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Are you in favor of government-run health care? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 857

  • kathy Radina - 14 years ago

    As someone who deals with insurance companies on a regular basis, let me say I am very interested in a government run healthcare program. Government sponsored is another situation however. I would compare the US Military and Medicare (government run) to Cigna and Aetna (for profit) any day and come out leagues ahead. I had hoped to be able to buy in to Medicare, but alas, the insurance industry makes so much profit, they were able to buy not only politicians but opinion makers, and I lose. I can't buy insurance anywhere, at any price. I'm too old and my husband has had a heart attack. But ... I could probably get a government job and get government insurance that way. There, I've said it. i want more government in MY life.

  • Great, another WalMart! - 14 years ago

    The poll question is a loaded one and is based on fear and ignorance, furthermore it's intention is to confuse the issue further, rather than provoke thoughtful responses, no surprise coming from an extreme right-wing publication.
    This issue had been corrupt from it's original intent of reigning in the insurance cartels and getting a handle on health care costs for Americans. The insurance companies have effectively bought the politicians Americans have elected into office and have handed us all over to the insurance companies for further fleecing. It's no longer an issue of what the majority of Americans want, or need, it's now an issue of how much money can be stuffed into politicians pockets by the insurance companies. Either way, the insurance companies and politicians will win at the expense, once again, of the citizens of this country. A pathetic excuse for a "government"...

  • Melissa Paxton - 14 years ago

    Nice comment, are you referring to those in favor or against? Try being civil, it can change your whole world.

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