Do you think the White House should use taxpayer money to send e-mails to lobby on health care reform ?


  • Maryanne - 15 years ago


    Just want to thank you for all you are uncovering. I have been watching Fox News religiously since the time of the election and I cannot believe how informed I have become in all that is unfoldingsince then. I have been asleep for a long while but I am not now. I never thought this could ever happen in the United States of America. I feel liked we have been dooped (or at least tried to have been) even though my votes went to no one in this administration. Thanks to you all at Fox News, this country has awaken and I believe that the American people will continue to take this into their reigns with your guidance and the others from Fox News. I do hope and pray that our country get back on the right track!! Thanks Again!!! I will be watching!!!

  • Sharon - 15 years ago

    The current presendency is a horrible joke. our President needs to have his hands tied between his back and mouth sewn shut. I cannot believe how easily the American public has been duped. And HELL NO is not strong enough. Please, all good and patriotic Americans, DON'T be stupid enough to give him a second term (chance) to get in our pockets

  • Alex - 15 years ago

    Of course, following the will of the people is a concept that today's politicians have long forgotten. That is something about which We The People MUST do something.

  • Alex - 15 years ago

    The federal government should be following the will of the people, not trying to change the will of the people.

  • CI CI - 15 years ago

    When all of our politicians come up with a healthcare plan that they agree to be on, like every American citizen, perhaps they willl get more support. Why should they get all their "SPECIAL BENEFITS" and expect us to settle for any less. What is good for us should be good for them. Don't use our tax dollars to promote a program they are willing to except for themselves.

  • Sarine - 15 years ago

    One more thought: Since the GOP left our economy in shreds fighting for Exxon, most of you will lose your health insurance. It is one of the first things slated to go next in order to help stop more companies from closing their doors. Whatever you now pay for your company health plans will be 4 to 6 times more expensive. So, if you now pay $300 a month for family coverage, it will go to $1200 a month or more. State governments are also looking at health benefits as the biggest portion of their labor costs next to salaries. The health coverage you cut is very likely to be your own.

  • Sarine - 15 years ago

    Oh Meme,
    Things that go bump in the night are a real issue for you, aren't they? These are exactly the same arguments given against the emerging labor unions of the 20th century. Victor Hugo said it best, "The armies have no strength like the idea whose time has come." JFK used that quote during another crises decades ago. FDR said, "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself."

    Our generation has had the privilege to live through many paradigm shifts. Who would have thought the right to vote would become the right of every American adult, or that infectious disease would be almost irradicated, or that anyone would walk on the moon, or that an illegal war could be protested, or that brain surgery would be done on a computer screen, or that women would go into battle, who would have thought? : ) But here we are...Looking at all we have done, universal health care isn't so scary. It's no where near as costly as our current war, and unlike war it actually offers some positive benefits. We are a very blessed nation. The time has come to share those blessings. Where much is given, much will be expected.

  • Just me - 15 years ago

    Not with my money!! 1) Most important bring down the deficit, cut programs that we can simply do without. PLEASE stopping spending! 2)An income tax cut is what us hard working people need. Then we could purchase that home, car or spend. 3)Improve/fix medicare first before ANY goverment health care. I don't want it. Life, liberty and MY pursute of happiness as I so choose. Blue Dogs ban together to fight for us americans. We are speaking out and we want you to represent us. JUST SAY NO!!

  • Meme - 15 years ago

    Vernell Gray,
    The Republicans have had some ideas about healthcare but the Democrats have refused to even let them put anything into THEIR healthcare bill.
    Did you not hear when they said, You lost. We won so shut up! and get used to it.
    If the leaders of the senate and the house control what get to be brought up for discssion do you seriously think they ill allow anything the Republicans want to discuss.
    No I am not a Republican so you can't say that is an excuse. It is just another truth about the President and his henchmen.
    Just last month there was an instance where the President said :I don't mind cleaning up a mess, i just don't want to hear the ones who made the mess talking. They need to shut up and get out of the way. Does that sound like a bipartisan President or legislature? No!
    So don't blame it all on the Republicans.

  • Meme - 15 years ago

    No, the WH should not use tax $$$ to advertise the president's pet projects. In fact He should not be e-mailing anyone either unless someone asks him to. I don't give my e-mail address out to just anyone nor everyone in the public for a reason. The president nor his henchmen do not need it for anything, good or bad.
    I do not appreciate getting e-mails from either Pres. nor Mrs Obama nor Mr Axelrod.I have gotten them from all three.
    I know their character from their public actions and nothing either of them says e-mail or otherwise will change my opinion of them or most of the other people in the government ;
    There are sections in there that gives anyone in the government authority to have access to your financial and banking including authority to withdraw funds as they deem neccessary.
    There are sections that give them authority to come into your home and 'see ' if you are raising your child according to the way some 'mysterious Secretary' and if they think not, they can remove your child/children from your home and put them in a home where they will be raised like the secretary wants.
    Abortion and illegal aliens or immigrants whichever you prefer will be covered simply by the act of not directly naming them as not being covered. That is how the President can say with a straight face 'they are not covered it is not in the bill. That is just a scare tactic.]
    So if you get a chance just ask him if they will be covered simply because they are not mentioned as not being covered.
    There is a section where if you become pregnant within a short time after giving birth to a child, a councelor will be sent to go over 'alternate pregnancy outcome basics; Sounds lke abortion in Obamaneze code to me.
    There is a section that says a/some councellors will be sent to talk to you or more probably order you or some members of your family to discuss end of life options according to what is in the 'best interest of your family and of course society. Meaning if you need expensive care you will be denied that because it would take away some younger person's right to have that care,if you are over 60 yrs of age.
    The same is true for special needs children, and probably for people hurt in accidents etc. Remember Sarah Palin's death panel? Remember the President and some other dittoeing legislators said NO IT IS NOT THERE!
    Well of course it is not there by that name. but it is there in Obama doublespeak.
    I URGE everyone to try to get a copy of these mammoth bills, there are 4 or more of them going around the committees now or get the truth from someone who has read it and understands what it is saying.
    It has a section where you can get healthcare over the phone or by visiting your local community organization. ACORN CALLING!!!
    Did you know that part of the bill was written by the Warlock Society?
    Do you know that Warlocks are witches?

