Should the Justice Department investigate ACORN?


  • jon kramer - 15 years ago

    HEY GRIZZLY....unpaid dodges ..illegal documents are all ways to beat the government out of tax dollars...By the way ...If they don't pay all... of us DO... ''or do you? pay taxes or collect some sort of welfare.subusities or grants...HUMMMMMMMM

  • jon kramer - 15 years ago

    I'll... bet that the document shredders ar running 24/7 at acorn....check their electric bill........and also the presses at the treasury are probably running over time printlng toilet paper ....GO OBAMA..your on the right track to total destruction

  • Larry Velasco - 15 years ago

    At this time Acorn is being investigated. But who is investigating the investigators? Can we really trust anyone to do the job? We have to monitor things ourselves and not take it for granted it will be taken care of by them. Look at what happened in the election. Barry Soetoro Hussein got elected by fraud and deceit. Plus, just plain ignorance and people who want something for nothing. Tell me if I'm wrong I have an open mind. All and any associated with this corrupt group Acorn should be investigated. This includes your president. I say yours because he will never be mine. None of his people will be either. No, I don't mean black people I mean anyone who is under his administration or supports him in any way. The SEIU, Apollo, Fannie May and Freddie Mac, (two real suspect names) and RICO. Throw out ALL of the crooks, takers, frauds and un-American people. We don't need or want them. We never did. Anyone who is trying to change this country this much and this fast can only be up to no good. No more immigration period. That makes it un-bias. Not only Mexicans, all people. If and when we straighten this mess out we can start letting people back in the country with heavy restrictions. That's how it should be. Concerned AMERICAN,
    Larry Velasco

  • Julie - 15 years ago

    I think one of the posters has this correct. This is the TIP of the iceberg. A can of worms has been opened. I am just a grandma in Texas and nothing is making sense anymore. I question everything coming out of the Whitehouse now and with the mainstream media, President Obama himself ignoring the corruption at ACORN and from what was shown on Fox, how can the President comment on a professor and a cop and not absolutely on this organization who gets our tax money AND IGNORE IT? It makes me furious. How the democrats vote on how rude Sen Wilson was when Sen Rangel has certainly dishonored his office? Wake up people. And I mean wake up. They say anything but the truth in my opinion. Didn't your mother tell you to not believe everything a person says? It is the action, not the words.

  • markh - 15 years ago

    Obama is the biggest mistake America has ever made. You haven't seen nothing yet, the lawless one is just getting started. And i'm African American from the South Side of Chicago for everyone's info.

    Yes Acorn is full of crooks.

  • Sal - 15 years ago

    Not that it matters. Glorious Leader won't let his best buds from Chicago down. Fuhgedaboutit. They ought to be permanently shut down, and prosecuted.

  • Larry Velasco - 15 years ago

    Yes, Acorn should be investigated. I have stopped banking at the Bank of America since I found out about Acorn and their motives about six months ago. I wrote to Ken Lewis then CEO for B of A. He was fired by Barry Soetoro Hussein. I am planning a demostration for the bank in Placerville, CA. as soon as I get enough people together to make an impression. You see, B of A contributes millions to Acorn. I have been to the police station to find out my right as a demonstrator and they said I was correct in my handling the layout. I think they should investigate your president too, as I think he is as crooked as a cork-screw. What a piece of junk. This guy Barry Soetoro Hussein is a really beauty. Wilson was absolutly correct in calling Barry a LIAR. He is a LIAR. His administration will go down along with this country as the biggest joke ever. He should be impeached without a doubt. No good person.
    Concerned AMERICAN,
    Larry Velasco.

  • Pauline Hicks - 15 years ago

    Makes a person wonder why they haven't been investigated long ago. The
    housing loans that have and more to come that are running banks out
    of business, voter fraud charges in several states. Acorn has gone inter-
    national recently. How much more harm will be done before they stop this
    group that has taken over Acorn and turned it into a money machine. They
    are set to get 2 billion more from our government. We must vote carefully
    in the next election to rid ourselves of this corruption. I have never seen
    so many Americans citizens treated like dirt by the men and women who
    work for us. It is time for a government cleanout and time for the crooks
    to go.

  • Ryan, VA - 15 years ago

    Should the Justice Department investigate ACORN? Is that a real question? What have they done that does not deserve investigation?

  • Brad - 15 years ago

    The fact is, ACORN does receive Government money. What they say they use it for, and what it's actually used for, should be a job for the FBI to figure out. They are supposedly non-partisan, but the evidence is overwhelming that they are anything but. Their workers actively promoted Obama at ACORN rallies during the run up to the election, and strangely enough the massive incidents of voter fraud all seemed to go in the Democrats favor. They should be investigated, prosecuted at the highest levels if they are guilty, and shut down. I seriously doubt that will happen, but we can hope for some change. :}

    One question I would like someone to ask, is how many Federal Prosecutors are left over from President Bush's tenure? We know Clinton fired every single one of them when he took office, and I am wondering if Obama did the same thing when he took office. Heaven knows that we can't count on the mainstream media to tell us if he did, since he's a Democrat, but let Gonzales fire 5 of em for not doing their jobs, and everyone goes nuts.

