Did the president’s speech change your mind on health care?


  • Gemking - 14 years ago

    President’s speech on health care had changed my mind. Really each and everyone must be very cautious on health care.

  • NYCGirl - 15 years ago

    Fox NEWS LIES.

    Fox News, Right-wing bias exposed:

    Seek the Truth. Not the lies.

  • juan gonzales - 15 years ago

    i come america 2001 and work. i get sick and go to "ER". you wait long time but its free. i tell them i am jose gonzales my brother and give them my brother adress. they send some papers but they never catch me. i can't vote but i hope Obamas plan does not get elected. it be more hard for me to go to "ER" anymore with no health card. so vote NO okay gringos? its better easier for me and my amigos. gracias.

  • anon - 15 years ago

    Scared or socialism? Fine then when you get cancer, cannot work therefore lose your job- and insurance, cannot afford COBRA I hope you will sell you car, house, and all your own to pay your own way. No hand outs for you! Nope you won't need medicare, cause you take care of yourself. Right?

  • CB - 15 years ago

    So worried about illegal immigrants being covered by insurance that we (tax payers) pay for? Guess what? They ALREADY ARE. Who pays when a non-citizen goes to the ER and doesn't pay? You, me & our insurance. I'd rather have insurance mandated and available to everyone than continue letting people abuse this broken system. This goes for illegal and legal citizens alike.

  • MARK H - 15 years ago

    Unfortunately Obama's healthcare plan will be legislated, because God's purpose and plan must be fulfilled. Judgement has to come on the Anti-Christ and his followers. In order to impliment Socialism/New World Order the US economy must suffer, look at the history of other countries with socialism/Communism, they started with a failing economy and people were put in a position where they felt they had to rely on the government for their needs. Obama knows what he's doing, this is a very smart and sophisticated spirit we're fighting against. Keep blaming Bush until he has total control. Folks weak up don't be decieved by looks and speeches, Trust in God only.

  • Clark - 15 years ago

    Jane is as stupid as the rest of the liberals. Fox News merely put this poll on the website and ANYONE can vote on it. She just doesn't like the results. Another thing: By being 15 minutes late for his speech, he showed his arrogance toward
    the American people and that he really doesn't care about anyone except himself.

  • Enough - 15 years ago

    You people are so out of touch with reality. I can not believe what I am reading, from beginning to end. Just like always, the upper class tell the middle and lower class what they want them to believe and like dummies they all fall for it. Have you actually taken out the time to read the information from the source for yourself? Have you actually taken the time to call your representatives and ask questions for yourself? Or do you take someone elses word for it? Many of you on here are really showing your ingorance. I bet half of you on here are not even old enough to understand the complexities that makes this reform so hard to accomplish. Do you even know what poeple have to deal with in households outside of your neighborhood. Granted there are valid concerns. Find out the real answers from the source. I'm not going to lie. It is interesting watching the reaction of people when they ffel the threat of losing something they feel they have worked so hard for. YOU ARE NOT THE FIRST!!!! That is life! It happens and it has been happening. Eveything is not going to go your way. Each president comes along and changes things and some people suffer. Now that is the upperclass feels like they are going to suffer a loss they are feeding this BS and people are eating it up. Keep in mind it has taken many years for things to get screwed up and it is going to take many more to fix the problems. Get your personal life together. You can't blame just one or two people. Just like someone said before the president doesn't come up with this stuff on his own. Just because you don't agree with someone you want them to die? You sound just like the stereotypical Black or Latino. Wow is that what the world has come to? Look at your so called terrorists, don't they kill and blow up people and places becasue of their dislike for what they believe. So what does that make you? Dems want to spend much money to fix many problems and Repubs want to leave things a lone and have people fix their own problems. Both of these philosphies are flawd! Spending money and trying to help everybody has created this tremendous debt. Leaving the government out of certain things and letting people do what the want has screwed up the healthcare, housing and banking industry. Get off the blog with these same ignorant claims and find out the what is really going on....LIFE.

  • Regular guy - 15 years ago

    As an independent voter I voted for Obama. I will never make that mistake again. Obama would have convinced me if he would have held a copy of his plan up in the air and said, "on page blank, section blank it says right here, no illegals get coverage." Or any other of his points. He didn't. He is a seasoned lecturer, he knows how handouts and guides help to keep people on the message when educating students. It is no different with the American people. Many can make incendiary comments that are not helping with finding out the facts. The real issue is where is the President's plan. Where is it? There is a House bill and a Senate bill. The President dances between both hoping the details get lost in a glossy debate. The President says you will not lose your private insurance if you want to keep it. That is just not true in the Senate bill. You will lose it if you modify your plan in any way. So, what "Bill" do you speak of Mr. President? You are dancing between both to avoid the conflict of taking a stand on something. You have lost me forever. You seem to be more worried about your next four years, careful to not say or do anything to hurt the next election campaign. Grow a pair and stand up and specifically tell us what you want to do. I've been patient until now, but I can't sit idly by when someone is going to take something away from me that I worked hard for and earned at my firm.

  • PA - 15 years ago

    jackson jefferson, wow! you sound like your trying to compensate for something very small my friend. thats the only thing i can think of when i read your stupid rants. check out the commercial for extenz. you'll be a lot happier. other than that you know nothing about what your attempting to explain. get a consultation quick, so you can grow a bit and make ur significant other happy for the first time. jerk!