  • Sarine - 15 years ago

    JRPTexas, I do send my tithing every month to help people throughout the world, and I know for a fact some of that went to help people in your state after Katrina. Look at it this way, it's all God's money. We are just stewards over it. As you get older you will realize that none of us is getting out of here alive and the only things we can take with us when we do go to the next dimension are those we give away.

  • Sarine - 15 years ago

    "Send me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these the homeless the tempest tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the Golden Door." Recognize that JRPTexas?? Well?? It's carved into the base of the Statue of soon we forget. Send them to us and we will teach them as we were taught. Like many true Americans, I am a descendant of a poor farming family from another country, and though my immigrant, World War II hero father lies cold in his grave...we his children have become doctors and teachers and yes, we support the poor among us. I have two disabled families living with me now on my teacher's retirement. They have no health care and are disabled vets from the Persian Gulf. The GOP cut all the VA funding. Rats run loose in many VA hospitals. Send the poor to us, God will continue to provide us a way to help them. Increase your faith, Texas.

  • JRPTexas - 15 years ago

    For your information SARINE I am not anything except a pi$$ed off American. I don't like either party. They are all politicians and crooks. Now how does that sit with you? Tell you what, since you are so kind why don't you keep a meger portion of the money you earn every month and send the rest to your "Messiah". I'm sure he will appreciate your monthly donation. Hell, I'll bet Jesse and Al will polish up their collection plates for you.

  • JRPTexas - 15 years ago

    To GEORGE TAYLOR, YES I am for term limits. Two terms, one term in Washington and one term in a federal prison !

  • Sarine - 15 years ago

    I forgot to mention, I think most of these harangues against the best president we've had in ages, are nothing more than professional criers and complainers paid for by the GOP in their feeble attempts to sway public opinion. It's going to be very hard for the wealthy few to convince the rest of us to condone the same evil that has relentlessly crushed the American working classes at every turn. The wealthy always try to set the rest of us at each others' throats, so that we will be too busy to notice their all consuming greed. Wealthy British & Americans financed Hitler!! Surprise. Wake up, America...the GOP has always and only represented the rich. Their "less government" garble has only left them free to rape this country's people repeatedly. There will be enough money, if you do the right thing.

  • JRPTexas - 15 years ago

    Tell you what SARINE, why don't we just let the whole world come to the US and we, which includes YOU, will pay for their health care, lodging, groceries, automobile, utilities, get all of them a cell phone and wash their butts for them????? Would that make you happy ? Surely we wouldn't want to require them to get up off their lazy a$$es and do a days work. That might be againt their religion !

  • JRPTexas - 15 years ago

    Well, D.T. said it for me. But I will add.....If the 52% of the voters that voted for these crooks want health reform, let them pay for it. The problem is, a large majority of them are probably on the government tit already! Nothing this government runs is efficient and works. The cash for clunkers is a nightmare. It takes 20 pages of bureaucratic paper for every car sold under that stupid assed program. Those poor car dealers will go broke waiting on this idiotic bunch to pay them. Send the con artists back to Chicago....and soon !

  • Sarine - 15 years ago

    YES. Do whatever it takes to protect the health of all Americans, just as if this were a foreign invader. I have health care and am ashamed that we have not shared this blessing with our fellow citizens long before now. Are you protesters the same people who sit in the churches founded by the man who said, "Whatever you do unto to these, the least of my brethern, you do unto me." ??? Well, are you?? Maybe you had better reconsider your hasty remarks and remember WWJD...Jesus has always been the inconvenient Savior. Choose carefully.

  • john McCloy - 15 years ago

    This is just another example of big government trying to cram something down our throats and using every sleazy method of doing it. With all this administration has done and is proposing, using our tax dollars in a more useful manner should be a priority. Even "Tricky Dick" would not use these kinds of tatics.

  • James - 15 years ago

    The end is near! Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!. America is nowhere in Bible prophecy. We must go down in order for the European Dictator to emerge. O'bama, the democrats as well as the globalist republicans are all in the tank for this idea. Our soverignty is gone. Our constitution has been torn to shreads. You believe in Heller, Pro-life, pro-2nd amendment, a Veteran your a terrorist and anti-government. NO one in the main stream media is reporting the truth. BOTH the democrats and the republicans have sold and are selling out this nation. Turn or burn. I know you dont believe in God. Well, I cant see air either but need it to be alive. Dont see gravity either. Doesn't mean they dont exist.

  • JIM MEYER - 15 years ago

    i agree HELL NO!!!!! is more appropriate... the gov't only knows to spend spend spend my money to fix everything!!! what have they done right????? veterans admin, amtrack,social security,post office,tax code, medicare,auto take over, stimulus,!!! you name it THEY SCREWED IT UP!!!!! HANDS OFF MY TAX DOLLARS!!!! NO GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH CARE!!! NO CARD CHECK, NO CAP N'TRADE, HANDS OFF RADIO AND TV,CABLE, FREE PRESS!!!

  • Huk - 15 years ago

    You know. GWB upped the national debt for 8 years. I don't remember any of you complaining. Don't criticize a wartime president. You are either with us, or you are with the terrorists. Traitors.

  • Mocha - 15 years ago

    Not just "HELL NO"
    HELL F____ing NO!
    The arrogance of the Obama administration is undescribable.