    Community organizer and Unions have a common ancestor/ideal. "Workers of the world unite!", ring a bell for anyone?

  • Rhonda - 15 years ago

    Come on Glenn Beck, lets get something done about this administration. Glenn cannot do it alone!

  • Dottie, D - 15 years ago


  • Margaret J - 15 years ago

    Well of course there needs to be an investigation - but not by our current administration - Bringing little 16 yr olf girls from El Salvadore - and laughingly telling them they shouldn't be discussing this in the first place?
    DO THEY NOT REALIZE THERE IS A GOD IN HEAVEN - the ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD - who is bringing judgement on the entire NATION due to the head of the nation's decisions and for allowing all this to continue?

    I am truly concerned about what's about to happen to our Nation due to all this junk going on - mind you - it's not been something that hasn't gone on, but never to this degree. This new administration is so liberal, it's going to affect GOOD WELL MEANING folks like you and I when an earthquakes shakes this nation - just remember this blog - this is only part of what happens when you allow unGodly ppl to lead your country - I am SO GLAD I did not vote the Obama ticket - and I cannot wait till 2012 to VOTE AGAINST HIM AGAIN - WE NEED AN AWAKENING TO GOD! it's the only thing thats going to save this Great Nation - so sad all this stuff - they will pay for their actions.....they will certainly pay.

  • Robert Mac - 15 years ago

    To quote Brigette Gabriel: "When we keep our heads buried in the sand then we make a rather large target out of our rear-ends." Of course Acorn should be investigated. But by who? I am not currently working for a government agency but I have worked in government in the past for over 12 years and I am very skeptical based on personal observation. There are good and honest people in government just like I am sure the Acorn group has good and honest people. The corruption and power is almost always evident in those who have been given to much power.

  • Chauncey Grizzly - 15 years ago

    Don't any of you sheeple read anything other than FoxNews?

    Let me help you those worried about their tax dollars: Not one cent of your tax dollars goes to ACORN. So quit complaining.

    To those worried about the election Obama "stole" with ACORN... ACORN was found to be registering people like Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, ect. The volunteers signed up these names to meet their quota. Any 8th grader, however can tell you that you need an ID and valid SS # to cast your unless a landslide victory of millions of people had IDs with the name Mickey Mouse, with attached SS # were able to cast a vote, you can throw that theory out the window.

    And the big one: SOCIALISM IS NOT A FORM OF GOVERNMENT. Look it up in a dictionary, anywhere else than here, you might realize how silly you all sound.

  • Chauncey Grizzly - 15 years ago

    Yes, by all means. Investigate the whole arganization beacuse two out of at least 14 people who were set up in a documentary-style sting broke the law.

    While we're at it we can also start investigating the GOP. More than a few of theit family-values candidates have been involved in countless infringments of the law. For instance, Larry Craig still holds office, regardless of his foot's indescretions in an Airport bathroom.

    While you're all congratulating each other on having a protected little corner of circular reasoning and half-truths called FoxNews, the rest of the country, ie around 70% are laughing at you.

  • r kidd - 15 years ago

    As I do not wish to be part of a criminal enterprise , I chose not to participate in the 2010 census, as long as ACORN is involved.

  • Don Kite - 15 years ago

    ACORN should be investigated nation-wide. The Baltimore, MD., event was the topper!

    My wife and I were shocked to death. I've just sent emails to our elected officials from Michigan, urging them to back an investigation of ACORN.

    After all, had it not been for Oprah Winfrey and ACORN, Obama would not have been elected to the Presidency. And with her billions, did Oprah Winfrey fund ACORN, as well, to help Obama become the first African-American to be elevated to the Presidency?

    Good question, I think. ACORN and Oprah are worthy of investigation.

    On the other hand, if you think about it, with Eric Holder as Obama's appointee to lead the Department of Justice (DOJ), wouldn't an investigation by DOJ be akin to having the proverbial fox guard the proverbial hen-house? Any investigation by DOJ would be tainted, I think.

    Let's face it, the Senate should demand a special prosecutor be chosen to lead an investigation into ACORN. Include Oprah Winfrey, as well. After all, any investigation worth its salt should be done by independent counsel. Any investigation needs to "follow the money" and let the chips fall where they may.

    And the IRS should launch its own investigation of ACORN simply because the Baltimore branch of ACORN was caught on tape helping the undercover "pimp" and his "prostitute" skirt the IRS laws. As the saying goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words!"

    Fox News, you can be certain, vetted its sources prior to running this sickening story. And this story, by the way, should make each an every honest, tax paying American mad as hell! I'm mad as hell, and I did something about it. As stated earlier, I sent my views to my Members of Congress from Michigan.

    I urge every conservative American who cares about what is going on to do the same. The liberals can go to hell, and this country is going to hell in a hand-basket. It makes me sick, since I served honorably in the military for 20 years and almost 20 years in the Federal Government as a "Civil Servant."

