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When is it OK to out anonymous bloggers? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 6,867
1 Comment

  • Dan Melson - 15 years ago

    Rule of Modern Life: Never do anything you'd be uncomfortable with if it were the featured news story of the day.

    The only defense against this is to live an boring life.

    I find it hard to be sympathetic to publius, to say the least. If he were someone who had a need to avoid conflict of interest (like some US government official who privately disagreed with government policy), then possibly, as long as the reason is plainly stated. Something like, "I am a government employee but in no way shape or form am I speaking for anyone besides myself." And he still would be at the mercy of anyone with a motive to out him.

    I don't think Mr. Whelan did any particular public service. But if you can't stand the heat of having your identity known, you shouldn't be publishing things you would be don't want to have linked back to you, and if publius hadn't done precisely that, he would have suffered no ill consequence. To the extent of any consequences he suffers, publius made his own bed.

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