological hallucinations. Some of it is just plain crazy e.g comparing reform to the Nazi's extermination of the Jews. Many tens of thousands of people a year die needlessly because they do not have insurance coverage and I hear doctors here railing against the reform that could help to save many of these and refusing to improve their offices in ways that would benefit their patients. My naive assumptions about doctors being concerned for their patients and their responsibility as healers have been totally destroyed. I for one will now ask ahead of time if any doctor I would see is a member of this marginal right wing hate group of Doctors and choose instead another. With doctors like these God help us all.

  • Catherine West - 14 years ago

    Not only is the answer to taking Stimulus money - NO; but also, any Grant money for the Same Reason -- the Federal-Executive Branch of government has no business making decisions about the healthcare of 308+million people, especially using money that is not theirs and at a cost to degrading the Constitution with its Declaration and to 'We the people' of the United States!!!

  • Catherine West - 14 years ago

    Thank you AAPS members for taking the individual American's rights to Federal District Court.
    My purpose is to increase awareness of the severe degradation of both our Declaration of Independence (Location of American Principles) and Constituion (Location of Rules) which are designed to protect each individual from a too large Federal government the Founders knew -full well- would occur as the watch-dog of overlap between three Branches of gov. are removed because the actual effect of this PPAA is to allow OneBranch of Gov. - the Executive- MONEY as 6% of GNP with excessive taxing-fines; and POWER - ability through unelected bureucrats HHS, cabinet members Treasury/IRS, Homeland Security TO DETERMINE BOTH THE COST AND THE REIMBURSEMENT FOR 100% of the entire Field of Medicine with resources of any company having any relationship to medicine. Now, in your letter, Executive B. will take, in taxes back to the Exec.B., then reimburse to the private insurance companies as long as they obey the regulation regarding pre-existing conditions, health coverage for employees, taxes (don't forget the subsidies hosp. drug, ins. have given to Obama way back in 5-6/09!). The Exec.B. has a major role in 'conflict of interest' were they a private company doing business! Also, there is one comment-supporter of Obamahealth who probably counts among millions of Americans, who do not know that the Exec. B "high risk patients" = "pre-existing cond." that instead of ins. comp. protecting each member of the private company protected against the high-cost patient care needs - the Execu.B. will use taxpayer, robbing Peter to Pay Paul, borrowing from biggest loaners China and Japan, and down-right manipulation of who gets what care, when and how much of what treatment---The old "He who owns the money, owns the power of decision" regarding dollars use...or not. Remember, this "gp. of irresponsible utilizers of other people's money-Administration" does believe that earning money with hard work and all the risk - ARE NOT ENTITLED TO THE REWARDS. >$250,000 OF THE REWARDS TO 5% IS REDISTRIBUTED TO THOSE WHO DON'T EARN OR DON'T HAVE ADEQUATE MONEY
    DEFINED BY THIS SOCIALIST ADMINISTRATION! Never the intent of any Founder involved in the purpose of either of the 2 Unique in Human History Documents.
    There are two other invasions of Executive Branch (legislative) are 1) Failure to recognize that Corporations, Businesses (including Physician groups & insurance companies) are Individuals in Law. Therefore, the same rights of indivdual patients are Business-Corp. rights. No insurance company has been 'charged with any crime'; but their rights to safety of person, propterty, home, effects is the same and the Vth Amendment also takes hold.
    2) No-where in either of the Two Docs. are the size, power, regulation rights of non-elected individuals allowed - including the original Medicare Legislation which was designed for Only The Group of Individuals Who Would Not Otherwise be eligible for assistance. George III was not, per se, a Socialist, but he was an excellent example of the 29 reasons to separate from Eng. Obama can claim at least of of the prohibitions: including property removed as 'fines' without appeal and unreasonable since the only reason for the fine is to redistribute money from healthy individuals to the more chronically ill!
    This PPAA is the most insulting and worstr denegration of both the Declaration and Constitution in the history of the United States. The Money and Power is not allowed in any Branch of Federal level of government - much less the Executive B who knows exactly what he has perpatrated against the Republic of the United States and makes no apology let alone responsibility. He believes his election allows changing the Constitution! He is wrong! How the Federal District Court behaves in your suite on individuals and your own behalf will be watched by We the People of the United States --- never th

  • Mary - 14 years ago

    The insurance companies regulate us now and restrict what we can or cannot do. We tolerate this and accept lower payments from them and I do not believe this should be tolerated. Why do we allow this and call the President a socialist? This I do not believe and you should look up the definition of socialism before you make accusations. I also feel that the Tea Partys actions have been shameful and sometimes law-breaking.