    The Congressional make up is going to change in 2010, when Republicans once again will control Congress. Then we can say "goodbye" to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Just imagine Nancy Pelosi as President should (God forbid) something happen to Obama and Biden. What a sobering thought to have Nancy Pelosi anywhere near the "football" - which, if you do not know - holds all the nuclear launch codes. Oh, my God!

    Do something constructive - complain to your Congressional delegation as I did. To do absolutely nothing do not say you were not warned.

    Fox News keep up the good work! The mainstream media in this country doesn't have the guts to report the news in a "fair and balanced" manner as Fox News does. In my book, Fox News team is number one!

  • whitenoise - 15 years ago

    I think what we need to do is this. Instead of raising taxes we should start with Obamas spending.......If he wants to throw parties in honor of himself, he should pay for it out of his own pocket. Instead of having 30 czars and counting we should limit him to no more than 12, if he wants to go on vacation and use Air Force One, he should pay for the fuel out of his own pocket, the same with clothing.

    Since every first lady before Michelle has gotten by having only 2-3 assistants, and she has 118 at a whopping 1.5 million plus of tax paying dollars, get rid of the other 115 assistants.

    Congress should go around and pay the bad checks that are still outstanding. They have what is called go-fors. People who run around picking up dry cleaning, hand delivering notes, fetching their food, so forth and so on. They make around 100k a year or more. The go-fors have assistancts for what they can't get done. So we tell congress to get off their lazy butts and do this themselves. We fire all go-fors and their assistants.

    We get rid of all the corrupt congress men and women that cheat on their taxes. We need to hold the accountable. (Charlie Rangler also)

    I'm tired of my tax paying dollars going to pay for their own personal things. Instead of telling "We the people" to tighten our belts.......they should tighten their own belts. They don't need 5 different homes in the U.S. and else where. They don't need 20 different cars either.

    One more thing.....I am really sick of him making threats to everyone who diagrees with him. And doing what he threatens to do. I don't remember even one president that has done this. Why does he feel he's so different? He seems to keep forgetting that we are a free country, we are not under his dictatorship. We hired him so to speak and we can impeach him.

    No matter what race we are, what our political backgrounds are, or what our station is in life, we need to come together and start handing out pink and peach slips. He has lost the trust of this country and no matter how many applogies that are made and saying they didn't know about this or that.......we need to hold Obama and Congress accountable.

    We need to wake up everyone, or we will lose our rights one by one.

    With Obama and congress trying to blitz us with 20 things at once and to conquer and divide us, we need to watch everything he and congress are doing that we don't see.

  • cosmos - 15 years ago

    My tax dollors are going to Acorn and I want it stopped... I dont support those that are only after greed. This group is in charge of the census?....stand up and take our country back before its too late. Sure they fired the two Acorn ladies on the video.....the leaders need to go...all they will do is replace the two that were let go and the beat goes on and on and on.

  • Barbara - 15 years ago

    Acorn will simply state that these are 'rogue employees' acting on their own, and that they do not condone such actions and they'll be off the hook as they throw their employees under the bus! This is the way it works, folks, for all those in this country who have something to hide and do not possess the American qualities of integrity and honesty. By the way, if you recall, wasn't it Obama himself who trained Acorn "in the beginning"?

  • Wilda Woods - 15 years ago

    Yes we should have them investigated. I hope fox news will not give up until something is done.
    We should get something started to keep them from taking the cencus. I will not give any information to any Acorn or sciu workers.
    .Let all of us boycott them, we can do it if we work together.


  • Looking4MainStreamMedia - 15 years ago

    By the way...for those who are saying Fox is lying...Fox is reporting a story that an independent film maker made. Fox did not go under cover..Facts are a beautiful thing :o)

  • Judy - 15 years ago

    We all need to email our respective senators and representatives letting them know we want and expect them to back an immediate investigation into ACORN.

  • Looking4MainSteamMedia - 15 years ago

    Where is the rest of the media?????? In Cuba getting trained on how to report the news?? hmmmmmmI guess ill keep looking..........

  • Sandy - 15 years ago

    The time is long past due for the Congress to initiate an investigation, along with the Justice Dept. into ACORN. I have seen enough of their under-handed, illegal actions. In fact, I think that Congress should have insisted on an investigation into ACORN'S activities, before approving funding for them from our tax dollars. Do they have no shame????
    The time has come for this Congress to be replaced. Yes, thrown out on their behinds. It's time for honest, hard-working Americans to take over Washington and get rid of the corrupt, power hungry Representatives and Senators who somehow keep getting elected. It's time for Americans to start thinking about who they are voting for. There is not much time left. Soon, there will be no way for America to survive.

  • Judy - 15 years ago

    Why is it the other major news stations don't cover this story allowing their followers to vote and openly discuss the ACORN video as Fox has done? I would be interested to see if their followers would vote 99% for NO investigation. I think they must fear the answer.

