¿A qué países cree que podría exportar?

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  • Daniel Cardozo - 10 years ago

    Quisiera contactarme con quien me pueda dar información para adquirir la franquicia de LA MARTINA para comercializarla en Italia.

  • Andrea Gomes - 11 years ago

    I would like to present you a business proposal.
    Please read the proposal carefully, but if you could be not interested, you may know someone or any company to whom it may concern. In this case, we will reward you for expending your time and work.
    Company based in Spain and Brazil, seeks partner(s) for implantation of franchises in Brazil.
    We have a great knowledge of the Brazilian market and the sector that is currently developed by our company, all this thanks to our long experience in the industry and trajectory of both countries.
    We started this ambitious project after researched, developed and tested over several years, the progress of the relevant market.
    This project is for investors seeking a high and attractive returns.
    The big question ...
    If it is so profitable, why share it?
    Our company is small but solid, very technical, professional and organizational.
    We have all the means to meet current market demand, but like any small businesses, we have to invest to grow and that’s where it enters one or more partners.
    The system is designed in every detail for the implementation and commissioning of the project, all we need is cash (capital), so we are looking for people who can bring a little more capital to keep growing with firm steps .
    Contact: hemmynails@gmail.com, we are at your disposal to entirely answer any question about the project.
    Yours faithfully.

  • FOGAO - 11 years ago

    ola amigas e amigos
    queisieras poder exportar mi franquicias
    mis franquicias se encuentra em mexico

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