  • C.J. - 15 years ago

    I don't think they should use tax payer $$ for ANY of these socialist agendas. While workers all over this country and being forced to take an unpaid day off so their government office and "balance its budget", government officials continue to spend, spend, spend! I think Washington (all government officials) should get to take 365 unpaid days off. If they are not in Washington, think of all the tax payer $$ we would save!!

  • sharon - 15 years ago

    Yeah I REALLY want to pay millions of dollars for the lobster he and his cronies ate in Montana!

  • bill - 15 years ago

    I forgot to say i also think that we should become an isolationist nation again take back all the money that we give to all these other countries to fix their problems and worry about fixing our own

  • bill - 15 years ago

    I want to know who the 850 idiots are that said yes. Obama bin laden our pres is leading this country into the gutter along with the rest of the government. this is no longer a government of the people but a government for self advancement this government pass laws and programs because they owe favors to people not because its the right thing to do. they should all be fired and we should elect a new government one without ties and favors owed to other politics, so they will listen to the people. if this many people are against something it should be a clue for the government but they think the american people are to stupid to think for themselves. so to answer the question should my tax dollars be used like that hell no.
    i was in the army, went to iraq and love my country and would die for it to defend my country. but this obam bin laden is destroying the country i love.
    no whatch ill get some sort of nasty gram from the government because of what i said, because are they not keep records on peoples opinions on this like they said in the news, something about socialist records lol

  • George Taylor - 15 years ago

    While many may disagree with the use of public funds to promote legislation by the White House - I suspect it is legal - most all politicians and their advisors are good at (CYA) covering your anatomy. Don't loose heart 2010 and 2012 will be when the voting public can have their say. By the way - anyone for term limits on Senators and House Members??????? (I hope so!)

  • Sam - 15 years ago

    More proof of socialist idiots in our Government. They are underestimating the wrath of the people when pushed too far.

  • Scott V - 15 years ago

    What a stupid question. Of course the president should always be allowed to email about pressing government related matters. That is like saying, the president cannot email about education, or the war in Afghanistan. Seriously people, you may not agree with his side on this issue, but come on this is a ridiculous.

  • vernell gray - 15 years ago

    No other President has ever stooped so low as this one! It is time he airs his own tires and tunes his own engine. The whole of health care does not need fixing. Only a part. He who would re-build his house when he needs to replace his roof, would be considered totally stupid. That is what this amounts to at the expense of America's taxpayers. Where are you Republican members in the Congress? Why can't you get together and present a plan to fix the drain that causes the suffering effects upon health care? We need to keep our health care as is, and say NO, NO, NO to the government stepping into it. The government can't run the Post Office, let alone health care. Next thing you know, Obama will be working on a bill to extend the term of the Presidency, to become the dictator that gives America a menu for what we eat, and how much, what car we drive, the doctor that will or will not save our lives, set the curfews on lifestyles, what we wear, what we say, and what we are able to hear. Everything he proposes is another step toward the loss of freedom in America. I don't know about you, but I am sickened at the thought of another 3 years underneath his leadership. Knowing that Acorn is out there signing up clones for the next election, doesn't give me a lot of peaceful rest. Community organizers and czars out on the taxpayers nickel. Isn't that a lovely situation for America? America needs to have a good house cleaning of organizers and czars, left wing socialist liberals in Congress, and anyother Democrat or Republican that supports this President's socialist change. NO, NO, NO for government insurance! The government is of the people, for the people. Not of Obama, for Obama.

  • Rob - 15 years ago

    amann - we need to take it back from the corporate scum who raid your bank account, especially the heath insurance industry

  • Donna - 15 years ago

    To: "Obamalover"

    Honey, you were waaaay too kind!

  • Naomi - 15 years ago

    They want to tax us, and tax us and tax us......for this kind of government power. America is doomed! What our Founding Fathers wanted was limited government...........Now we have unlimited government and our taxes go to fund it all. We are doomed!!

  • amann - 15 years ago




  • Marj - 15 years ago

    If they have to lobby their point, then they know that there are those of us who are totally not in favor of it; and we sure don't want our tax dollars used this way.

  • Rob - 15 years ago


    how about the war in Iraq for hijacking tax dollars. Great job creating a new generation of terrorists... Afghanistan should have been the focus of the war. It would be over and we'd be trillions ahead. Just the opinion of a "centrist"... for example...

    government health care = normal

    government owned car company = socialist

  • Rob - 15 years ago

    wmdwf - your lack of historical knowledge is troubling. Go ahead choose to give your hard earned cash to some insurance exec who is the next ENRON, at least the government will pretend to give a sh*t. The exec will just deny you life saving coverage that you paid for because it cuts into his/her bonus. America is a great country that has many unique qualities. Those include citizens that loose their homes simply because they get sick. This is wrong and the whole point of the reform is supposed to fix this. The bill that's on the table is a start and the insurance industry is scared.

  • Chuck Lambert - 15 years ago

    What's happening with LOST, cloning, and all the other sleazy projects while our attention is being grabbed by Obamacare? Ever heard of diversionary tactics?

  • Pauline - 15 years ago

    ... NO, NO, and NO!!?!*

    And what about the $2Billion tax dollars Obama has given to Brazil to drill oil while he allows us to have wind mills?!* What's that all about?! That money could have paid for the healthcare program that we can’t afford?!* This administration is acting crazy with our hard earned tax dollars!
    I saw a great poster... It said, "You can't fix stupid, but you can sure vote them out!" I just hope we voters are not so stupid the next time!

  • Nancy - 15 years ago

    This administration needs to go , it's only been 8 mos and that is 8 mos too long for me, how dare they,We are disgusted with all this, bankrupting our country, spend your own money to push your socialist agendas that we don't want don't spend ours haven't you takes enough? What in the name of God is wrong with thesepeple?