  • Rodi Gardner - 15 years ago

    OMG YES, they should be investigated. How many free passes does this corrupt org. get?Everyone knows they are THUGS and need to be run out of every town.

  • merreck - 15 years ago

    darlene, certainly there are only a few bad apples. let the police handle it. they can do an investigation just like any other case. As a taxpayer of this country i don't want MY money being wasted on some republican witchhunt. Put my tax money towards healthcare for all, something of value. But maybe we should let Fox News investigate. They could put Bill O'Reilly in charge.

  • Darlene - 15 years ago

    Merreck, If there are only a few bad apples again than know one should mind an investigation...right? As a taxpayer of this country I would want to know that my money isn't being used for encouraging someone to set up an illegal prostitution ring using children and if you are ok with then you are one sick person.

  • merreck - 15 years ago

    WHAT A PACK OF LIES! Fox News just stirs up anything. Acorn has done SO MUCH GOOD for our country, affordable housing, supporting better schools, FAIR housing. Maybe there a very few bad people there out of the many many who work there. But why tarnish this great organization because of a few people. Republicans will pick something they don't like, usually because it doesn't make them money, and look and poke until they find something wrong. Then they try to shut it down. Fox News is the worst and republicans are right with them.

  • MR - 15 years ago

    I am sure that they will not find anything out of the ordinary since the AG has already refused to prosecute voter intimidation. A better question is "should we investigate the Justice Department and who is non-partisan enough to come to a HONEST judgment.

  • Jeff - 15 years ago

    It's time we take this into our own hands and quit depending on the media like Fox to fight our fight. If we just sit back and hope this goes away it's gonna be to late. This administration is going to take your money in the form of taxes and give it to those who sit on their ass@s so the Govt can support them. Acorn and Seiu will continue to defraud the Govt until you have no rights left as the Constitution states.

  • Chaser - 15 years ago

    If congress doesn't investigate acorn after this video, it will be time for US to act. Not one congressman or senator will be able to win an election. Their time is up. It's up to US!

  • Jeanned - 15 years ago


  • Anthony - 15 years ago

    ACORN is part of a FAR LEFT underground which is trying to takeover the United States. There are several other "underground/community organizer" groups in collaboration with ACORN which are in all out war against the United States. The people in these organizations actually think they are doing good! I believe that the anti-christ is the one behind this movement.

  • Darlene - 15 years ago

    Just watched GB and saw the video...all I can say is Oh My God, please help this country! Why isn't anyone reporting on this and why are they not being investigated. Because they are supported by the SEIU and the Administration? Where are the elected politians of this country? Why will no one in Washington stand up and demand the investigation? Those two women should go to prison for giving support and advice on starting an illegal operation, tax evasion and pedophelia. THIS IS SICK Where are the values and morals of this country? I wished the elected would get out of the beds of special interest, unions etc.. and get in with bed with WE THE PEOPLE!!!

  • normi - 15 years ago

    Where is the IRS and the FBI. These agencies should be investigating ACORN. If ACORN is doing what we have seen today on Fox we should be concerned about what else is being done that has not yet been revealed. Oh, I just remembered that neither the IRS or the FBI can investigative ACORN because Attorney General Holder will probably not approve such an investigation. But where is Congress? Why not appoint a special prosecutor to look into this. I am tired of paying taxes so that ACORN can continue to circumvent our criminal laws and tax code.

  • hammer - 15 years ago

    close the idiots down

  • Wes - 15 years ago

    I'm telling you that this administration has proven there corruption and it will continue.

  • Robert Sewell Sr - 15 years ago

    Oh Oh sure yes of course, why did FBI leave them alone ??. Something are wrong systems inside FBI and Obama DEAL ???. FBI really cannot miss point where are ACORNS are in America, no excuses !. also Obama's favorite with ACORNS busines for long long time ago till today. today I saw FOX NEWS that Obama's STIMULUS ACORNS received another $8.5 Billions for them to help PIMPING BUSINESS DEAL WITH poor people and immigrants. !!!, Why Why Why ???. What and where are FBI DOING SO FAR ?, sound nothing !. Same thing to Obama,FBI doing nothing too.
    I support this time of right now to investigate more carefully and jail them since cheating votes etc. Also need to investigate on HOME LAND SECURITY Federal Election Commissioners too and possibility Supreme Court Judges and Clerks and others.
    We all American Citizens request immediately !!. All congress men and women too except few congress are good and Patriots.
    We need biggest sweep them off and clear and new congress for all of American Citizens

  • MARKIE 71 - 15 years ago

    ACORN's new video should be enough evidence to suspend any further "business" they can carry on. They need to have ALL of their assets frozen to prevent anyone from evading justice. Round them all up and have their bail set (not by money) on ACORN properties. If they run, ACORN begins it's losses. The cascade would start and they would continue to lose ground as each thug runs. Then we have the final associates, such as Obama, to be questioned. Hmmm, I wonder where that would lead.

  • Pablo13 - 15 years ago

    The Justice Department should go after them like they have the mafia, ACORN is a bunch of scum-bags in my I eyes and they better not come knocking on my door. Aloha from Hawaii.