  • proud american - 15 years ago

    Nathan my boy! Finally someone's saying their true feelings. You want Obama to die, just like most people on this right wing blog. You're the one that had da B A L L S to say it. However disgusting your sentiments are, they are yours and you were truthful about it. The rest of the right winger pretend that it's about policy when you and i know the real deal....dont we nathan? I'll be sure to order you a hood for your head for the holidays, just like the one im ordering for gordon. It's not to late for you to go join that pastor in az who wants obama to die and go to hell. I'm sure he's looking for a good christian soldier like yourself. Hail to your master Rush Limbaugh

  • proud american - 15 years ago

    Gordon, i was thinkin what i could say to engage you in some kind of intelligent convo. Then i realized it's a waste of time. You say this isn't america anymore. What you really mean is that this isn't the america you're comfortable in anymore. The kind of america you'd be comfortable in is the one where you can feel free wearing sheets and a hood over your filthy head. The kind of america where you burn crosses on people lawns. The kind of america that you and rush limbaugh long for. You wish you were in the land of cotton, where good times are not forgotten. To make you feel more comfortable, for the holidays, i'll buy you a new hood. How close should i have the holes for your eyes cut out? Can I assume you already have sheets? How many thread counts do you want for your sheets? We definitely want to make you feel more comfortable in your version of america.

  • proud american - 15 years ago

    Hey Allen Pollick, there's a pastor in Az that could use your help. I'm certain you appreciate his sentiments. You sound like his kind of guy. Go get em killer....oops i mean tiger.

  • proud american - 15 years ago

    Speaking of Presidents lying.....I still remember the biggest lie ever told. Weapons of mass destruction! Who was it that told that lie? How many lives have been lost because of that lie. How many billions of dollars (that we sure could use) have been spent because of that lie???? The only truth our former pres ever said concerning going into that war was "after all, the man did try and kill my daddy" Had he left it at that, I'd respect him. THL or whatever your tag name is, not only is bush one of the worse pres we've ever had, he's the dumbest! He's the idiot that said he looked into Russian pres putin eyes and saw his soul. Yet when he looked into our eyes, he didn't think about the souls he would send to their demise because of his lie? You really want to compare him to Obama or Clinton? He toyed with us. Just ask former Homeland security chief Tom Ridge. How many times did the pres and his evil vp change the colors of security alert to affect elections? Bush is the ultimate liar and chief! Perhaps if you stop drinking fat rush limbaugh Kool-Aid or taking his drugs(I'm sure he has good ones) you would be better off. Leave rush and his hood wearing, fat hateful self alone. Or perhaps you're so far gone that you actually believe what the pastor in az is saying about pres obama?

  • Allen Pollick - 15 years ago

    This President can very well be the cause of America's downfall.

    He and almost his entire organization are corrupted from the Top on down.

    this organization-ACORN- MUST-MUST-MUST be stopped dead in their tracks before they bring about the ruination of this great country.

    As far as his health reform bill goes, all one has to do is read or talk to some of the most well known physicians who have read it and they will see how UTTERLY TERRIBLE it i!!!!!

    AMERICA!!!!!!!! WAKE THE HELL UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE.

  • Doug - 15 years ago

    You know I LIKE TO MAKE MONEY! but I dont like for some do gooder to come along and then take it away to fund some lazy a** that just wants to lay around on my dime and refuse to work hard and rise above all the crap you go thru in life.....and it doesnt matter whether you are black, white, yellow, purple or green trash.....you have to do it not someone elected.....start with staying in school.....dress right, talk right, do what you must do to be sucessful

  • RICH - 15 years ago

    OZZIE, your knowledge of World events is showing, STOP Watching CNN.
    Yes, The republicans and dems have spent trillions in fighting wars in middle east. This is so you can have refridgerated food, airconditioning for your house, gas for your toyota; "I doubt it that you buy american made." Electricity for your free helthcare, ect. As for the People in Asia hateing us, they are taught from birth to hate us, from their goverment ran programs. I know from first hand. I lived in Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Germany, and have visited many other countries (when growing up and, yes while serving my country in the armed forces.) Its The DEMS that wont let us drill for oil in Alaska or Santa Barbra. Its the Dems That wont allow Nucular Power { did you know that France gets 75% from Nucular power ,look it up.} The European People pay 40% TAXES for any thing they earn over 40,000 U.S. dollors. I know, I have European freinds . Or you can look it up! Social Government, the people who work, pay for the couch potato's, isn't grand !!! Oh Lets not forget, when has the goverment ever ran anything that didn't go over budget!!!~

  • proud american - 15 years ago

    Bettyann, after eight years of bush fifth grade grammar skills, you have the temerity to criticize obama and clinton? What pipe are you smoking from?? You have some nerve. Every time bush opened his mouth he made elementary students cringe....and this was a man born into wealth. You would think he would have at least learned to speak. Obama truly epitomize what America is all about. No silver spoon in the mouth....just discipline, hard work and committing to education. Bush, nor you can shine obama's or Bill Clinton's shoes. I dare you to let Bush give your kids grammar lessons. Get over you hate and give the man the credit he deserves! We should be applauding the achievements of this man. He is the perfect example of where hard work and effort can get you in this country. Yet you and other's can't see that. You applaud a bumbling non speaking Bush. What hard work did he ever do. What obstacles did he have to overcome, other than his drug use? Give me a break!

  • Rick Blythe - 15 years ago


    You are so wrong! I know many people who voted for Obama who are now furious with him. They wanted health care for the uninsured, but they do not want to lose their own coverage. I know Obama says they won't; however, many have actually read the bill and have discovered they will eventually lose their own private coverage.

    Also, Obama said he was going to unite us. My friends are furious that he is pushing a one-sided health plan without input from the other side. Obama has divided the nation more than it has ever been by pushing such a far-left plan. The moderates voted for him thinking that he would mediate in the middle. They now see differently. They will never vote for him again.

    The middle voted the Republicans out for the same reason! They were angry with them. They are going to do the same with the Democrats. Then it will swing back to the right.

    You Democrats always overreach when you win. The majority of the country considers themselves conservative. When the Democrats move far to the left (and they always do), they pay for it in the polls!