  • andy redd - 15 years ago

    Let me see, using my money to try to convince me to be in favor of a program that I don't want to spend my money on. Not no, but hell no. The unmitigated arrogance of this administration. Obama must go and so must the majority democrats that he rode in on.

  • David - 15 years ago

    bush did, so who gives a shit

  • wmdwf - 15 years ago

    Oh Thinkin for myself. All you're doing is spewing your left wing hate trying to provoke a violent rebuttal from the AMERICAN people that want government to get their hands off our taxpayer dollars. If you love government control so much then move to South America and live under the rule of Hugo Chavez. Your hate spewing words makes you look as dumb as your left wing nutjob buddies in the Congress, Senate, White House and all the left wing community terrorist groups.

  • wmdwf - 15 years ago

    Jared...Jared...Jared... I pity you. You truly prove how stupid left wing nutjobs can be. You no nothing of the political landscape in America. You trust whatever you're fed by the Obama loving news agencies, newspapers and government radio. If you were to actually come out of your mushroom and open your eyes you would see that Obama and his terrorist thugs are trying to burn down America. We the birthers as you call us aren't birthers nor are we Democrats, Republicans or Libertarians but we come from every age group, gender, race and nationality because we are united by one fact. The fact that you and your left wing nutjob friends don't understand and that is WE ARE AMERICANS and we love the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. We left England due to the socialistic King George because we didn't want to live under the thumb of the government and now your messiah Obama is trying to finish what King George in the mid 1700's started. We the AMERICAN people will not let that happen.

  • BRETT - 15 years ago

    Hell NO is the answer.
    Americans should rise up and run this clown our of town.
    He has divided the people of this country and NOW we need to divide the land.

  • ObamaLover - 15 years ago

    Now that I have your attention with my name, let me tell you what me must do. We need to install term limits. Every senator and congressman needs to be voted out of office. These people have been in office way too long and accumulated too much power. We need to start fresh and send a new group to DC with term limits.

    As far as Obama's term limits, I think 6 months ought to do it. Unfortunately we are going to have to put up with him for 3 1/2 more years. He is systematically destroying our country. I don't think its intentional, but I'm not sure. I think he is just a good speaker, with a teleprompter; but other than that he is naive, radical, totally inexperienced, and an Acorner.

  • Thinkin for myself - 15 years ago

    This should be re-titled "Do you think the White House should use taxpayer money to combat the lies and misinformation being spewed by GOP talking heads?"

    Ignorance- the republican parties best friend. All you people and your small minded ideas are slowing the progress of America. Why don't you all move to Texas and secede, you can be fat, tote guns, hate people not like yourselves and believe whatever the talking heads tell you without bothering me everyday.

  • FishDog - 15 years ago

    It is my firm belief and many others that our own president hates his own country. Like Rush has said many times: I HOPE HE FAILS and I agree.

  • FishDog - 15 years ago

    Just yet another broken promise. But the good news is, people are starting to wake up and smell the coffee. I hope it is not too late!

  • Rick - 15 years ago

    Does anybody remember Soylent Green?

  • Rick - 15 years ago

    Obama Lies, America Dies

    For all of us who understands the meaning of HONOR, it is clear that this administration and congress have NONE. How pathetic...........

  • Redinabluestate - 15 years ago

    The first thing that occurred to me was where was the hell, no response. The second thing was where do these people live who 'don't know'? On another planet?

  • samlindboe - 15 years ago

    The current POTUS is a disgrace to our entire nation. He makes me sick on a daily basis and does only what is in his own sick agenda.
    God Bless America, we surely need it with this fool in charge

  • Edie - 15 years ago

    JARED: Go out and play!

  • Baret - 15 years ago

    This so-called president need impeached immeadtiely. He cant say anything good about our country, and he has run it into the ground. He can take a vacation during our way totally being destroyed by him. He is paying 40$ dollars to vacation. I have a dog house he could use for that.My Dog gets better treatment, and he doesn't destroy my life as the so called President is doing He needs impeached NOW. Americans stand up and fight for our country. The bit-ch Pelosi, Reed and Frank needs to go also. Lets get it done today!

  • Rick - 15 years ago

    At our house, we routinely receive mailings, e-mails, and phone calls from Congress member staffers. We've decided to not do anything for them, nor donate one thin penny to their cause, unless they give a simple "Yes" or "No" response to an important question; "Would you be willing to show us, in writing, that you agree with, support, and will vote for, term limits?" If they:

    a) Answer "No", or
    b) Try to give one of those hopelessly obsolete, pontificating, wordy, sleep-inducing political answers

    We hang up on them after telling them to take us off their "donate to my re-election campaign" mailing lists.

    It doesn't matter if you're Republican or Democrat. Members from both parties in the House are selling us out. We're all important to politicians, until they get elected. Then, we aren't worth spit to them again for 2 years. Seriously; do you really think that a congressman/woman is going to hear your small voice over the roar of special interest groups who contributed to their election? And then continue contributing in order to protect their investment since there are no term limits?

    The system is broken, but it can be repaired. I've found an intriguing site that outlines a very practical and fascinating plan for taking back our inheritance from the career politicians. It's at Check it out. Throw your name in the hat to run for Congress in 2010.

  • gb - 15 years ago

    Adding insult to an injury. Majority of Americans are agains this HC b.s. Nevertheless left and Obama pushng it down our throats and now using money of those who did not vote for him and his agenda to adavance his scewed view of the world. That is his party liberal/socialist agenda not republican/conservative that is screwing our country. Hey Obama and libs use your money not mine to promote your agenda. As for the the rest of the us who've been branded as MOB and un-America we'll remember this in 2010 and 2012.

  • Democrats, proof that Hulu is working - 15 years ago

    I love the research Vincent, very well done. It makes me wonder if giving false statement to the people of the US can be used under false advertising or some other charge as means to help to remove the offenders from office. Something faster then waiting for a vote also we should push now even harded for term limits.