  • Worried - 15 years ago

    There definitely needs to be an investigation! So much for CHANGE we can believe in!

  • Der Watchdog - 15 years ago

    Hello!!! The writing was on the wall many years ago, but like normal nobody was listening. YES! YES! YES! there should be an investigation but not by Mr. Holder... WE ARE WATCHING YOU! Get it right, put these folks out of business forever. Talk about governement waste and corruption to the highest degree. I hope the TRUTH comes out, IF it does not WE will continue to WATCH and report untill the acorn pops.

  • NEWT GINGRICH - 15 years ago

    you will never hear about this on pmsnb, cbsest or seenuthincnn

  • Brandon - 15 years ago

    I wanna know why this story isnt out there. Anyone looked at other news sites nope not there.

  • lisa - 15 years ago

    Yes they should be investigated they are nothing but thugs, and surprise,surprise Obama is linked to them. This is the most corrupt administration I have seen in my life time it sickens me........

  • daffy duck - 15 years ago

    i am insulted that ACORN had me vote over 100 times in the last
    election for obama . at least i was born here
    gotta go
    having lunch with bugs

  • Pay to Play - 15 years ago

    This is only the tip of the iceberg !! Of course you realize Obama was legal counsel to this corruption organization prior to becoming an Illinois Senator.
    What does that tell you? This group of criminals have been sucking on the government tit and siphoning our tax dollars by the millions and I mean millions !! Acorn should have been investigated years ago. NO MORE OF OUR BLOOD AND SWEAT TAX DOLLARS GOING TO THIS OUTFIT, NO MORE.

    Does anyone really have to ask should they be investigated by the Attorney
    General; HOLDER. Holder is also part of the Chicago group along Blago and Obama. This who charade doesn't pass the smell test !! If we dig deep enough we will find a helluva lot more my fellow Americans.

  • Rey - 15 years ago

    It's heart warming that our FBI and other agency are still hard at work in delivering the law to those looters, abuser and scavengers of the constitutional rights in which the founding father and the proud hard working people of this country has fought for centuries, so they don't have to earn those rights. I hope ACORN will burn in hell!

  • Lorraine - 15 years ago

    What a disgrace to the United States Of America to allow an organization like Acorn to continue with their crooked goings on and fund them with our tax dollars
    when their are people in this country that have to choose between food and medicine because they don't have enough money to pay for both!
    When will the decent citizens of this country get some justice from our so called government????
    It makes me sick to my stomach thinking about whats going on in Washington D.C.

  • BOB JONES - 15 years ago


  • James Scales - 15 years ago

    For a fact they should be investigated. But I will not be holding my breath for it to happen and even if it is, there will be no prosecution. The Voter Intimidation by the "New Black Panthers" case was investigated. Even after the government had already won a default judgment against the individuals, involved career civil right lawyers, at the Justice Department, who had worked the case for five months, had recommended seeking sanctions against the National Black Panther Party and three of its members, the Justice Department leadership “ultimately recommended dropping the case against two of the men and the party and seeking a restraining order against the one man who wielded a nightstick at the Philadelphia polling place.”
    Ms. Loretta King, a career senior executive service official, is generally labeled as the person responsible for dropping the case. At the time of this decision she was "acting Assisting Attorney General' appointed by the president. That sounds like a political position to me but the Justice Department says the decision to drop was not political for it was made by a career official. Does anyone believe that line? The last time I read anything on this, members of congress had not been "permitted" to speak with the investigating career civil right lawyers at the Justice Department.
    Folks we are talking about one of our the most important rights here -free and honest elections.
    If Fox News wants another real story - take on that nest of vipers - but wear long, heavy gloves and hold on tight - I think they will bite back.

  • NamFac - 15 years ago

    How could we let such people get into power to start with? Because slightly over half of the American voters were mesmerized by Obama's smooth charismatic line of BS lies promising "change" they could believe in. Well, they got their "change" and I hope they choke on it. Unfortunately, we all will choke on it. God help us!!

  • ChicagoAl - 15 years ago

    Eric Holder will provide full air cover for ACORN. He is as corrupt as they are.
    In Chicago Democrat Party controls by ACORN election fraud, registering all aliens, legal or not, high school kids. felons. Now that ACORN is gathering census data nationwide, they will be able to register all these illegal voters they find. So Chicago election fraud will be nationwide by 2012. We saw Holder kill the New Black Panther voter intimidation case in Philly. He will protect ACORN to insure US becomes a one party Venezuela style dictatorship.

  • kjj48 - 15 years ago

    There are of color - nothing much will happen

  • Shelly - 15 years ago

    Even if the "Justice Department" investigated, nothing would be done. This administration is not going to allow any real investigations into any person or organization that supports them. ACORN will immediately scream racism. This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with "the law".

  • TM - 15 years ago

    Since ACORN says that the corruption is just isolated incidents with a few rogue employees the Justice department should investigate every incident that ACORN has been involved in over the past 5 years and see how deep the corruption goes.

