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ObamaCare allows for rationed health care where government decides who gets treated and who gets end-of-life services. Do you agree with this? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 496

  • Angeline Goodman - 15 years ago

    Your survey is idiotic, fear mongering. GET INFORMED!! Before you participate in hype, remember that your publication is suppoed to involve news/journalism.
    Subterfuge by fear is ruining our country. Be smart, be better. Quick blurbs do not even nod in the direction of Solutions to All of OUR healthcare challenges. Oh....or go ahead continue fear spreading, waste time and resources, that's what you do best. I will keep helping patients and families one at a time.

  • reynard61 - 15 years ago

    Poll? You have the utter *nerve* to call this rank piece of Karl Rovian swill a poll??? This is an absolute travesty! It's modern Yellow Journalism at it's most manipulative! The question itself is based on a proven lie! (Yes, I'll say it again: "The question itself is based on a proven lie!") Here are a few relevant facts for the enlightenment of your readers (because I very much doubt that *you'll* pay any attention!):

    1. "Obamacare" (as you so cynically put it) will *NOT* "ration" health care. In fact, health care is de facto currently rationed by the health insurance industry by their practice of arbitrarily/capriciously refusing/denying/dropping *anyone's* policy *anytime* for pretty much *any reason!* The reform plan that Obama has put forward would, simply, ask that care be administered more efficiently by giving more information on relevant treatments for specific ailments/injuries and letting the patients and their doctors decide on the best course of treatment.

    2. The only mention of things like "euthanasia" and "death panels" has been in the slimier precincts of the right-wing punditry and political hackdom. (Yeah, I'm lookin' at *YOU* Sarah Palin!) The *actual* proposal would simply let doctors get paid for advanced care directives (Living Wills, DNR orders, etc.) consultations. (Which, by the way, have been going on since 1999 without the doctors getting paid for it -- with no outcry... at least until it became politically convenient for the above-mentioned pundits and hacks to do so...) No one -- repeat, *NO ONE* -- would be "forced" to do this. If you decide that Grandma or Grandpa should be left hooked up to those monitors and machines until Doomsday while the hospital and insurance company drain your life savings away, this plan *will not change that!*

    This "poll", in short, is nothing more than a blatant fraud! And that a so-called "newspaper" has chosen to foist such a steaming pile of manure on it's (presumably paying) subscribers and readers is a sad testament to how low some of the American press is willing to kowtow to the health "care" industry and it's minions. For shame, Sonoran "News", for shame...

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