  • Donna - 15 years ago

    You know...I could see this would happen right from the very beginning. Well, that's not true. I never dreamed it would be this bad. Everywhere on the news we hear people say, "Well, I'm sure Obama doesn't mean for this to fail or that to fail; or that he means things to deliberately go awry." But, just for moment...think of it this way...and it's scarey---what if all those 20 years listening to Rev. Wright wanting to "damn" America were the sentiments of Obama too. To punish an America that he feels needs to "make up" for it's percieved wrongs by destroying her. Because, you see, if he can bring her people to their knees, completely "break" us financially and otherwise, then the masses of people would be subject to "the government", and grovel to take what ever crumbs that were thrown to us in the way of health care, wages, you name it---because we wouldn't have an alternative choice. How is that for scarey? Think about it. I bet the reason Obama won't let anyone see his college papers is because there just might be a really good thesis on how he adores Marxism!! Remember---he himself said he sought out Maxist professors. I believe in this country, and with God's help we can and we MUST bring this government back to what it was intended to be.

  • Vincent - 15 years ago

    I find it appalling that the House, controlled by the democrats, had no trouble prior to the August recess trying to ram down our throats a bill that contained ALL of the following parts & language of the public [aka government] option [option? LOL]:

    Pg 22 of the HC Bill MANDATES the Government will audit books of ALL EMPLOYERS that self insure!

    Pg 30 Sec 123 of HC bill - THERE WILL BE A GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE that decides what treatments/benefits you get!

    PG 50 Section 152 in HC bill - HC will be provided to ALL non US citizens, illegal or otherwise!

    Pg 58HC Bill - Government will have real-time access to individual’s finances & a National ID Healthcard will be issued!

    Pg 59 HC Bill lines 21-24 Government will have direct access to your banks accts for electronic funds transfer!

    PG 102 Lines 12-18 HC Bill - Medicaid Eligible Individuals will be automatically enrolled in Medicaid. No choice!

    PG 265 Sec 1131 Government mandates & controls productivity for private HC industries!

    PG 425 Lines 4-12 Government mandates Advance Care Planning Consultations. Think Senior Citizens end of life!

    Pg 425 Lines 17-19 Government will instruct & consult regarding living wills, durable powers of atty. Mandatory!

    PG 425 Lines 22-25, 426 Lines 1-3 Government provides approved list of end of life resources, guiding you in death!

    PG 427 Lines 15-24 Government mandates program for orders for end of life. The Government has a say in how your life ends!

    Pg 429 Lines 1-9 An “advance care planning consult” will be used frequently as patient’s health deteriorates!

    PG 429 Lines 10-12 “advance care consultation” may include an ORDER for end of life plans!

    Think of the consequences of many of those items as it relates to your own personal family situations!

    Now there are 4 or 5 versions because We The People took to time to review it and look at exactly what was included. Yes, it’s “open to interpretation” as the libs like to say but I don’t want the government interpreting ANYTHING that involves my personal freedoms of choice.

    Contact your representatives and tell them if they vote against the will of "We The People" we will use our V.E.T.O.! [Vote Everyone of Them Out] until the rule of this country returns to the will of the people with representatives who do just that - Represent U.S. Do it before it is too late. Spread the word about V.E.T.O.! [Vote Everyone of Them Out]!

    See you in DC on Saturday September 12th.

  • Caitiesnanny - 15 years ago

    Isn't it funny how that when someone who aligns themselves with the left, and we have a different viewpoint, they accuse us of being morons and misinformed.

  • Marilyn - 15 years ago

    I agree with the "hell NO" column. Isn't it funny that yet again those who are on the left cannot use facts but resort to name calling and the old old worn out "what about the last 8 years?".

  • Democrat proof that Hulu is working - 15 years ago

    2009-08-23 15:49:43 ET
    you are all a bunch of complete morons and I find it hilarious how misinformed and paranoid you are.

    Read the Constitution, it is easy to read. Infact it outlines a plan of what to do when the government strays form the Laws laid out by it.

  • Joseph Rsy - California - 15 years ago

    WOW, do not forget; domestic terrorist, swastika wearing, racist right-winged conservative! Labels are a reflection of the labeler. It is like pointing a finger at someone – there are more fingers pointing back at you.

  • dick wheeler - 15 years ago

    start out lying and end up cheating.disgraceful.

  • wow - 15 years ago

    you are all a bunch of complete morons and I find it hilarious how misinformed and paranoid you are.

  • Caitiesnanny - 15 years ago

    Somehow, even though this site says that my email address won't be published, I'll bet I'll soon receive my official, "white house" email greeting. Is anybody listening out there. This entitlement society better wake up and smell the %*&#, and I don't mean coffee. When you allow your government to feed you, cloth you, put a roof over your head and provide you with all of the entitlements you so richly feel that you deserve, you also turn over your right to deciding how much, when and where all of that will happen to you. There is no "Obama" prize going to be waiting out in your mailbox for you. Get over that idea. Furthermore, we as law abiding, taxed to the hilt, AMERICAN CITIZENS are just done with standing by and watching our hard earned money getting spent on these idealistic dreams of the democratic party. This is the real world folks. We need to say, NO MORE now. I changed my party affiliation as soon as I grew up and found out that I could no longer AFFORD to be a democrat. It's a nice feeling to want to save the world and all of the people in it but when the number of people that need saving outnumber the number that are actually surviving by working and paying their taxes, then something has got to give. We've run dry, try somewhere else.
    A very concerned citizen

  • Boiling Over - 15 years ago

    It is just another example of the current people in office treating our money like it is a toy...Besides the whole HealthCare plan is unconstitutional per the 10th amendment, it is not spelled out in the Constitution as a power that the fed can wield, They cannot even run a smaller program like Medicare, Medicaid.
    Any Congress or Senate members that for this should be held on charges for attacking the Constitution, then fined and dismissed from office for violation of the oath of the office that they hold.

