Are you bothered by Obama's bow to the Japanese emperor?


  • Sainty - 14 years ago

    My god will you listen to youresleves!!!! You're acting like he burned you're flag then pissed on it in front of everyone. All HE DID WAS SHOW SOME RESPECT! Something which most of you are incapable of! These people who say 'the US dosent bow' what gives you the right to thnk that America is so much better than anyone other country it's that thinking that started the holocaust and im sure none of us want that again! It's traditional in Japanese culture to bow to everyone you meet even if you know them! Honestly if you're still thinking that US is the best then you've gotta get you're head examined cause this is the 21st century WERE NOT DOUCHEBAGS ANYMORE TO EVERYONE WHO ISN'T CONSIDERED PERFECT!!!!

  • James - 14 years ago

    Can't stand Obama's policies, but in the orient especially in Japan bowing is like hand shaking in the states, kissing on the cheeks in the middle east & european countries. See nothing wrong with this gesture, but if he starts apologizing to Japanese for the A bomb, that's another issue.

  • Rachel - 14 years ago

    apparently bowing IS standard procedure in business with the Japanese....

  • Grabski - 14 years ago

    Jilli unwelcome massages and the like
    You're apparently as ignorant as the TOTUS. ABC reporting that the breach of protocol was on the level of back rub.

  • Michael - 14 years ago

    The Joker strikes again.

  • Situ - 14 years ago

    "Why is the current office holder more interested in foreign protocol than American protocol?"

    Obama is more interested in foreign protocol than American protocol because this administration recognizes this globalized world is not that of ten years ago. No longer can US officials walk into an international summit or meeting with the unbridled arrogance that they will be setting the agenda. Today, if America is to prosper, we as Americans must show the international community that we are ready to treat other states with mutual respect. Thankfully, Obama recognizes that this foreign policy makeover begins with the President.

    During Bush administration, as an semblance of America's positive image was destroyed, China has filled the void with Beijing's policy of "mutual equality." See:

  • James Stroud - 14 years ago

    Because we overextend our forces, our military has become weak. Because we fight expensive wars, we have become poor. Because we have contempt for education, we have become stupid. Because we have made enemies, we now have to make friends. Because we have given up our freedoms for the sake of national security, we are now afraid. That's why we bow.

  • Mike Groshong - 14 years ago

    This whole issue is absurb! When in Rome......and in Japan follow the same rules. A bow in one country is handshake or a kiss in another. We should not impose our cultural behaviors when in a foreign county. The image of the Ugly American comes readily to mind.

    And for those who feel outraged by the President's action, get over it. There other issues far more important, unless your feeble mind is unable to grasp it.

  • marcus - 14 years ago

    When the President steps outside of internationally known American protocol and tradition in a country that embodies the concept of protocol and tradition, that sets the head of state being bowed to on the alert...what does the unprecedented bow signify? Why is he doing that? The message is clear, both to the Japanese and to the Americans: I don't like America, I don't observe American traditions, I prefer to honor your country, not America. The Emperor smiles sweetly, as does his wife, but there is surprise and a sense of the inappropriate in their smiles.

  • lms - 14 years ago

    I would think a less deep bow would be in order to honor the cultural protocol of the host. You walk up, slightly bow and then the host would extend his hand to welcome you and show respect for his guest's cultural protocol.

    To bow and shake hands, at the same time, is groveling.

  • Ken-in-TX - 14 years ago

    It's a sign of respect and I don't read anymore than that into it.

  • Simon - 14 years ago

    Are people really complaining that Obama showed respect and politeness while abroad? Would you rather have a rude, arrogant President who greeted the Emperor by saying, "We're far more civilized than you ignorant fools. We don't have royalty, we have democracy. Oh, and you're not a living God either, you superstitious idiot".

    Japan may have been our enemy once, but we've been at peace with them for decades and they're now an enormous trading partner. They're our equals and it's not a bad thing if our head of state shows politeness when he goes over there.

  • Karl Monty - 14 years ago

    A gesture of mutual respect, the bow, is similar to the salute in the military. Mutual respect, no more, no less. If you think it is demeaning for an enlisted man to salute....the officer has to salute back. In foreign relations, there are common courtesies rendered to Heads of State, which do NOT indicate a place of subservience, just courtesy.

  • bettyboop - 14 years ago

    Evey culture has different customs and traditions unique to their own social standards. Perhaps if we began respecting them for what they are we wouldn't be so ignorant of other peoples ideas of humility. Thinking people know this is not a sign of subservience or fear; but of respect; which is far more meaningfull and productive than not acknowledging our differences. One gets the feeling that if Obama prostrated himself before the Lord Almighty; certain people would find fault in that. These are people truly incapable of understanding Love Thy Neighbor - bow or no bow.