    I am caucasian but embarrassed at the racial slurs and behavior towards the President of the United States of America.

    No Pre-existing Conditions
    No Dropped Policies for Terminal Illness
    Affordable Insurance For Everyone
    Competition Between Companies Bring Down Rates

  • Tracey Zale - 14 years ago

    Providers should receive a 100% tax deduction(subtracted from gross income) for all costs associated with implimenting this manadate. The Legislation should also include a provision that exempts the Providers targeted by this mandate from any liability should the patients health information be compromised. It should also provide that the Patient sign a release form acknowledging that their health information will be available, electronically, to XXXXX as mandated by Federal Law.

    This is going to open a can of worms! Especially if all office visit notes are included in this mandate, hopefully not.
    It will interfere with the patient-doctor relationship. Patients may not want to disclose important information to their doctors when it is "on the record". Especially those seeking Pyschiatric treatment, those with drug and alcohol dependency and information they consider private and sensitive between them and their doctor.

    PPO's, Managed Care and low Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement has resulted in Physicians seeing more patients, working 10+hour days and earning less since 1993.

    I believe all Providers should not subscribe to the Medicare and Medicaid Program, I would rather treat a percentage of these patients for free than participate in a program that dictates what my services and education are worth.

    Unless Physicians are full-time employees of State or Federal Government they can charge what they want for their services.

    I can't tolerate the Socialist Democrats arrogance. If physicians allow them to control their income, they might as well endorse a "Universal Health Care System" and work for the Federal Government. No overhead, no employees, no liability
    and job security with annual increases regardless of the economy. But, the Government will tell you when and how to treat your patients and ultimately the patients will suffer and care will become substandard.

    Physicians Unite!

  • Joan - 14 years ago

    I urge everyone not to take the government handouts!! Once you do, you are enslaved into the system. I ask that eveyone stand for principles- we need to take care of ourselves and our neighbors. We all inherently know the difference between right and wrong! NOBODY in this country should go without- afterall we are the most caring and generous country in the world. We should take care of ourselves and our neighbors WITHOUT government interference. We need to stop all of these entitlement programs now! We need to stop these criminals (our representatives and senators and president) from borrowing and spending. They are dismantling the future generations of this country! We are a unique country in the world- we still have freedom. We have talent and education. We have the best medical system in the world. We have the smartest and most dedicated medical professionals anywhere on earth. Our system has problems, I agree. Could we maybe concentrate on fixing the 15-20% of our healthcare that needs attention, rather than dismantling the whole system? Just think of the unemployment rate increase when medical professions and health insurance companies close thier doors due to OBAMACARE? And by the way, isn't the unemployment rate a greater concern to US citizens right now, rather than healcare? Who is representing us? WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT, not THEM.

  • rozavis - 14 years ago

    It is really an academic discussion at this point. The electronic record WILL become a standard in health care in the future. The electronic medical record is only a precursor to the class 2 implant, aka the chip. Once the health bill is passed, your rights to confidentiality will disappear as your entire medical data from all the doctors you see will be available to people in the system, including employers. In time, all providers will be required to have the updated medical record system in order to receive reimbursement from the government once a single payer plan is firmly in place. Your medical record will be implanted in your skin as a requirement for you to receive medical care. And, if people refuse, then fines will be imposed by the IRS. This is how I see it. The same way this health bill is being rammed down our throats, so will it be with the electronic medical record. The first takers will accept the money. The MD my daughter works for has already accepted the first round of stimulus money that was handed out last year! People have no clue as to what is down the pike. So Sad!!!!