    And, by the way, if Fox News and its polls are a fake representing robot Republicans all in lock-step, how did your post appear on this site.

    What kind of Demobot are you?

    Hoping to move you a little to the middle,


  • Pat - 15 years ago

    Work on the fraud that already exists not make future areas for more fraud. This is just another way for gov. to get into our lives. Obama did not mention the 53 new gov. entiies this would create or the new addition to our spending it would cost. It will all come out of our pockets. He needs to do something about all the pork. That includes all the pork in the stimulas package that he signed after telling the American people he would not sign any thing that had pork in it. Lies, all lies. He also need to do something about the fraud going on right within the congress and the house. Impeach those who are involved in crimial activities. They are NOT above the law. Will someone remind our elected official of this! They break the very laws they have set in place and them break them as though they were not meant for them just us little people. They all need booted out of office and some new blood put in. That is for all parties. TERM LIMITS are needed. Our country needs to be taken back by the people (citizens of this fine country).

  • Mike - 15 years ago

    "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Luke 18:25)” - Some dude named Jesus Christ. Jesus would vote YES for Obama Care

  • merreck - 15 years ago

    Thank you David for pointing out how stupid most of the people on here are, esp. Michael and 4gsltw, two of the most mindless.

  • George - 15 years ago

    I cant afford insurance I dont care I just go to the hospital emerg they take care of me and I never pay them. that is easer!! if I get terminal I foud out you just go to welfare

  • Margie - 15 years ago

    to loosely quote something I heard on Fox early morning................either Obama knows nothing about economics or he just plain lies. Personally I think it is both

  • David - 15 years ago

    Michael's comment case in point:

    "Obama seems to have this occult-like allure that sucks you in. Hitler had the same allure. As I was watching I feel peaceful, and thank Christ for Joe Wilson who brought me back to reality! Obama and his crones want innocent blood and they will stop at nothing to get it. He lied up and down at this address!"

    This is the kind of lunacy I am talking about - keep sounding looney Michael you are helping us Democrats to stay in power!

  • Roy Barnes - 15 years ago

    I is so sad to see the "I'm not sure" number.
    Where do they hide?????

  • Robin - 15 years ago

    Ack, Greg is right. Jesus would vote yes for Obamacare, as long as it doesn't cover abortions. I've actually changed my mind. I'll just focus my energy on the next Supreme Court Justice nominee so we can reverse Roe V Wade.

  • David - 15 years ago

    Hey FOX News as a Democrat I would like to thank you. Your reporting is more propaganda than anything else. I don't know what your motivation is. I am sure it is money. Anyway, it doesn't matter I just want to let you know that if it weren't for you the Democrats would not be in power. You have effectively twisted the Republican base into a twisted heap of nonsense makers. You really know how to push their buttons. Republicans sound like they are out of their minds and that helps us Democrats! Keep up the good work!

    PS - All of you Right wing radio listeners and FOX TV viewers keep buying all of their books, T-shirts and mugs! It's good for the economy and they deserve to be as wealthy as they are because they have helped this country by helping the Democrats to be in power!


  • Michael - 15 years ago

    Obama seems to have this occult-like allure that sucks you in. Hitler had the same allure. As I was watching I feel peaceful, and thank Christ for Joe Wilson who brought me back to reality! Obama and his crones want innocent blood and they will stop at nothing to get it. He lied up and down at this address!

  • 4gsltw - 15 years ago

    obama lies only when he speaks, writes, or uses body language; otherwise, he's perfectly honest. He's a typical democRAT.

  • Greg - 15 years ago

    How would Jesus vote on Universal Health Care? I'm sure he'd say "To heck with the poor and unemployed getting health care." Conservatives: Turn to Jesus only when it's convenient. Bunch of hypocrites. At least I know where I stand on judgement day...for those of you opposing health care for all, I pray for your souls.

  • 4gsltw - 15 years ago

    "Jane" Your comment needs just one tweak to be accurate. You need to replace "Repubs" with "democRATS." People who voted for obama have no respect for the Presidency. obama is in no respect qualified or fit to be in a leadership role in the United States. In North Korea, he would fit right in.

  • Greg - 15 years ago

    If this plan was such a wonderful idea, how about letting only the Democrats participate and PAY for it. Then you can rub it in our face all you want about how great it is.

    Problem is, you need hard working middle class Republicans like myself to pay for it. Calling me names does not motivate me to pay for another one of your entitlements.

  • SouthernGrits - 15 years ago

    ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! This man has lied to the American people so much why would anyone believe anything he has to say. If it walk, talks, and acts like a liar, then it is a liar. As asked before - "The govt. cannot even run a Cash for Clunkers program, so why do we THINK the govt. can run our healthcare?

  • Asleep No More - 15 years ago

    To Paul E. Bushnell:

    Hello, have you heard the reports on the bureaucratic mess that is our VA system? Even the President said that there is "waste & fraud" in our Medicare & Medicaid systems. The US gov't is mandated by our constitution to run the military; fire & police protection, schools & most prisons & transit systems are provided/run by our LOCAL gov'ts -- NOT the US gov't.

    "Why not healthcare for the people not covered?" Because the US gov't has proven over & over that it cannot run anything (except possibly the military - no thanks to the DC politicians) efficiently! Even Obama pointed out that the Post Office (run by the US gov't) is inefficient compared to UPS & FedEx (not run by the US gov't).

    I think it stinks that prisoners get free healthcare -- they ought to pay or work for healthcare, as well as room & board.

    As to the rest of us, have you ever heard of saving up for a rainy day? Have you heard of sacrificing in order to save a bit here & there? What's wrong with the idea of being responsible for getting your own healthcare? Do you expect the gov't to provide you with all your food, fuel, clothes & housing?? Those are things that every person needs, so why shouldn't the gov't provide all those as well? It's because each person has an inherent responsibility to take care of him/herself, and when possible, help his/her fellow man -- not by force, but by his/her ability to help.