  • Joseph Ray - California - 15 years ago

    The Far Left has been working on the takeover plan for a longtime. The have wormed their way into our public schools for recruitment of developing minds and have successfully planted their seeds of distrust for our style of government. United States history, civics, and God have been removed from the classrooms. With the removal of these three key moral ingredients the developing mind drifts to the left because without teaching the above three ingredients abortion (murder), taking from one to enhance another (stealing), leaving ones spouse for another (adultery), taking property via immanent domain (coveting), the US President bowing before a different countries king (subservient), turning a deaf ear to the majority, (monarch rule) and taking on the debt of others (irresponsibility) can be implemented into law and accepted with little or no objection from the public. Hence – Obama!

  • Cherise - 15 years ago

    The President has plenty of opportunities to talk to American's about his plan. The problem is, it's a poor plan and so his message is neither consistent or well received. We don't need to throw more money at trying to inform people. If people want to learn the truth about these proposed policies then they will. We can be informed by television, computers, book and newspapers. If you don't have these resources at home, just go to your public library, which is something we do pay for with our tax dollars.

  • W. - 15 years ago

    Obama. . .don't use my money to promote yourself and to campaign and sell your crappy plans. Why are you blowing my money? Get Acorn they'll do your dirty work for free!

  • Rick - 15 years ago

    "If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." Samuel Adams, 1776.

    There's no end to the amount of good that a do-gooder will do...with your money. "Distributing the wealth..." is a democrat's way to "buy" votes by abusing his/her authority to legally steal and share hard-earned wealth from the “Haves” to share with the "Have Nots". I'm not rich, but I can see how stupid socialism is for We the People, and how beneficial it would be for politicians. Career politicians in the House are up for eviction or re-election every 2 years (on even years like 2010!). But salaried politicians (yes, your tax dollars also pay their healthy 6-figure salaries) who want to stay entrenched, campaign and conduct fund-raising while they are supposed to be doing their jobs - representing us. A small army of congressional staffers does “volunteer” work during campaign season, and they have every motivation to do so, since they are also campaigning to keep their jobs. On official time, these political aides perform all sorts of jobs unrelated to legislation but closely tied to re-election, such as soliciting media attention and doing favors for special constituents (when’s the last time one of them did a favor for you?). None of this would even be an issue if all members of Congress were subject to term limits that would effectively reduce their conflicts of interest. If they want to conduct fund-raising events, they (and their staffers) should have to use their vacation time just like the rest of us when we need time away from work. Worse still, both the House and the Senate, have authorized taxpayer-funded lawyers to intervene in term limits litigation! 90% of us disapprove of the job Congress is doing, yet 95% of them get re-elected! Why? Because the process is broken. We the People need to be making decisions about our country - not arrogant politicians drunk with power who constantly agree to, and flippantly permit, the steady erosion of our rights as they were laid down and transmitted to us by our forefathers in the Constitution. Condescending, contemptuous elitist career politicians who are obsessed with reading and believing their own press clippings like Sheila Jackson Lee, Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer, Arlen Specter, Henry Waxman, and Nancy Pelosi no longer address the issues of the day. Instead, they rub our faces in their status, politic with clever strategies against the clear will of the people, and use government to do more and more to promote their own self-serving agendas behind closed doors. They don't listen to us because they cannot hear anything above the roaring whispers of political action committees, businesses, unions, and hundreds of other special interest groups who donated (and continue to donate) big money to their fund-raising and re-election campaigns ( Had enough of career politicians' antics from BOTH parties? Are you an “experienced patriot”? Then you qualify! Don't wait until Nov. 2, 2010. Go to, and get involved if you want to be an active and fascinating part of the solution. We (The People) can do this, and you can help!

    More from Samuel Adams:

    “The Constitution shall never be construed... to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.”

    “How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain meaning of words!” Sure sounds like Obamacare.

    “It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” WWW.GOOOH.COM

  • Theo - 15 years ago

    Time for IMPEACHMENT NOW!!!!

  • Linda - Michigan - 15 years ago

    I'm in the hell no catagory. Where is the public outcry over all the czars that Obama is oppointing? We are paying these guys with tax payer dollars and they are not elected by us, they don't answer to us, and they are not looking out for us. They only answer to "the chosen one" and he certainly isn't looking out for us either.

  • suzey - 15 years ago

    Why should the government use OUR tax dollars to push through an Obamacare package? WE that oppose the government package have to contribute our own dollars to organizations that represent our stand on the issue. I thought the government was working for US. This method seems to be a conflict of interest

  • trish - 15 years ago

    We pay a ton of money to have representation in Congress (however sorry it is). Why does our tax money have to go for lobbying by the White House?

    Put me in the "hell no" category!!

  • Ed - 15 years ago

    Welcome to socialism, where the state owns everything, including your wealth, and it is used as the supreme leader wishes. And were it is the duty of the people to make it so, and without dissent from the peons! This is as insulting as being shot with ones own gun!

  • Joan - 15 years ago

    Amen, Sam! Some rhetoric is absolute fact: "Tax and Spend" is the modus operandi of the Democratic Party. Nothing new here! We have been overun "from within" by the elitist academic left. Education is our sacred cow that can never get enough tax dollars to fund the socialist run public funded universitites where tuitions are ridiculous, enslaving our grads to years of servitude to pay for their "indoctrination". Mr Obama: Reform INSURANCE. Reform TUITION, reform TORT LAW. Reform UNIONS. These are the modern day trusts and they need BUSTING. They are bleeding this republic. The answer isn't for the government to run any business. Government should put controls in place when needed to curb the incessant greed that roams the marketplace, NOT run the market.

