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What should be our National Anthem? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 4,625

  • Lynn/Becky Stanley - 15 years ago

    As Rush listeners say "Mega dittos" to RoscoeW, for his comment. I suggest everyone read his comment as it says it all....

  • RoscoeW - 15 years ago

    Can’t sing or listen OUR NATIONAL ANTHEM?
    May I suggest you go to a National Hockey League game be a part of an American event. You will be amazed, as the Anthem is sung as it should. None of the caterwauling, and screeching heard at the national baseball, football or basket basketball games. You will FEEL it know it and love it. Our anthem says it still loud and Clear.
    I pray we will always hear these stirring words.
    “O say, does that that Star - Spangled Banner yet wave
    O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?”
    It’s real. It’s the heart of my America. Our America.
    America at its best.

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