    Investigate all ACORN employees, the leadership, the citizens they have helped, and all special interests (including corporations and politicians) that have had any dealings with them over the last 5 years.

    Then anyone and everyone that has done anything illegal should be indicted, charged, and sentenced. If we run out prison rooms, we can allocate as much of the 8 Billion dollars allotted to organizations such as ACORN to build a massive facility in ANWAR to hold them.

    Who knows, if we are ever able to drill for oil there we will have all of the prison labor we need readily available.

  • Rick - 15 years ago

    How we could let such people get into power to start with, most people were bought one way or another to have let this happen not realizing the danger of what was going to happen. It is time for all to come to their senses and put and end to it. Hope it isn't to late. God Bless America

  • NamFac - 15 years ago

    BUZZ has it exactly right. Glenn, Sean, Bill, Rush and all the rest have been warning us about ACORN and the consequences if we stand around and do nothing about this gang of crooks. Should ACORN be investigated? Absolutely, to the full extent of the law. But will it happen? Absolutely not because Holder is Obama's lackey, and both are a large part of the problem. God help us all.

  • mary gray - 15 years ago

    No brainer - but the tentacles reach too high so it won't be.

    Thank you main street media for doing your part in allowing this corrupt organization to exist. Keep up the bad work.

  • Jim - 15 years ago

    The only way this corrupt administration and its cronies will ever be investigated and face justice is when we clean house in congress and replace the corrupt incompetents with consertitive thinkers with real American values and American guts. Our last chance is only 14 months away. Hopefully America will vote this time with their brains and not their emotions.

  • Howard R. Lowe - 15 years ago

    Not only should ACORN be investigated; but if the organization is found to be as heavily involved in criminal activities as it appears tobe from the TV clips on Fox then ACORN should be cut off from any further government funding, including any tax exempt status, and the whole D------ bunch prosecuted vigorously under the law. Do I think Holder will do it? Hell NO! It will be just like the "Black Panther' voting episode. God help America - we've got a real serious problem.

  • ThePatriot - 15 years ago

    Would you trust a person with the following personal friends for ANYTHING, let alone your HEALTH CARE..............

    Jeremiah Wright
    Bill Ayers
    Bernadine Dohrn
    Tony Rezko
    Khalid al-Mansour
    Rashid Khalidi
    Prof Gates
    Van Jones

  • Godfrey Daniels - 15 years ago

    How can the administration (who operates the "Justice Department") investigate itself? Acorn and Obama are attached at the hip. Always have been. Fraud is the name of the game and probably helped Obama get elected in the first place.

  • Buzz - 15 years ago

    Obama's a fraud, Acorns a fraud, what a shock. Glenn beck, Shaun Hannity warned american voters of all this pending milarchy. Why are we suddenly shocked by all this. I am not.......

  • daughter76 - 15 years ago

    Are you really serious thinking that any one will investigate ACORN? They're Obama's storm troopers for the "new republic"---just a bunch of damn criminals benefitting from the paychecks of the wage earner whose kids are doing without to keep their sorry asses in necessities that they're too lazy to work for themselves. For them everything is free---including the right to defraud the government in the voting booth.

  • beck - 15 years ago

    I think that if Acorn was a republican group instead of supporting democrats they would have been shut down YEARS ago. They never would have been a loud to do anything. There is such a double standard in this country. They say Bush stole elections.....but I really didn't hear too much about Acorn stealing an election for Obama. That must have been ok.? I really hope that someone can investigate this.....but I doubt anyone will. It will probably take investigating from the concerned citizens and REAL reporters who arent afraid of stepping on a few toes and then releasing it to the public. I guess the average citizens are going to have to start taking a stand and outing the corrupt people that are supposed to be helping us and this country. I give a lot of credit to the reporter and gal that had the courage to check Acorn out. I hope that when it comes time for the elections that we all have the courage to take that stand and get people in the government that will look out for the citizens that elect them and not just look out for themselves. And that goes for both sides of the aisle.

  • JBIRD - 15 years ago

    Doesn't all this carry back to the Obama Admin.And nobody knows whats going on at any given time.It Kinda remindes me of the movie,"Planet of the Apes".Just think about it a moment.Just like a bunch of N+++++S.

  • Shri - 15 years ago

    Of course they should be investigated, but they wont be. Obama, Congress or their political supporters are above the law. The law only applies to us serfs. They laugh at us when we ask them to read the bill, but they will tell us that ignorance of the law is no excuse. They get a pass for not paying their taxes, but they call us selfish and tell us we need to pay our "fair share" and will gladly take everything we own or put us in jail if we don't. They tell us we must make sacrifice, but they order $100 steaks at the white house. They call the protesters at the town halls angry mobs, but it was an Obama supporter who assaulted a protester by biting his finger off. Their behavior is truly disgraceful. Pray for the safety of that brave young woman, Mr. O'Keefe and for our country.