  • John Gardiner - 15 years ago

    Dennis Miller said it best - how can you expect the government to do anything right when the President can't even start his congressional address on time? Joe Wilson deserves a raise - at least he had the 'cajones' to call it as he sees it!

  • Jim McCracken - 15 years ago

    Jane should listen to herself and think back about four years ago when Bush was in the WH and the Dems divided the nation.......and still do. .

  • Chong - 15 years ago

    Knock, knock...
    Who's there?
    Details are not here, Man!

  • merreck - 15 years ago

    Republicans can't stop using the word lie to describe everything that Obama says. They say it on here. They scream it during his speech. They have no other way to discredit what Obama is saying. YOU KNOW HE IS RIGHT, but you just can't stand him being in charge. For a change we have someone who really cares about people. You are scared that you won't be able to hog everything as before getting richer and richer while others are suffering because of your greed.

  • KarinC - 15 years ago

    As a Doctor working long hours - Let me tell Obama that he is WRONG when he says "more people will die without his stupid Health Care Proposal" - Do you ever hear that someone Dies because they do NOT have health insurance ? NO WAY - This does NOT happen - it is a LIE - No ONE will die because of their Health Insurance status - BUT - BUT - passing a Government CONTROL of Health Care - WILL cause people to be 'selected' - ' prioritized' - like Ted Kennedy going to a non-Massachusetts Hospital - or Chris Dodd going to a non-Connecticut Hospital - when THEY the "chosen few" can be prioritzed to the top of some list - We the doctors do NOT support Obama

  • Juliet Berniard - 15 years ago

    I'm glad to see the majority saying NO, now how can we stop this disaster from getting worse? We have to work together America, and Obama may have the title of president but WE HAVE THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE.

  • Rhonda - 15 years ago

    Jane - How many Republicans do you think have died in Iraq and Afghanistan? How dare you call Republicans non patriotic!!

  • Our country has been hijacked! - 15 years ago

    Obama's speech has everything in it that will lead his followers to believe him.

    However, like many that I have spoken to, are shocked when they realize that he has lied to them during his campaign, over the debt, the rush to push GoV to run Banks, and the Auto industry. He leaves so much open to question, does not fill in the gaps, does not address the "other" bill in congress. He denies he will use our tax dollars to pay for abortions. He is lying and stealing our country right out from under our feet as he is smiling and laughing at the same time. If you mistakenly believe what he tells you then I hope you put on some rose colored glasses because you will need them to survive the rest of his term. 2010 elections can not get here soon enough to get the DEMS out of power. Republicans look out for the FOLKS!

    He is turning this country upside down, making those that are in disagreement with him terrified to say so, as they will be labeled racist. I am no racist, I just believe he is nuts!!!

  • Tammy - 15 years ago

    Who are these 1400 + people that are "undecided"? What is that??

  • GG - 15 years ago

    Mrs. C Hop - LOL @ You. Your info should read Sarah-25-PSU grad-brainwashed.

    Seriously people! Why are you wasting your time? You are clearly militant left-wing-wing extremists incapable of unique thought. That is why you are all "in lockstep" behind Obama and his Marxist ideas. With socialism in place you don't have to think for yourselves or take care of yourselves.

    And to the joker who claims that Repubs. think being a good speaker is a bad trait. FYI - we don't think it's a bad trait at all. As a matter of fact it is a wonderful trait. It just helps if there is actually truth and substance behind it.

    Amy-31-ISU grad

  • European citizen - 15 years ago

    I simply don't get it. Why would a civilised(?) nation not think it right to look after the heath of all of it's citizen's fairly?
    In my part of the world we all pay for good medical care through taxes. If you choose to pay for top-up private healthcare, to get perceived additional benefits in private hospitals, etc., then that's a purely personal choice.
    Socialist behaviour? I think not, common-sense behaviour IMHO.

  • Susan G - 15 years ago


    2009-09-10 20:57:11 ET
    Texas Jim,

    "Speech" is not spelled "speach." And did you not know it's universally deemed extremely rude to post in all caps?

    Apparently you're another stupid Fox News viewer. If you had any brains, you'd be able to think for yourself instead of blindly accepting all the lies and distortions you're being fed by the conservative media.

    Ah yes ghbohio when you don't have a good argument you resort to the attack mode and name calling. All you extreme left wingers think everyone that doesn't think like you is stupid. Seems to me our President used that same word about some police officer that was only doing his job. (Oh and by the way he never apoligized for that.) Did you ever notice he never does anything wrong, it is always the other guy.

  • Elisabeth - 15 years ago

    The very fact that the Republican party along with wealthy insurance company executives have resorted to obstructing the democratic process by sending puppets to yell during town hall meetings and have made up nonsensical claims that people will be euthanized just goes to show you that they have no credible answer to the health care problem. It's too bad I would have liked to have heard a proposal from the Republicans. They are simply too interested in cultivating hysteria and therefore are not fit to lead at the moment. The Republican party needs to re-evaluate and show some maturity.

    Rush Limbaugh, FOX News and Laura Ingram don't really care what party is in power they care about making money. They understand their audience very well and how to manipulate them. I take that back actually, especially with Rush Limbaugh who does a lot of merchandising, the "right wing media" probably makes more money when the Democrats are in power by stirring up their audience.

    FOX News knows that you are sitting in your living room and are constantly watching them on a giant TV. They cater to your right wing bias. They know that you are stupid and are easily manipulated. You make them rich.

  • Woody Coleman - 15 years ago

    Obama's speech was more of the same ole B.S. Predictably partisan, lacking in substance, hateful, full of falsehoods and deceiving of his socialist agenda. And, his math as always didn't add up! Hoorah for Wilson! Who called it as it was, a big lie. But what do you expect from a communist? God save our country from his attempts to destroy it and us!

