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Is Juno Beach’s automated speed trap about safety or money?


  • Jim Hull - 14 years ago

    As a senior citizen I want to warn all citizens of the danger to our freedoms using this Van and the camera's that are checking on our daily driving activity. Do you want to live in a society that cameras are used everywhere. It starts with driving, but it will obviously be used elsewhere in the near future. $125 is a large fine and all future sightings cost $250. If it wasn't so expensive it would be to encourage safety. The reason for the large fine is for one purpose only and that is to produce more cash for city coffers.

    I live in Jupiter and was using US1 to go south. I have changed my driving pattern now and will use 95. Juno Beach will never receive another dollar of my cash.

  • SJC - 15 years ago

    I was surprised when I received a Notice of Infraction Speed this afternoon (sent to me by the Town of Juno Beach Safe Streets Program).

    I have no objection for the Town of Juno to make some money from people outside Juno as similar cases did happen in many other towns in the past (Lake Park and Indian Town). What I like to question is the accuracy of their speed gun. As I normally drive not more than 9 miles over the published speed limit, especially when driving in Town area (as most if not all obedient citizens/drivers in Florida). I did see many speeders passed me every day.

    The letter showing that I drove at 57 miles per hour at a 45 MPH zone. The fine is $125.00. But I believe I was driving at 54 miles per hour. Can Juno Beach show us their Daily or Weekly Speed Check on their equipment and tell the public the accuracy of their "Speed Measurement Instrument"?

    On the other hand, I believe it is reasonable for the Residents to vote for the speed limits not the Government Officials. After all, the Highway Speed Limit set at 55 MPH was not based on safety reasons but for economy purposes (to save fuel) when the OPEC was formed in 1973.

  • The van is strictky for money - 15 years ago

    I see some people defending this van and reason of safty. Here is a somthing that could happen ok so i want the defenders of this money making scheme to answer to this. OKREADY?/here we go,,,,,,DRIVER drunk out of his mond speeding gets the picture taken but 15 minutes later kills someone because he is druk behind he wheel. If a real police officer was there and pulled him over this would not happen. A van taking pictures making money is no safty because what you do now is if you are a drunk you know you will not get pulled over in juno if you see the van. A little far fetched but the reality is a police officer would have ben able to pull the speeding drunk over who just killed you Mon or Dad OR wife Or Husband Or kids OR even grand kids. Think about that the next time you say it is all about saftey

  • I got their ticket - 15 years ago

    * DISCLAIMER* (The comment above made on 2009-10-01 04:9:34 ET)says(Someone needs to torch that van it is bullshit, they are judge, jury and money takers and you have to send your check to georgia to pay it
    The comment is in no means to be taken for real or seriously to do such an act. The comment was out of frustration and was done for humor and frustration. I in no way would condone such an act. The reality is that our rights are trampled every day and at times you feel backed up to a corner and just want to vent so again this comment that was posted is not to be taken to do any such action

  • I got their ticket - 15 years ago

    Someone needs to torch that van it is bullshit, they are judge, jury and money takers and you have to send your check to georgia to pay it

  • Sara - 15 years ago

    Juno Beach touts safety as the reason for setting up this speed trap. However, when citing statistics to support this statement, they use figures from around the country, not Juno Beach statistics. Was there a real safety need for this speed trap? How many accidents is the town really preventing? More importantly, are these photos telling the whole story? No, they are not. This van remains unmanned and unsupervised throughout the day. Electronic devices are notoriously prone to unpredictable crashes. People are found guilty and fined on the basis of one photo even though it cannot be authenticated and its accuracy cannot be verified.
    Additionally, when individuals try to schedule a hearing on the town's website, it informs them that there are no dates available for hearings within the period allowed by the fine. Not only that, the fine is mailed and arrives between 9 to 10 days after the actual date on which it was issued. However, the 30-day period for scheduling a hearing is not adjusted to allow for the mailing delay.
    Juno Beach also says that the van allows its police force to fight crime, where it should be. Well, where are the town's crime statistics?
    It is nothing but a speed trap, a scam, set up to raise the town's revenue. It is a shameful ploy that violates people's right to due process.
    People should boycott Juno Beach, avoid the town, drive around it, stay away from its restaurants, its stores and beaches.

  • Carmen - 15 years ago

    Those who are ticketed or feel they have a RIGHT to speed will no doubt feel the Town is doing this for money. Those who are safety conscious drivers will appreciate the saftty aspects of the white van. A patrol car pulling over a speeder, with another back-up patrol car following is far more of a detriment to passing motorists than is a purring white van with a shutter release. In regards above comment from Bob, I believe a ticket does not impact one's driving record or ins. rate. BTW, if the van is tossed because it is a "private company" tool, would that mean we should toss all other aids/tools used for our peace and safety? I think not.

  • Bob - 15 years ago

    The real danger to all this is that this is a PRIVATE company that is no doubt trying to earn money.A private company is giving out these speeding tickets that will affect your driving record and insurance rates. They are not connected with any government agency. I can imagine there will be tons of red tape as your try to fight a ticket. If they can post a policemen at a construction site and let him sit in his air-conditioned car and read the paper while collecting double time pay, maybe they can place one in the van to oversee the operation>.. after all, isn't traffic the business of the police department instead of some outside civilian agency?

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