  • Buzz - 15 years ago

    Acorn should be investigated obviously. But not by the Obama administration or any panel remotely associated with it. They also should not recieve a penny of funding from the tax payers. What a joke.....our representatives are completely out of touch with the american people, and this taxpayer for sure.......keep up the good work Fox news and Glenn Beck....

  • Rock - 15 years ago

    This will only stop when obama is out of office.It's like a fast spreading cancer that needs to be removed. Acorn absolutely needs to be investigated without fail. They are clearly a radical,pro obama,lot of racist thugs being funded with the taxpayers cash.

  • Robert Van Istendal - 15 years ago

    What good will it do to have the Justice Dept. investigate,
    Acorn is nothing but a black political arm of the Democrates and this Administration, and you can bet that with them doing censes that there will be a lot more black politicians elected from districks, the lines will have a dramatic different look after these crooks are finished.
    And to think they get tax payer money, this is incredible.

  • Up set - 15 years ago

    Acorn should be investigated. Also taxpayers' money should be suspended for funding this crooked organization. Acorn should have nothing to do with 2010 census....nada....nil!!!!! Also more investigation into Black Panters intimidating people at polls. Is there a law abiding citizen associated with this administration? Are all organizations associated with this administration just communists, socialists, or marxists? Congress better wake up.....since they don't read bills, there may be a small sentence somewhere that states they no longer have any powers and they will vote their powers away and what little checks and balances this country still has......only the czars will report to president......heck, they already do, don't they? As for health care reform, the gov. knows employers will drop ins. and employees will have to go with gov. This administration is selling out this country, and my heart breaks every day because I had a father and a husband who fought for our freedoms. Now those freedoms are being taken away by home-grown thugs!!!!

  • Jane - 15 years ago

    Hey, I see all these wonderful comments about how this corruption needs to be stopped. But we need specific action to stop it. Talk is great, but what exactly can we DO? Ideas? Writing or calling our representatives in Congress is all well and good, but is anyone listening? I don't sense that they are taking it seriously. Both sides are so interested in their own personal goals and are fogetting what their jobs really are - to represent their constituents, the majority of whom are clearly not happy. Other than voting people out in 2010, what else?

  • mardiv760 - 15 years ago


  • janie - 15 years ago

    I saw the complete video..

    The ACORN employees not only instruct the person posing as a prostitute on duping the government, but they tell her friend who wants to run for a political office how to launder money.

    GEE.. wasn't Obama ACORN's lawyer instructing them on how to run a community organization.

    There definitely needs to be an investigation.

    ACORN should be shut down with no funding until the Justice Dept. finds out how crooked this community organization is and who is behind their illegal behavior.

  • texasdraw - 15 years ago

    George Soros , Move on .org. (Jones) Are funding and trying to get a Constitution Convention conveined, They have been working on the plan since 2002.
    The plans and money was in place then to get Obama elected.
    His electioN was not a spur ofthe moment , Magic act.
    Theywant to abolish or totally change the Constitution,
    They want to change the election cycle,( OBAMA"tHERE ARE OTHER WAYS THAN THE ELECTION TO PUT PEOPLE IN POWER)
    The plan is to put Obama in office for life. shut down free speech and media, and bouncethe 2nd amendment.
    And to break the USA financially.
    And to remove the dollar as our form of currency. Amerodollar
    Have one North America, open borders.
    150 million poplace in entire . population,
    Take away federal land grants and grazing rights.
    If you are between the ages of 6 and 55, And no health problems, You will make up the entire population.

  • shiloh1kb - 15 years ago

    Investigate them and any other affiliate associated with them...and give we the tax payer our money back that has been funding these crooked organizations. If I remember correctly Obama trained ACORN back when he was a supposed community organizer. Speaks well of his training.

  • Carol Hamilton - 15 years ago

    This is a prime example of the types that Obama supports. "Community Organizing" is becoming more and more clear...he never hid it, said he was a 'community organizer' all along. The New Black Panthers and the other "well trained and equipped" domestic army he promised we will see are very scary. Clean up ACORN, FreddieMac, FannieMae and all the rest of the no good thugs!

  • Joe Bloe - 15 years ago

    "A full investigation needs to come from congress on his choice of czars as well. This should have been done before the election in '08."


  • Donna - 15 years ago

    This is just another example of the corruption that is taking place via the government fraud that is taking place in our country. How many other organizations that Obama is associated with are frauding our country.
    I think if you take a very goode look at all of the government officials you will find corruption everywhere. Caught with their hands in the cookie jar....Calling the kettle black?
    We need to impeach everyone and start all over and everytime we find corruption in our government fire their butts. When will this country wake up.

  • Brittney - 15 years ago

    This is outrageous that our tax dollars are paying for ACORN, a government organization that condones misconduct and fraud within our system. My vote would be to investigate ACORN and think long and hard what they really are standing up for: I can certainly say this was bad timing- right after Obama gives his Ra Ra speech for Health care reform, we receive news about an organization the President has defended. Can we still trust our President?