  • kaio - 15 years ago

    I agree with Jane. How can you have a Fox Poll and expect a reasonable output. I just came to the website to check the latest mudslinging but apparently the Reps are out of MUD!

  • Nathan Koenig - 15 years ago

    I have a couple gripes. First, only Republicans can make being well spoken a derogatory trait! It's always "he gives a great speech but..." I understand that speaking in complete sentences is something repubs aren't used to in their elected officials, but please, at least pretend that you actually heard some of that great speech. I'm tired of the concept that giving great speeches and thoughtful argument makes one suspect. People are idiots! If they would listen instead of coming up with the same old cliches against Oh, and let's please stop the disingenious outcry over government spending and the debt to our children. The W Bush administration had the largest increase in the federal deficit in the history of our country, and yet where were the idiotic tea parties and crazy townhall people? Then they exacerbated the problem by becoming the first administration in American history to cut taxes while funding not one, but two wars! In the meantime health care costs have tripled since 1993 and the number of uninsured keeps growing. So what's the argument...we are suddenly against deficit spending? Give me a break Republicans! You are so far from reality that I'm not sure where to begin!! What you ought to say is that we are all for deficit spending and a large federal government, just not large in the things being proposed. We are all for big government if it means buying planes we don't need, submarines we don't need, and generally supporting the military industrial complex. We however, are against big government if it means spending the money that could be lining the pockets of lockheed or douglas on our own citizens to be able to have access to basic healthcare without filing for bankruptcy. We are for big government spending if it means invading middle eastern countries (who happen to be oil rich) that don't have WMD's (even if that is the basis of our argument for attacking in the first place). However, we are against big government if it means funding things such as roads and bridges, education, security for our elderly and providing for the millions of unemployed due to the unregulated greed of our corporations. I get it! You are concerned about your children's debt only if you are not buying big guns or bombing someone.

  • William - 15 years ago

    Cass Sunstein will be the ultimate destroyer of the United States, far worse than Obama could ever do!!!! He has no place in goverment ever!

  • Frustrated - 15 years ago

    ghbohio, you're so smart !!! You can spell speech !! You have nothing to add to the debate on this board so you pick something applicable to your level of education....spelling. Why don't you go hang out somewhere you have something worthwhile to add....maybe the 8th grade playground.

  • Mrs. C. Hop - 15 years ago

    LOL @ you guys. You know in response to all those who attacked Jane I have searched almost every polling available (Yes CNN, YES MSNBC, but many local pollings as well) they are all consistant. People are in support of health care reform and the President's speech most sites 70% and +. If you cannot recognize that FOX news readers and their views are the MINORITY than there is not much hope for you. And now some will say "well why are you reading here" the answer: I guess I just like diversity and sometimes I just enjoy a laugh at the "spin" by some of the writers on this site. I think it would also be interesting for people to list their ages and education on their comments. I bet we will find most of the loudest opposers are the oldest most uneducated who would be against ANYTHING our great President proposes. (LIKE FOR EXAMPLE TRYING TO INSPIRE YOUR CHILDREN TO SUCCEED IN LIFE AND FURTHER THEIR EDUCATION) Tehehehe -Sarah-25-PSU grad

  • joe rodriguez - 15 years ago

    How can you belive anything that a socialist says.( same lies different day.)

  • Susan G. - 15 years ago


    By the way Dave you say you live in an upscale neighborhood in Ct. Then you turn around and say most of your neighbors are on medicaid. So which is it, are you in an upscale neighborhood or a welfare neighborhood?????

  • ghbohio - 15 years ago

    Texas Jim,

    "Speech" is not spelled "speach." And did you not know it's universally deemed extremely rude to post in all caps?

    Apparently you're another stupid Fox News viewer. If you had any brains, you'd be able to think for yourself instead of blindly accepting all the lies and distortions you're being fed by the conservative media.

  • Susan G - 15 years ago

    Conservatism is dying today - and not because it is a flawed philosophy - but because many in conservative circles of power rely on the ignorance of less educated people to support their private agendas to prevent change or reform at any cost. They people are so stupid they actually believe in "government death panels" and the like. They are so stupid as to not even understand the irony of opposing a "public plan" when so many of them are ALREADY covered by Medicaid. Hello? Ignorance and closet-racism is at the heart of the conservative movement these days. Very sad. I for one still hope that reason and intelligence will prevail in this debate - just as it did in the last Presidential election - or, indeed, God help us all.

    What debate???? He basically told us last night it is his way or the highway. It is really sad when the politicians have lost sight of who the bosses are. All President Obama does is rag on the past administration and points to the American people as fear mongers that aren't intellegent enough to know he has no plan and is trying to fake his way through this. Reid was able to call President Bush a liar and no one came unglued, but if you don't agree with President Obama you are a racists. I really hope none of us live to regret closing our eyes while our freedoms are taken away from us. You do have one sentence right. God help us all.

  • Ron H. - 15 years ago

    I am more convinced than ever that we desperately need health care reform and that the Republicans are ready for the dustbin of history.

  • Worried American - 15 years ago

    What many don't understand is that he was speaking the truth. "His" plan will do the things he says. The problem is, his plan isn't the plan now being presented to Congress (HR3200). This plan was co-authored by Pelosi and Frank (and a few others). This is why one of the Congressmen had a sign on his chest that read: "Where's the bill?"

    The American people think he was talking about HR3200. But not once did he tie HR3200 and the plan he was talking about together in his speech.

    That being said, his plan is foolish also!!

  • Ozzie - 15 years ago

    This is so funny! Let me get this right... The Republican Party is for small government and keeping the government out of everyone's life?
    So if the statement that more republican's join the armed forces is true then you are being controlled by the government are you not?