  • Cindy Cunningham - 14 years ago

    Barack Hussein Obama failed his 'Protocol 101 lessons' or else his advisors gave him the wrong information just to be sure he would embarras himself and OUR country. He should be confined to the grounds of the White House until he proves he can behave himself in public. For a man who boasts about his college education, he just acts like a dumb ass when he is out in public.He has no character, no taste, no sense of politeness, no social manners and his ego is too large to be contained. Our first black Liar -in- Chief is a total dunce.

  • sw - 14 years ago

    Which of the two upsets you the most? 1) the statement: I have no problem with a Black man bowing to other races. OR 2) A Black man who Does? It's telling how many lack an understanding of our country that they see nothing wrong with our president bowing to Kings and Emperors. (will we now hear from the fems. over his lack of a bow to a Queen?)

  • beatarmy - 14 years ago

    Absurd. American Presidents do not bow. They particularly do not bow to the unrepentant occupant of the Chrysanthemum throne, who lives only because of the mercy shown by Gen. MacArthur and President Truman and who has yet to apologize or make amends for the rape of Nanking or the slavery of Korea.

    While we are at it, the correct answer to the question of Hiroshima, Mr. President, is "Yes, and I would do it again in a heartbeat to save American soldiers."

  • lssmc - 14 years ago

    I'm not as bothered with this bow as much as I am with the last one. In my opinion, we should not bow down to any man on the planet. My Christian upbringing tells me to only bow to God.

    I would like to think BO was just being respectful, unlike when he bowed to the Saudi King. I'm going to give him a pass on this one because of the age of the Emperor. I just wish he would shake hands.

  • Lynne - 14 years ago

    Bowing is a traditional Asian greeting, our President is showing respect to his host and a knowledge of Asian customs. Wake up people, we're in the 21st century, not the 17th century.

  • mmy - 14 years ago

    I am born in Ohio, my father was a paratrooper in in WWII, I am a lifelong Republican. I think that it is time for us to have a President who understands other cultures and customs and who is not afraid to bow as a matter of respect for the other person. When are we going to stop criticizing this President for every little move he makes? Surely, we are more educated than our criticisms show us to be.

  • james andrews - 14 years ago

    American Protocol is the President of the United States does not bow to anyone. Why is the current office holder more interested in foreign protocol than American protocol? Everything Obama does lately shows his lack of understanding and a disconnect from the American people. This may have been his worst offense to his country "so far".

  • Linda Yamada - 14 years ago

    Americans ignorance of other countries’ customs is probably the reason that the rest of the world sometimes see us as the Ugly American. I am a third generation Japanese American whose parents and grandparents were put into American concentration camps during World War II without due process. In Japan, people greet each other by bowing. A bow ranges from a small nod of the head to a long, 90 degree bend at the waist. If the greeting takes place on tatami floor, people get on their knees in order to bow.

    When bowing to someone of higher social status, a deeper, longer bow indicates respect. Conversely, a small head nod is casual and informal. However, most Japanese do not expect foreigners to know proper bowing rules and so a nod of the head is usually sufficient.

    It is also common to bow to express thanks, to apologize, to make a request or to ask someone a favor.

    Shaking hands is uncommon among the Japanese, but again, exceptions are made for foreigners.

    President Obama was in Japan and was greeting the Emperor in the host country's customs. He showed that even foreigners recognizes another country’s customs and culture.

  • J - 14 years ago

    Oh I forgot, the US doesn't bow. They hold hands and kiss men's cheeks. This is ridiculous. So are the Saudis the only ones we can kiss up to? I mean the only ones Republicans can kiss up to, Obama supposedly bows (I personally think it was his first time in this situation and in his head he forget what the hell to do and did a mix of a bow and a "shoot, am I supposed to do this?" moment.) and everyone is up and arms. Bush practically goes out on a date with a guy and everyone is ok with that. Please, give me a break.

  • Jilli - 14 years ago

    Thankfully the days of silver spoon frat boy behavior - unwelcome massages and the like - are over and we have returned to respect and protocol. Were you people raised in a barn, or are common civility and decency and civility just foreign concepts to you? Or are your chest thumping egos really that weak. Sheesh grow up.

    At least he didn't kiss him and walk hand and hand with him like Bush did with the Saudi - which was actually a pretty despicable alliance. Where was your phony outrage then?

  • Ed Gardner - 14 years ago

    Where are his protocol people? US presidents do not bow, and in Japanese culture one does not touch (handshake) while bowing.

    Go home and work on the economy.

  • Wendy Gardner - 14 years ago

    The Japan business doesn't bother me that much. Japan doesn't give us trouble and this was an older gentleman. I think, from the picture that he bowed SO low that he may have startled him, but it doesn't look nearly as much as grovelling as it did the last time. It's just when you put it all together, with everything the Pres says and does, how he treats our allies compared to our enemies that gets people upset. He doesn't have a history of making certain comments about the Japanese as he does with these other people.

  • Barbara Martin - 14 years ago

    Americans do NOT bow to anyone---- what does he think we fought the Revolution for? Even Jack Kennedy didn't do that---nor did Jackie curtsey.

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