  • rozavis - 14 years ago

    It is really an academic discussion at this point. The electronic record WILLl become a standard in health care in the future. The electronic medical record is only a precursor to the class 2 implant, aka the chip. Once the health bill is passed, your rights to confidentiality will disappear as your entire medical data from all the doctors you see will be available to people in the system, including employers. In time, all providers will be required to have the updated medical record system in order to receive reimbursement from the government once a single payer plan is firmly in place. Your medical record will be implanted in your skin as a requirement for you to receive medical care. And, if people refuse, then fines will be imposed by the IRS. This is how I see it. The same way this health bill is being rammed down our throats, so will it be with the electronic medical record. The first takers will accept the money. The MD my daughter works for has already accepted the first round of stimulus money that was handed out last year! People have no clue as to what is down the pike. So Sad!!!!

  • Ruth - 14 years ago

    Any time anybody accepts any $ or subsidy from the government, he automatically accepts the strings attached that come with it. So if you value what freedom you have left, don't take a dime. Mr. Obama today spoke of the lady who was to be with him on stage, but she couldn't be there because she is in the hospital. She doesn't have insurance anymore, but she is in & receiving treatment. She doesn't want anybody messin' with the deal she's got!

  • darlenesexton - 14 years ago

    my sons do not have health care but my husband and i have excellent health care. why cant we set up tricounty health care for people with nno insurance or very low income? we live in a county with no dental or healhcare clinics'I can't afford to pay for all their dental,vison,and health care expenses.But LEAVE MINE ALONE!

  • Frank Polidora, M.D. - 14 years ago

    Before the Nazis killed the Jewish People, they killed the sick, German and other, especially those with birth defects and the incurables. Doctors were required to inform the government of the existence of these people. This was done without computers. Think what utilitarians, eugenicists, and social darwinists in the government in America will be able to do to" empty mouths" and other "undesirables" now with electronic medical records. Welcome! We are on our way to "Logan's Run", unless we as physicians refuse to violate the sanctity of the patient-physician relationship.

  • ED - 14 years ago


  • Robin Feigelis - 14 years ago

    I refuse to sell my patients' privacy for some government hand out with more strings attached thanto all the puppets in the entire Vienna Marionette theater. It is clear that the government will own the records of any physician who accepts stimulus money. (Remember "Cash for Clunkers" and the government's attempt to own the computers of dealers who participated until Glenn Beck got on the case!)
    In fact, the first quesiton that I will ask any physician that I or my family intend to use, is "Did you take stimulus money?" If the answer is "yes," I will chose another physician.

  • Doris Bradley - 14 years ago

    We need more Congressmen like the blue dog democrats, they actually have principles. They know it will cost the people more money, and they are voting for the people-not the party. Most Congressmen have forgotten they are voting as a service to the people not the party.
    Health care was not even in the top four concerns of the people, but the tunnel vision party congressmen have to push this through against the will of the majority or 68%.

  • Tommygun - 14 years ago

    Dont take one red cent from govmnt. We dont need them, we got each other. Furthermore I am calling for the people to divorce this government and its administration. Yeah, you know this relationship just aint workin out. There was really no love between us, etc.. And you know I dont want your money, just leave us the hell alone!!!

  • Nancy Mitchell - 14 years ago

    The government has already emited our yearly S.S, raise [done immediatly after O'bama took office]. Question: where did or will it go?? AAND---NO NO NO!

  • Nancy Mitchell - 14 years ago

    The government has already emited our yearly S.S, raise [done immediatly after O'bama took office]. Question: where did or will it go??

  • Richard Daudelin - 14 years ago

    Kill the health know.

  • Richard Daudelin - 14 years ago


  • Patty Ann - 14 years ago

    Doctors are suffocating beneath government regulation already - just to receive reimbursement for their services they already provide through medicaid and medicare.....these programs need to be funded - not more regulation created for the doctors. Get governemnt OUT of medical care to save the integrity of our world class medicine. No more governemnt "regulation" or oversight or calling the shots. It's killing our freedom and sinking economic incentive to find cures - provide services.

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