    Also it's ok from the Republican view to spend trillions on a war that can not be won (like Vietnam) but not ok to help you fellow American when they are down on there luck? Not every American has a stable job or has health care but you are not willing to give a little to help them. But giving trillions to a foreign country and the lives of young American's is ok?

    I think you moral compass needs adjustment!

    Why is America *the country not the people) hated by most of the middle east, because it's America's policy you do it their way or not at all. Stop trying to be the world Police and take a good hard look at what your really stand for!

    Is it what you say you stand for? Yes business is about making money and succeeding but at what cost? How much profit is enough?

    The problem with no regulation is there are no checks and balances. You have these in the government and courts but no private industry. So from what I am hearing the Republicans what the government to not be in any business. So everything is private? So if you can't afford it then your can't have it? So what happens when the very few people own most of what is available and you happen to be one of the unlucky people who has nothing due to no fault of you own? I am sure you would be the first to cry foul!

    Some things government should regulate and have a hand in are important to keep the balance in place. I wounder what the average medical coverage of all American's is ? Lets say $10,000 per year (maybe more maybe less) So what Republicans are say is they would love to continue to pay $10,000 pa on their insurance to keep the same medical coverage they have now. Even though the USA is ranked 37th in Health Care by the WHO. What if you could have the same level of Health care as the French do (WHO Ranked No 1.) but it would cost you $8,000 pa and it would be a public option. Would you be willing to accept that?

    What if it would cost $12,000? What about $15,000.

    What if I said that the maximum you would pay to see a Government DR was $20 (co-pay) and if you saw a private Dr $200.

    I think most Republicans would reject the offer just because it is a government run system. But look at the list of WHO rankings the top systems are government run systems.

    Was it not GREAT American's who said "that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

  • j - 15 years ago

    so 91% say obama did not change their mind, does that mean 91% still agree with him and are for his reform? Nice poll.

  • MIKE - 15 years ago


  • Chris - 15 years ago

    This poll question is flawed. It only asked if the president's speech changed your mind about health care.

    Are those asking this question they assuming that you didn’t agree with him on health care already? I'm with the president on health care now, so his speech didn't change my mind, and by that logic I would answer ‘no’ to the poll. But somehow I don't think that is the intent. The title of the poll should be 'If you didn't agree with the President on Health Care, did his speech change your mind?

    I know this is polling question is affiliated with foxnews, but come on, at least give the impression of trying.

  • BarryODumbo - 15 years ago

    More lies from this clown. He promised to bring a new plan. What happened to that? Democrats are two steps away from being communists these days.

  • Frustrated - 15 years ago

    Jamin, you're just another liberal loser pulling the race card. Everyone who doesn't agree with your ideology is a racist. It's unfortunate you can never make a valid point as the others on this board do. You just hang around with nothing better to do than make stupid comments. I bet you're a little 18 or 19 year old punk, living at home and waiting for your mommy to bring you dinner.

  • AJG - 15 years ago

    Jane and all you FOX haters. Just listen to yourselves and you will see how
    stupid you sound. The real unpatriotic spreaders of misinformation is AP, NBC
    MSNBC, ABC, CBS and CNN. As an Independent I am truly I had more sence
    that to vote for Obama. You Pelosi and Reid bobbleheads should take a few
    civic lessons.

  • slowbutsteady - 15 years ago

    Obama is a moron that doesn't know what in the hell he is doing.

    1776 - 2009

  • chris Jamin - 15 years ago

    the reason most GOPers hate governement because it is a levelling mecanism, which the GOP/right hates. It is all about race again with the GOP

  • ann - 15 years ago

    hmm when is Obama going walk the talk all I see he said he is not for big gov that is a lie. Also he said judge him by the people he hangs out. Rev Right and the list can go on and on Talk about the change we are getting. This is not what most of Americans wanted. We have A president who said one thing and does another thing split personality I can say. Oh got to love Acorn and the lies they do how do anyone who is apart of this sleep at night with their lies sames goes with this government . I pray to god some day that these people that are behind this and trying so hard to destroying our country will have guilt and they will wake up to realize being evil. Taking respectability for your own actions and behavior nothing in this world is for free or a free hand out. When it deals with the government they will lie to take over things at 1st they would say they are not going to take over any thing bull look at the car company's. and the list goes on and on we where worn by our founding fathers about big government and how they would do anything to take the rights away from the American people.

  • Jonathan - 15 years ago

    My father, my grandfather, and my great grandfather always said that Democrats have only one real agenda item:

    "Vote as much money from the US Treasury... for programs the government should not be involved with... using money they do not have".

    Nothing has changed in four generations.. and this health care package is just one more log on a debt fire that will never burn out.

    With the unholy trinity of Obama-Reid-Pelosi running the government, we will all be praying we can even make it to 2012. (..At least when we were worried about the Russians nuking us, we could build bomb shelters...)

  • chris Jamin - 15 years ago


    you need to be in touch with reality. All those cities you are talking bout are majority minorities. The society does not give any favor to those minority. Most of private companies do not hire minorities no matter how qualified they are. The republic party call for privatizing everything is part of that effort to have a double layer society.

  • doug - 15 years ago


  • Frustrated - 15 years ago

    This site is ridiculous....how can you read through the comments when the page reloads every 10 seconds !!!!

    Anyway, Obama is a snake. He's the most divisive politician I've ever seen. He wasted our hour last night taking cheap shots at everyone who disagrees with him. It's almost as if we have a obnoxious teenager as President. I really can't believe what has happened to our Country.

  • Doug - 15 years ago

    The insurance companies anr to make money for their stock holders and so on....no problem with that but also, they must play by the rules and laws made up by.................Congress.....so Obama is trying to distroy or demonize a whole industry to hook or crook his agenda upon the people.

