Should @congjoewilson apologize for his "You lie" comment?


  • Imamah - 15 years ago

    I thought he immediately apologized and Obama accepted his apology? What's all the fuss about?

  • J Smih - 15 years ago

    President Obama used the most vitriolic terms about falsehood and outright lies concerning those who take the opposite view of things from Him. When you call people liars and worse you open the gate and should not be surprised when the chickens come home to roost. The president’s remarks were dismissive and disrespectful and unbecoming the office of president.

  • Lydia - 15 years ago

    Does it matter at all that Palin *was* lying about "death panels", and Obama *wasn't* lying about illegal immigrants not being covered by the health care plan? Or is it all equivalent just because both Obama and Wilson used the word "lie"?

  • Bob Veigel - 15 years ago

    Truth is truth, lies are lies. Wilson may have picked a poor time to tell the truth. Obama lies all the time. It would be OK to say I apologize for saying it at this get together, but no apology for telling the truth. How does one respect a person who is trying to destroy the Nation he or she loves? Obama is an angry, hate America, arrogant, self-serving, lying and incompetent individual.

  • GunningForTheBuddha - 15 years ago

    No teleprompter deserves such treatment.

  • Kevin - 15 years ago

    Republican party, Democrate party, Tea party

  • Brian - 15 years ago

    Since when do we need to apologize for calling a Liar a Liar?

  • WayneM - 15 years ago

    Obama has not even begun to experience the disrespect shown George W Bush, and deserves it much more than Bush ever did.

    Face the truch, libs...Obama IS a liar.

  • richard terrell - 15 years ago

    What Joe Wilson did was no different than what the Dems did during Bush's speech. They called him "liar", "stupid", "idiot", and every conceivable derogatory name they could think of to discredit him. Obama DID lie. He lies all the time. He got called on it. Thanks Joe Wilson.

  • Joanna - 15 years ago

    Wow, so BO can say whatever he wants, whenever he wants and no one should ever disagree. That is why the media made him our king, they are all in the bag for this guy, I congratulate Mr. Wilson on having the fortitude to call him out. After all Obama called Clinton a "bald faced liar".
    Thank you SC for electing a rep that has the people's backs, unlike Mr. Rangel who should be charged with tax evasion.

  • Kevin - 15 years ago

    Rep. Wilson, u are a hero, unlike the rest of the sniveling so called republicans like McCain.

  • John - 15 years ago

    The first person to call another a liar during the speech was Obama when he accused those who opposed Obamacare of "Spreading Lies". Clearly, Joe Wilson was one of the people Obama was calling a liar. While I wouldn't approve of calling the president a liar during his speech, once the president opened the door, it is hard to complain when someone walks through it.
    (The AP has an interesting article this morning illustrating some of the many liberties Obama did in fact take with the facts during his speech.)

  • Lynne - 15 years ago

    NO - truth is not always pleasent. And if Odummy wants respect - he should act respectfully.

  • Fred - 15 years ago

    Obama verbally assaulted and verbally abused the media, radio, leaders in Washington and the American citizenry. Finally someone 'called him out', on it. Way to Go Joe.

  • Gary - 15 years ago

    What ever happen to Free Speach? And as for Respecting the Presidant..It needs to be earned and so far he has not earned my respect, But than again I am only one person in a sea of many..

  • Larry Carter Center - 15 years ago

    Joe Wilson takes over one hundred thousand dollars from pharmaceutical/insurance company lobbyists. That makes him a bribed lackey against HR 676. He is the liar who is so desperate to deny people life saving medical help so that the CEO of the biggest insurance cabal can keep making 200 million a year which of course he personally kicks back thousands to Wilson and his co liars like Grassley and Imhoff and Coburn & Ensign and Pickering and .... it is sad to say that too many liars run the Congressional cults and corrupt caucuses. Getting Wilson to apologize and take back his words will always ring hollow until he gives back all his filthy lobbyist money to the insurance premium profiteers and make them stop killing 10 thousand Americans a year and letting someone declare medical bankruptcy every 30 seconds in our nation AND THATS THE TRUTH, peace Larry 843-926-1750

  • xaaronx - 15 years ago

    Wilson should apologize on the floor of the House. A written apology that only calls his actions "regrettable", not regretted, and leaves out the fact that Wilson was demonstrably factually wrong is barely better than nothing.

    The two things that make me feel a little better: you know you're an ass when John McCain corrects your manners; and I love the fact that Wilson had to talk to Rahm Emmanuel on the phone. I imagine the famously soft-spoken Emmanuel was extremely polite to the heckler.

  • Tim Clontz - 15 years ago

    The Congressman should apologize for calling the President a liar when the President called Sarah Palin a liar -- and the President should apologize for calling Sarah Palin a liar.

    It is unworthy of elected officials to call people liars. The President and the Congressmen have demeaned their offices and should apologize to the American people for their lack of civility.

  • frostberrii - 15 years ago

    @congjoewilson That was a psychotic episode. A healthcare professional and medication are available under his single payer gov't provided health insurance. Off topic: What is going on in SC? Are this d**chbag and ur luv gov the tip of an iceberg? Much luck to the sane minority that may be appalled in SC.

  • Kim Anderson Ray - 15 years ago

    Please note, I stated that the Congressman's conduct was disrespectful to the OFFICE of the POTUS. House Rules are as follows:

    Likewise, it has been held that a member could not:

    call the President a “liar.”
    call the President a “hypocrite.”
    describe the President’s veto of a bill as “cowardly.”
    charge that the President has been “intellectually dishonest.”
    refer to the President as “giving aid and comfort to the enemy.”
    refer to alleged “sexual misconduct on the President’s part.”

    Please know what you are talking about before, you start spouting "free speech." People often want to rest their ignorant laurels on that privilege; however, there are limitations as some of us are aware.

    As for earing respect, President Obama earned it on Election Day when the people of the United States of America gave him their endorsement.

  • KATHY - 15 years ago

    No he shouldn't. It was good to hear dissent and comments just like the House of Commons. We have a country of free speech and he was speaking in the house's chambers. Although, I am progressive and want single payer insurance, I feel that our rights to free speech and open dialogue are so very important and how they do things in Britain with comments should sometimes be done here. This issue is too important to NOT here how someone feels or believes.

  • WTF - 15 years ago


    The fact he is president does not necessarily mean he "deserves respect". Respect is earned.

  • teddy - 15 years ago

    no, he should resign.

  • Kim Anderson Ray - 15 years ago

    Congressman Wilson's outburst was outragrously disrespectful to the Office of the President of the United States of America. Lately, I feel as if the entire country has forgotten that President Obama is our President and deserves our respect.

    I am a constituent of Congressman Wilson's. I live in the 2nd District. I fully expect him to tender an appropriate apology immediately. Reasonable people can diasagree without being disagreeable, and he has crossed the line. Moreover, he has disparaged the highest elected office in this country. If we want to teach our children to respect authority and to follow procedure and rules, we must lead by example.

    We must also acknowledge our shortcomings and abuses of power. Congressman Wilson is a servant of the people he was elected to represent. We don't expect behavior of the sort that he has exhibited tonight. Congressman Wilson needs to make amends, both to his constituency whom he has embarrassed and to President Obama.

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