Do you think Gov. Sarah Palin will be the 2012 Republican presidential nominee?


  • sandra malcolm - 15 years ago

    It would be great for the Democratic party so I would probably like to see it,but I really HOPE that our political machinery is more intelligent than that.
    It probably is not though or she never would have been a serious Vice-Presidential candidate with the potential to become our President. What a scary thought that is. Would she have bailed on us during these critical times of economic difficulty? I think the woman is an uncertified flake and would like to say Goodbye Sarah, I wish you well I just don't wish you as President or anything remotely close.

  • sandra malcolm - 15 years ago

    It would be great for the Democratic party so I would probably like to see it,but I really HOPE that our political machinery is more intelligent than that.
    It probably is not though or she never would have been a serious Vice-Presidential candidate with the potential to become our President. What a scary thought that is. Would she have bailed on us during these critical times of economic difficulty. I thing the woman is an uncertified flake and would like to say Goodbye Sarah, I wish you well I just don't wish you as President or anything remotely close.

  • Ann Kathleen - 15 years ago

    This woman has major psychopathology. How in the world can she promise efficiency, effectiveness etc., when she bales out of her first term. I do believe she realizes she is an imposter, and in way over her head. She may think she can campaign well, win elections, but she can't follow through and implement anything worthwhile because she lacks substance. She is a very superficial politician, and perhaps that's what the Republicans want. She thinks that by being forward and full of cathchy phrases wins people over. She can't answer any deep questions, has no real vision, other than to slam the oppositive party. She really is embarrassing to the Republican party. Hopefully the REpublicans will wake up, and find some real leader who can articulate a philosophy that represents the desires of the American people, but Sarah Palin is not it. Perhaps she and Rush Limbaugh deserve each other and actually will only please a very slim minority of the Republican party. The party needs major help.

  • Ann Kathleen - 15 years ago

    This woman has major psychopathology. How in the world can she promise efficiency, effectiveness etc., when she bales out of her first term. I do believe she realizes she is an imposter, and in way over her head. She may think she can campaign well, win elections, but she can't follow through and implement anything worthwhile because she lacks substance. She is a very superficial politician, and perhaps that's what the Republicans want. She thinks that by being forward and full of cathchy phrases wins people over. She can't answer any deep questions, has no real vision, other than to slam the oppositive party. She really is embarrassing to the Republican party. Hopefully the REpublicans will wake up, and find some real leader who can articulate a philosophy that represents the desires of the American people, but Sarah Palin is not it. Perhaps she and Rush Limbaugh deserve each other and actually will only please a very slim minority of the Republican party. The party needs major help.

  • Ken - 15 years ago

    If one is judging her potential as the Repug top-contender for 2012 by the still T-Partying crowd of dunder-heads here in Texas, she's the pick o' the litter. For this ex-NC Tarheel liberal, she would be the single best gift to a continued progressive White House agenda that I hope to see continue into the foreseeable future.

    Never before in my 65+-years has such a perfect running mate for success of the opposite party been placed on any political party’s wish list. She makes both Dan Quayle and Mad King George43 resemble mensa candidates.

  • Bob Bentley - 15 years ago

    Gods, I hope so. I can't think of a more humane way to put down such a lame duck and disassociated political machine. Of course, please record my kudos for the eloquent Tangerine Bolan, who pretty much said it all; only squared.

  • Tangerine Bolen - 15 years ago

    If the Republican party continues on in its complete lack of integrity regarding politics in general and abilitity/qualifications of those chosen to potentially serve in the highest office in the land, then yes, she'll be their candidate.

    The Sarah Palin phenomenon is a nightmare. She sums up quite well how off track we have gone as a culture in our ability to intelligently read people. Palin is a perfect example of how cynical and treacherous politics can become when we are blinded by image and fail to recognize and promote intelligence and substance. She is the culmination of a society that has become so used to entertainment, self-deceit and visual and verbal manipulation that we fail to recognize the difference between a cunning and well-crafted image and the real thing. Shame on the Republican party for perpetrating this frightening and offensive sham.

    Most especially, shame on YOU, Sarah Palin, for being such a false human being. Your keen attempts to tap into a genuine and understandable desire to return to simpler, less confusing and more connected times while you are obsessed with your own power for power's sake is truly disgusting. Your cutesy aphorisms and ability to skillfully manipulate words don't make you a presidential candidate.

    You are an embarassment Ms. Palin, and you are a detriment to this country's great need to return to a path of intelligence and integrity. If the media doesn't hold you accountable for quitting the job of running a state that you were ELECTED TO DO, only to turn around and seek the 2012 nomination, then believe you me, the public will. I'm so sorry that anyone is so blind as to fall for you.

  • Marlene - 15 years ago

    Sarah Palin ruined any chances she might have had, if she ever had any, while running her fiasco of a campaign for vice president.

  • Rick - 15 years ago

    I certainly hope so. It would be the greatest gift the Republicans could give to the Democrats.

  • Rosemary - 15 years ago

    From Sterling, Alaska, it looks like we have a charismatic certifiable flake! The legislature has mentioned that since her return from the national stage she's changed and is not good to work with any more. At least light gov Parnell will stay in place.

  • Sheila - 15 years ago

    I certainly hope not!

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