  • chris Jamin - 15 years ago


    you need to see a doctor :psycolo

  • April - 15 years ago

    To Dave in CT -- apparently you've been living in uber liberal CT for far too long. The current GOP is too right wing extremist?!? Give me a break. The RINO's -- Republican in name only, are the reason we have the Usurper in Chief in the WH!!! Get real.

    Why the urgent need to rush through Health Care reform?!? I'll tell you why --because it's part of the socialist agenda -- strike while the iron's hot. The liberals know that most Americans are upset with the economy and the uncertainty with Obama in office and the lib's in control. Obama has managed to QUADRUPLE the national deficit in under a year -- what an accomplishment, in addition to taking over the auto industry and banking industry. Anyone who supports Obama or thinks he has one shred of credibility should have their head examined! I think he's a classic case (from what I've read) of Narcassistic Personality Disorder! GOD HELP US IS RIGHT! Get ready for a major upset in 2010 in favor of the GOP! :-)

  • Bally Vaughan - 15 years ago

    I came to this site late this afternoon for a laugh because anything the President said last night would be trashed by this network and its following. And it didn't disappoint me in the respect that the site did exactly what would be expected. What a shocker for these sicko conservatives when the polls open once again and they pay a heavy price for this bashing of the President who layed them out in lavender at the polls in the Fall. Keep it up. THis will be the end of the Republican party for years to come. I'm loving it.

  • James - 15 years ago

    People on this board are sure angry towards Obama. In my opinion, there anger is misplaced. Why aren't they angry towards the insurance companies and their lobbyists who have taken advantage of Americans for many years? What exactly do these insurance companies do to help us? They have been rationing care for years, dropping people who are sick or finding excuses like pre-existing conditions to deny coverage. Ask any practicing doctor - who gets in between them and their patients more - Medicare or insurance companies? 100% of them would say insurance companies. Who funds the anti-reform commercials running on TV that purport to be from a senior citizens group (60Plus) - 100% funded by the pharmaceutical industry.

    People - wake up! Don't take the lies being slung by vested interest groups at face value - you have to look behind them to see where the money is coming from. Almost every anti-reform commercial being aired is being paid for by industry special interest groups. They don't care about improving the health care system - they just care about money. They are scared ***less that a public option will drive them out of business because most Americans would realize that opting for a government plan would save them a lot of money and give them the same or better care.

    Why do insurance companies need to make so much money? If you ever have to be hospitalized, their sole motivation is to get you out of there as soon as possible. Every minute you spend there lowers their profit. Medicare doesn't work that way. Medicare leaves decisions up to the doctor.

    The sad thing is that many people, including people in Congress, have made a decision to be anti-Obama, no matter what. For whatever reason, they have chosen not to like him and they think that opposing everything he proposes is the right thing to do. That's a shotgun approach and in the end it destroys the credibility of those taking the shots.

  • chris Jamin - 15 years ago

    Most of developped countries in world spend their money on education except america. Morality: most scientific here are foreigners, like myself. Is it the country you want to leave for you kids. The repubs always talk about militaries, bombs. We need a society with educated healthy people to compete. Everybody soon will have nuclear bomd and then what are you going to do with your military?

  • FREEDOM - 15 years ago

    Obama the Next Hitler! Yep thats right, Study History!

  • Doug - 15 years ago

    Out of the top 10 poorest cities in the US.....10 have been run by Dems foreverrrrr....a fact. It is easy to talk about giving back but usually it is all talk as they raise taxes and keep the poor poooor!! Blame the repubs and keep the inner cities barefoot and preg. and coming up with govt housing....and more govt programs to keep them ignorant.

  • Dave - 15 years ago

    I thought Obama was sworn in to UPHOLD and DEFEND CONSTITUTION NOT DESTROY IT

  • chris Jamin - 15 years ago

    Have any of you travelled to china lately. They are overtaking this country. They investing massively in their infrastructure. The Obama administration is doing the rigth think. Infrastructure investment, healthcare reform for more competitiveness for this country. You guys are sleeping any way. I am afraid when you wake up, the country will already be behind

  • Rich - 15 years ago

    Its funny, that the libs are calling the repubicans unpatriotic. When most people who protest the military, are libs! Most people who serve or served in the military are republicans. after all, what is more patriotic then to serve and possible give one's life for his/hers country. When a young person joins the military he/she takes a oath to pertect the "CONSTITUTION" from foreign and domestic threats. Where in the constitution does it say free healthcare for everyone? WE ARE LIVING IN THE BIZZORO WORLD, right is wrong, up is down, night is day, left is right. GOD HELP US!!!

  • Richard D Robison - 15 years ago

    Many of these comments dismiss health care reform as a ploy by government for more control over our lives. I don't see what all the fuss is about since nobody on fox news was this scared when the patriot act was being pushed through without so much as one republican rep or senator batting an eye. Where were your worries then? Fox news viewers overwhelmingly supported the patriot act which clearly gave government unchecked authorization to spy on U.S. citizens and detain them without due process. Clearly, it gave government more control over our lives, yet Fox news viewers are more afraid of health care reforms... something that would ensure we all receive health care, and that all doctors get paid for their services. I know O'Reilly makes fun of stoned slackers all the time, but who's stoned now?

  • chris Jamin - 15 years ago


    I will let you know when I am about to leave.

  • chris Jamin - 15 years ago

    Smart and decent people always want to give back to the society.
    Republicans do not mind spending billions of dollars to defend Iraq's freedom but cannot psend a dime to help Katrina victim, to cover people without health care. Before I help somebody else kid, I help my kids first.