  • Almost Had Enough - 15 years ago

    LOL at Doctor Who.

    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

  • Had Enough - 15 years ago

    This administration thinks nothing of using dirty politics and thugs like ACORN to have it all Obama's way. The way he's going he'll drag us down completely so we're a third world country: no money, no credibility and living under a socilistic government. Time to say "NO MORE OUT OF CONTROL, WASTERFUL, GOVERNMENT SPENDING !!" One more point, I do not want the government telling my doctor WHO to treat and HOW to treat his/her own patients. GOVERNMENT, STAY OUT OF MY HEALTHCARE!

  • Sam - 15 years ago

    Vincent and Joan I agree. But the problem is deeper. We have politicians that are making rules for the working class, but they have a seperate set of rules for themselves — ie their own health care system. When the politicians live by the rules they make for the "working class" we will make progress in this country.

    When did it happen that being in Congress became a career? What happened to being public servents? Why is it that you can serve in Congess for a few years and we the people need to support you for the rest of your life with pensions and retirement funds? I don't think the politicians few themselves as public servant any more but consider themselves the ruling class. When that attitude is changed we will see progress in this contry.

  • Joan Dias - 15 years ago

    I am encouraged that many of my fellow citizens understand the dangers of Obamism. Like many who've commented, I am not at all surprised by what is happening. If it is at all possible to retreat from the course this nation is on it won't be until the people pay attention to the history and philosophies of the Left instead of just buying the noise they spout to get elected with empty promises of change and "a chicken in every pot". All change is certainly not good. We have become a citizenry too lazy to do the work of discerning, led like blind sheep to the slaughter because we want everything easy and are suckers for whatever is called "new". If it looks good on TV and speaks charmingly (regardless of content) then we swoon and elect it. Like Clinton's "Bridge to the Future" folks fall and worship the glitz.

  • Vincent - 15 years ago

    Smart people realize that it is no longer about Democrats vs. Republicans. It is now "We The People" vs. the politicians who are ALL trying to grab as much power and money as they possibly can. The Republicans are not standing in the way of healthcare reform. They have a plan, one that accomplishes the task WITHOUT socializing the program. All of the facts tell us the Obama Healthcare Plan will not work and ultimately financially bankrupt this country. Yes, the system is broken and needs to be fixed...If the government wants to do something then they should regulate the insurance industry with controls/oversight to bring the costs to an affordable level and create a plan to provide coverage for the uninsured. That is all we want and need from you. Leave the rest of us alone and stay out of our private lives. However, the administration refuses to have dialogue because they have an agenda and are unwilling to compromise. Trying to force a vote on a program that the President is not fully versed on is the most damning thought of all. This is a dangerous pattern as it showed itself again when Obama admitted that he didn't have/know the facts but could make the determination that the police acted stupidly. A government with an agenda that disregards the will of the people - We The People should have a voice in deciding our future & our children's futures. When they stop listening, freedom dies. If they will not listen to U.S. then continue to spread the word to your local and national politicians about the VETO! [Vote Everyone of Them Out]! I believe it is time to contact our representatives and tell them if they vote against the will of "We The People" we will use our V.E.T.O.! [Vote Everyone of Them Out]. Maybe if they get the message that their jobs and careers hang in the balance things will change. I for one will exercise my V.E.T.O. [Vote Everyone of Them Out] each and every election until the rule of this country returns to the will of the people with representatives who do just that - Represent U.S. You don’t realize the power that WE have, if we stick together and speak our collective minds. Do it before it is too late. Spread the word about V.E.T.O.! [Vote Everyone of Them Out]!

  • Gary - 15 years ago

    These democrats are hypocrats! If they were REALLY serious about health care reforms, tort reforms will be the FIRST step they will take. Doctors heal patients. Ambulance chasing lawyers don't!

  • Tim D - 15 years ago

    This man never even ran a lemonaid stand much less a business. He has never written ANY legislation on his own because he probably doesn't know how!!!! Why do you think he passes all the authority to congress? HE IS INCOMPETENT !!! I hope all the fools who voted for him are happy now with their CON-MAN IN CHIEF

  • Lester - 15 years ago

    Let everyone who voted for this corrupt group pay for this out of their own pockets, as well as pay for Obama Care, TARP, and all governmetn take-over "programs". These people sold us out to socialism (which ulitmately becomes communism), and some have been selling out for years through their desire to have someone else take care of their every want and need. Shame on them for their self-centeredness, and shame on the rest of us for not waking up sooner. But now we are awake so watch out!!

  • :P - 15 years ago


  • Tim sense - 15 years ago

    Try BBC, what I recomend

  • couldn't use last name, Tim Sense - 15 years ago

    Irma, while you have managed to make a very poetic statement, I cannot see any message in you first three paragraphs, above you as Tim's Sense. While Thomas Paine's Common Sense is very patriotic to mention, however you have just used your own "Teflon-coated" as it had nothing to do with any issue at hand.
    Now Most of your message is contained in the final paragraph that you presented, and while it is well put together I do not know where you have recieved your information, or the common sense. You say we plan on getting out of debt by taking on more debt, however there are no plans in play that do not include ways to fund them, and you do not even include ones to support that point, so I fail to see the sense there. The Honesty part is common sense, and you are undoubtedly jabbing at Obama, however it is also common sense to understand that it is not only him, and he is forced by his cabinet and congress to change plans regularly as compromises, something fundamental to our country's founding just to trade some patriotic flare with you. Also to say that Obama denies his mistakes is outright animosity towards him, and not an argument for or against anything, and it does not show much sense. You claim the government makes you spend your money in a certain way, however the government does not force anyone to spend their money in anyway outside of taxes, you could spend the rest on anything you wanted, and no the government won't buy you a new car, just help in order to stimulate the economy, which we all want. Then you claim that taking more taxes in order to give people health care is not common sense. I do not think it is common sense to have your facts wrong. People that will not be able to afford private health care will receive government aid, It will not be the same health care for everyone. There will be many different packages provided based on individual financial situations. Then last but not least, you will always have the freedom to choose for yourself, your just in the minority right now, if you want to get you way you need more people on your side. And maybe a little common sense.

