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Can Sarah Palin still have a career in national politics? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 6,575

  • Oliva - 15 years ago

    Governor Palin has a huge future in National Politics. That should be obvious to you all by the huge interest in her every move. The woman is a phenomena.
    Me too Melinda. I'm with you on that...Mitt Romney/Sarah Palin for 2012!!

  • NC4Sarah - 15 years ago

    Sarah Palin is the voice that can bring sanity back to our country. Whether she does it with the title of Governor or as a normal citizen, she and her message need to be heard. She can relate to the issues everyone is facing, she understands what the ramifications of all these government programs are, and people stand in line to listen to her! Do I want Sarah to be our first female President? Absolutely! We need someone who truly loves the US in office after this "adventure" we're on right now.

  • Vermont Neighbor - 15 years ago

    And another poll today, via Conservatives 4 Palin. Vote now. --->

  • Vermont Neighbor - 15 years ago

    Also, here's another poll via Conservatives 4 Palin:
    (today only)

    Vote now and make sure Sarah's future for us becomes clear to the sycophants of the state-run media. She's out of the BS ethics nonsense-suits while saving her constitutients millions in defense. Too bad; but the 'Chicago' way of politics will soon meet up with the Alaskan way of exposing fraud & corruption. Cap & Trade? Bring it On. Healthcare Reform? Go get 'em Sarah!! We're with you, and we've got your back.

  • sealizard - 15 years ago

    Will Sarah be our first female president? You betcha!!

  • DruggyBear - 15 years ago

    so Palin says we need more children like Trig? why exactly? so the GOP can deny them services like SCHIP? Bunch of hypocrites! You guys care nothing about children, only about judging the sex that produces them!

  • Tiger184 - 15 years ago

    Oh, the hatred and vitriol is nonstop from liberals...only reinforces that they are terrified of Sarah Palin and everything she stands for.

    PALIN 2012!

  • stiltskin - 15 years ago

    To all of you desperate haters praying that the stupid indictment lie is coming, sorry to ruin your breakfast. It's already been debunked, for the second time, but this time it's from the FBI.

    Sarah Palin not under FBI investigation, agency spokesman says
    L A Times ^ | July 5, 2009 | Josh Meyer,0,7018263.story

    Reporting from Washington -- A day after Alaska Gov. Sara Palin resigned, a federal official in her home state dismissed one potential explanation for her sudden and unexpected resignation -- a rumored FBI investigation into the former Wasilla mayor on public corruption charges.

    Despite rumors of a looming controversy after Palin's surprise announcement Friday that she will leave office this month, some of them published in the blogosphere, the FBI's Alaska spokesman said the bureau had no investigation into Palin for her activities as governor, as mayor or in any other capacity.

    "There is absolutely no truth to those rumors, that we're investigating her or getting ready to indict her," Special Agent Eric Gonzalez said in a phone interview Saturday. "It's just not true."

    Gonzalez added that there was "no wiggle room" in his comments that could exclude any kind of probe.

  • fuzzy - 15 years ago

    Sarah.. Everyone has your Back so go and do what you have to do.. we re behind you 100%.. You are supported much more than you could EVER know and thats in the Midwest and down south and throughout this great country that will Not tolerate tyranny in our public leaders for much longer. The fact that you are hunted down means you Have what they Fear... Love of God, Family and Country... Its heartwarming to hear you bring up your Son in Iraq.. that pretty much shuts the haters down EVERYTIME!!! LOL

  • Melinda Gladstone - 15 years ago

    I would love to see a Mitt and Sarah ticket.

  • heshtesh - 15 years ago

    Getalife: So nice to see you took the time to support Gov. Palin.

  • getalife - 15 years ago

    cons love the crazy but there is an indictment coming for Palin.

  • DruggyBear - 15 years ago

    there is a link on my website, Buckeye. and yes, good riddance to that joke of a woman and her whole 2.5 years of experience in a cash-flush state with the population of Balitimore who I'm sure voters will put in the the white house in 2012 lol!

  • BuckeyeSam - 15 years ago

    Druggy: shading housing deal? Link?

    Don't sweat it. I'm still waiting for Obama to come up with a reasonable explanation how Obama got a seller to knock $300K (18%) off the asking price of $1.65M--in a seller's market.

    I'm also waiting for the Obama federal gift tax return in which he reports the $64,000 taxable gift he made to Rezko's wife, when he paid $104,500 for a sliver of land that was appraised at $40,500. No return, the statute of limitations never runs. So?

    Who says "good riddance"?

    Anyway, she's dusting herself off before she leads the charge against Cap-and-Tax and Obamacare. You thought Obama looked weak while floundering in Cheney's shadow; look out. Your boy is going down on these efforts, and Palin will be one of the leaders taking him down.

  • spmat - 15 years ago

    Shady housing deal? Like Obama's deal with Rezko?,CST-NWS-obama05.article

    "In June 2005, Obama and Rezko purchased adjoining parcels in Kenwood. The state's junior senator paid $1.65 million for a Georgian revival mansion, while Rezko paid $625,000 for the adjacent, undeveloped lot. Both closed on their properties on the same day."

  • pablo - 15 years ago

    You stay high there, Druggy. Sarah Palin looks awfully happy, doesn't she?

  • DruggyBear - 15 years ago

    haha so long Simple Sarah! See you and Todd in handcuffs soon over your shady housing deal! You were the last hope of a dying party and the epitome of the ignorance and intolerance of the G.O.P. Good Riddance!

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