  • Doug - 15 years ago

    Jammin,......When you leave the country.....will be a better day for all of us

  • Michael - 15 years ago

    I am very disappointed as an American and Veteran to have him represent our country. He is so inexperienced, arrogant, and non-partisian. He talks a good game but that is about it. He continues to talk, talk, talk, and talk as if we are in the 1st grade and insults our intelligence. I have taken the time to read all of the bills that are before us about healthcare reform and I don't see how we can afford it.
    We need to expand the opportunities for improving the economy and creating new jobs. A great line in the movie Dave "Everyone works on Monday". The movie also goes on to mention "have you seen a person's face when they get a job". Where are the unions? How come we are not addressing the salaries of their executives, the fraud, and the amount of money flowing to the President's campaign. The president has a real problem-he promised the unions a public option for their members because they milked all of the private sector businesses so why not the U.S. government.

    I am tired of his speeches with no substance. The stimulus package was a joke, it was a pay off. It is time to be conservative with our spending, create opportunities to fix the current system instead of blaming the insurance industry, and stop blowing smoke up my pant leg.

  • KCCool - 15 years ago

    "“What most of the comments here are about Obama being a liar, fear for the deficit, government take over, etc. If only you would have a little bit more of an open mind and stop blindly following the words that come from the media. Do your own research, read the bill and you will find that in fact there is no government take over..."

    What bill did you read? It certainly wasnt' HR 3200. I read it (well most of it anyway) and the entire thing is nothing but a massive government take over. It creates 53 new government agencies, panels, and boards. See http://www.classicalideals.com/HR3200.htm for a nice breakdown and analysis of some of the scariest parts of it. Then please tell me, specifically, how these things do not add up to a government take over.

    I want healthcare reform but this is not reform, it's a complete take over of the system. We should be discussing how to end the bankrupt and market distorting medicare and medicaid systems, not put the same politicians who have mismanaged them in charge of a bigger system. Although in fairness to the politicians it's not really their fault medicaid and medicare have failed. They are fighting the laws of economics, against which reality always wins, and socialistic programs fail.

  • dave - 15 years ago

    I live in a nice CT neighborhood surrounded by many conservative neighbors - many of whom are friends. But as much as we all get along, I am amazed at how stubborn they are to avoid actually doing any research at all into the facts of these issues or keep an open mind to consider the opinions of others without bias. They would rather repeat slogans and sound bytes that they hear on the radio and elsewhere in the media than actually make an effort to understand facts - and the facts are that the majority of the "conservatives" I have met and know are ignorant of so much it's astounding. Primarily, most don't even understand the history of the conservative movement itself - which was NEVER grounded in the kind of extreme right wing ideology that the conservative movement has become. Conservatism is dying today - and not because it is a flawed philosophy - but because many in conservative circles of power rely on the ignorance of less educated people to support their private agendas to prevent change or reform at any cost. They people are so stupid they actually believe in "government death panels" and the like. They are so stupid as to not even understand the irony of opposing a "public plan" when so many of them are ALREADY covered by Medicaid. Hello? Ignorance and closet-racism is at the heart of the conservative movement these days. Very sad. I for one still hope that reason and intelligence will prevail in this debate - just as it did in the last Presidential election - or, indeed, God help us all.

  • Doug - 15 years ago

    Brad....not sure who the fool is...but, I for one will take my chances on my health care if the govt will get out of it and open areas up to conpetition and keep their noses out of my business and you apparently are part of the "give me" crowd and I bet you have never run a business or employeed a single person in your life. We need more people that relay on God(Christ) for guidance and helping out fellow man in our communties and let big brother stick to the constitution....which this bunch seems to want to disregard....

  • Phedra - 15 years ago

    I listened as long as I could but I got tired of hearing Obama yelling at me! He yells like a parent scolding their children but with a very angry tone. That's certainly not going to get him anywhere in my book!! I still didn't hear anything about how we're going to PAY for all of this!!

    When running for office, he clearly stated that Medicare is going broke - it was a failure but now, he wants to take money from there to help pay for his plan? How dumb is that? Just about everything the government sticks it's fingers in fails.. and this will too. If it passes, we will be caught up in such a tangled web that we will never ever get out!!

  • chris Jamin - 15 years ago

    I have a job and am business owner at the same time.
    Ignorance's first name is republican. How can you guys present Sarah Pallin, Bush, Reagan as leaders. I will leave this country when Pallin becames president.
    Can you them to Algore, Kerry, Obama intellectually speaking?

  • Rollie - 15 years ago

    Dear Jane, I guess that you did not hear the Dem's boo President Bush's state of the union a few years ago. All the congressmen did was yell out the truth. If there is 400 to 500B fraud in Medicare and Medicad then lets fix that before we add a nother T in debt. So far all I see the Dems's is following in lock steps with Polosi and Reed. You had better get ready to cry in about 18 months.

  • Jackson Jefferson - 15 years ago

    Chris Jamin,

    Get real... Obama is mister racism. Everything is race baited from Rev Wright to Prof Gates. If you think America is too racist, then go to Africa where racism is rampent...That is Black against White....Slavery still lives....And the continent is a mess because of Black dictators polluting and raping the countries of their natural resources for their own gain. I will purchase a one way ticket to the country of your choice in the utopia of Africa .....

  • Jon - 15 years ago

    I am tired of the same speech over and over. When do we learn some facts? We already know the public option is a bad idea. When do we get this off the table and actually work on reform?

  • Jane - 15 years ago


    You are a racist and describe to the T what is wrong with America. You are greedy, selfish and are trying to keep minorities down in the sweat shops. did you vote for George Wallace in 2008? You make me sick, Sir.................

  • chris Jamin - 15 years ago

    THis to Wanna
    I work 7 days/week, since I came to this country. Remember we all do not have the same potential and we ahev to land hand to others. Every time I watch repubs, all is about race: their TV show, their gathering everything. Is it coincidence?
    I am just stating the fact

    By the way, I give to charities as well.

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