    - Brittney
    Junior at the State University of New York, College at Oneonta

  • Dr Paul - 15 years ago

    Can the Justice Department under Eric Holder be trusted to do this investigation? I don't think so. The President dismissed an Inspector General who was probing areas sensitive to the president. He was dismissed with no justification. The Justice Department is not independent enough. Acorn needs to be investigated by an impartial authority. Taxpayer money supporting should stop immediately.

    Acorn, SEIU and other politically motivated groups should not be allowed to take the Census away from the Commerce Department. Congress can and should stop these organizations from undermining our form of government.

  • Obama - 15 years ago


  • Rese - 15 years ago

    I believe Acorn should be fully investigated as well as President Obama's connections with them. A full investigation needs to come from congress on his choice of czars as well. This should have been done before the election in '08.

  • rock - 15 years ago

    These days it seems as though even when an overwhelming majority see obvious corruption such as this,the minority seems to win out...or it's "off limits" to discuss this.Appears to be just "swept under the rug" and forgotten about. I for one hate the idea that our tax money is partially supporting this group of thugs.

  • gracie - 15 years ago

    There is only one way to clean up Acorn and that is to throw everyone who is currently in congress and the whitehouse out the front door. We could start doing this next year.

  • dahudd - 15 years ago

    They need to investigate, but i'm sure they will clean up when they hear it is coming. They are a waste of our money. Get rid of them.

  • Kathy B. - 15 years ago

    Not only should ACORN be investigated, ALL FEDERAL FUNDING SHOULD BE STOPPED IMMEDIATELY. This is a criminal organization, with ties to the Obama and his cohorts. The jig is up, folks.

  • Jan Adams - 15 years ago

    Sure they should be investigated and should have long ago. But they will never be investigated under this administration. I think that by not investigating shows that the administration is fearful of what might be found if too much probing is done. Makes the government look pretty guilty of something.

  • Bill Clinton - 15 years ago

    AT LAST! 99% of Americans finally agree on SOMETHING!!

    If the Dept. of Justice does not do something, then it will be THEM who should be charged for ignoring OBVIOUS crime committed by the President's friends.

    We, the taxpayers of the USA, just gave ACORN 3.5 BILLION DOLLARS in the "stimulus bill"! Obama should be charged with giving his friends this money fraudulently and for no good reason, impeached, and imprisoned!

  • Diane - 15 years ago

    Well, we have to assume the 1% who voted NO are Acorn workers. How much does Acorn have to get caught doing before it is investigated and shut down. There obviously is corruption at the top that allows an organization like this not only to stay in business but also get billions of govt tax dollars.

  • Mama Mia - 15 years ago

    ACORN should be shut down, once and for all!!! How many more corrupt agencies are we going to fund????????

  • Mike - 15 years ago

    Acorn should definitely be investigated. However, any serious investigation is very unlikely because of the corruptness of so many in government, whose motivation is to allow Acorn to do their bidding.

  • J B in Texas - 15 years ago

    I am not sure I trust a group, headed by a community organizer, to investagate a bunch of " community organizers". I will go one step further, I DO NOT want any of these political puppets on my doorstep during the census. THIS IS THE CHANGE YOU LIBERAL BAST#*^S PUT IN CONTROL. Now be a REAL American and vote these "sorry excuses for flesh" out in 2010. Believe me, your children will respect you alot more in future years if you can tell them you helped get the biggest LIER, SPENDER, DIVIDER, ( I could go on forever) out of the White House.

  • paffett - 15 years ago

    The one thing that will take down this country will be greed and lies.. this is pathetic.. whats wrong with people...

  • dolores m. eilerts - 15 years ago

    ACORN is a street gang of thugs, Same as the Black Panthers, The differnce in them and the gangs in prison. Is exactly this, they are a product of Obam and his gang of socialists, domestic terrorist, radicals,communist and revolutionist.
    Anything ACORN, etc do, goes right back to Obama. He is the one who has gotten billions$ of taxpayer moneys. They have a funeral home in New Orleans , that receieved 170 taxpayer checks to this one address. And no one absolutley no one has done anything.
    If theystep one foot on my property, i'll call the police and the FBI, and Homeland Security, They are domestic terrorist, and they will come back to rob, or burn us out. Or since they feel the power of the chosen one, extermination will become a factor, (Sunstein, Holdren Jones etc)
    Ameri corps is another thug organization , 5 billion$, move on .org. progress america, George Soros, Jones moved his desk to there/.
    This and many more are all obamas orgs.
    I Health act, has absolutely nothing to do with health care its pure election payback. Ad corps, corps that advise, insurance corps. Andthe worse ofthe lot all of the UNIONS, Illegals, La RAZA,.
    It all has to do with enforcement of mandates, skimming moneys under the pretext of makinga health plan viable. Well you take one consultant firm and 50 layer firms, and their fees for the first year will come to ver 50 billion, And that does not include the Apollo Alliance and many more communist orgs. Who arestabdingin line, Includingthe Democratic controlled Mafia Congress.

  • me - 15 years ago

    This government we have now is totally worthless and needs to be gutted out from the top down. So next election we need to VOTE THE BUMS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!

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