  • freedom - 15 years ago

    The reason money has not been given out to small business' that it is being held back for minority only business

  • Sharon - 15 years ago

    Tim writes: "Try to get your news from a foreign source on the web so it does not include any US political agenda, or else you'll never have the real story."--Huh?! I do read the foreign press. Sorry, Tim, but the foreign press has as political an agenda as our own press, because they want to influence our foreign policies to their advantage (and our detriment). And our "allies" aren't always as generous as our "enemies". The British and German press have written scathing articles at times while the French press just patted us on our heads and shrugged.

  • charles collier - 15 years ago

    The way we need to send a message is when we vote. We really need to tell them that Americans will not take anymore "united, we stand ".

  • Sharon - 15 years ago

    I was also looking for the "over my dead body" catagory, but if this health care reform passes...well, you know...

  • Irma - 15 years ago

    No, taxpayer money should not be used for this purpose.

    A pamphlet entitled "Common Sense" was written by Thomas Paine during the Revolutionary War. General Washington read Mr. Paine's words to his weary, malnourished, ill-equipped and rag-tag troops. It rallied the desperate troops, most of whom had already decided to leave and return to their homes. But they remained, and General Washington did not lose his army. With his army, he won the war. And not just for those living at that time, but for me as well.

    Today, our government lacks common sense, as does a portion of the population. Sophisticated thought is favored, admired, sought. Teflon-coated words ( nothing sticks to them, including their speaker) rule the day, to be denied or changed as needed. The miracle of our Constitution, its depth and breadth of wisdom, it's unique standing above all other documents written by and for the common man, is little understood, largely ignored.

    Common sense, is simple and unsophisticated. Are there any other words that can be used to mean the same thing as common sense? For example, if I were to use the term "common cause", I could interchange it with "being on the same page", "in the same boat", "being in accord", "hanging together".
    Can't seem to do that with common sense. Can you?

    For me common sense is admitting that I will not get out of debt by taking on more debt. Nor will I get out of debt by taking on someone else's debt. Common sense is speaking honestly, that way I always remember what I said. It's claiming my achievements as well as my mistakes. And common sense is not telling my neighbor or my co-worker how to spend their money. It's not mine, it's theirs.Common sense is not telling my neighbor or co-worker that I must take some of their money and give it to Mr. Grey on the next block, so that he can get a new car. Common sense is not taking my neighbor or co-worker's money and using it to persuade him/her to give me even more money so that everyone has health insurance. THE SAME HEALTH INSURANCE. Which I will of course, provide. In addition to taking even more money, I will also take away their right to choose for themselves.
    Makes sense?

    "These are the times that try men's souls...."

  • Tim's Sense - 15 years ago

    This article is nothing but biased, agenda based propaganda used to fool less informed individuals. Calling the message spam implies it was intended to bother people, while if you look at it as ads promoting education on the topic it puts a much lighter spin. Notice how the article does not mention the specific contents of the emails, but instead makes general claims that it included political messages for the bill. They also make a large issue of the money being spent on the emails, which is tiny compared to other actions taken in any administration, for both advertisement and more. I know I'm in a den of enemies, so I'm thankful if you read this far and I'll end with this, don't trust fox news, or most news networks. Try to get your news from a foreign source on the web so it does not include any US political agenda, or else you'll never have the real story.

  • Roy011 - 15 years ago

    This is the responsibility of the DNC. Not to use my money to promote an agenda I disagree with.

  • Connie - 15 years ago

    HELL NO is the correct answer. If the people who voted for this SOB want a Socialist government why don't they move to a socialist country and leave us alone. We live in the greatest country in the world and he is destroying it before our very eyes. He and his cronies have broken every rule in the book and are so arrogant that they think they can do whatever they want and get away with it. It is time WE AMERICANS stand up and take our country back!

  • AzDoc - 15 years ago

    NOW - can we impeach this clown???
    Gimmie back MY money!!!

  • kristen - 15 years ago

    I find it comical that people view Fox News as a 'biased' news source because it’s one of the only network news stations to provide news with a little bit of a conservative spin and that’s only some stories. What about all the other news outlets that provide news with a liberal spin to it? If you watch that, then you must be super educated because you’re getting your ‘both’ sides of the story. It’s ridiculous. For your information I not only read Fox News, but also the Huffington Post (one of the most liberal news sources available) as well as reading many blogs and message boards about the politics. I can truthfully say that I make sure I know what I’m talking about before I state my opinion. I find it laughable that if you agree with anything Obama has to say you’re a racist. I find it embarrassing that if you don’t agree with Obama than you’re ‘rooting for the administration to fail’, as some Democrats in Senate believe. As an American that has had to work hard for what I have, my distrust of the president and my unwillingness to support his healthcare overhaul has nothing to do with how ‘selfish’ or ‘uneducated’ I am, but instead has to do with his dirty politics and the fact that he talks out of both sides of his mouth. He’s a liar and if he really wants to ‘clear up misconceptions’ about his overhaul, using taxpayer money to promote his pet project and REFUSING to publicly publish his proposal are not the ways to do that. I’m already paying out to Medicare AS WELL AS Social Security (which I will probably never see thanks a broken system), now I might have to pay out for a system that will give people too lazy to work as hard as I have to receive healthcare? Why don’t I just sit back and relax, stop paying my taxes and stop paying my mortgage, after all the Savior who I “NEED” so much will come print out more money to help me out.

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