How giddy are you over The CW's announcement of Smallville's Season 9?


  • Isaac De La Fuente - 15 years ago

    i cant wait for season 9 to start i was never into to smallville then i watched two episodes and i was hooked. i just hope they continue to make new seasons until they finally reach the ending of clark and the beggining of superman. i hope he fly in the next season

  • john - 15 years ago

    I would hope that Doomsday kills the "unofficial" Superman and ends the show. Smallville was the high school scenario. Clark has moved past that and is seeking his place in Metropolis. I'd be all for most of these actors returning in the new Superman/Metropolis series. It seems to me that with the placement of Chloe in the Tower and the oozing tension between Clark and Lois that the show is ready to take the next step and introduce the Man of Steel. Please keep Erica D. around - love the eye candy. Teri Hatcher and ED have been good for the Superman myth - Margot Kidder was not.

  • Ron Kozak - 15 years ago

    I was brought up on all the 'super heros' (since the '50's) and I would like to Superman(Clark)fly. His high school days are over;time to move on. You had the best SUPERMAN on two episodes, now put on the second best.
    Would have liked to see Chris Reeve and Jane Seymour get together in one episode but.......
    I say once again....Look! Up in the sky........

    Keep up the good work.

  • Jennifer - 15 years ago

    I am happy but skeptical. I love the first half of this season.. last half-- lana arc sucked. And now Lois will be in less episodes this season:(

    What would make me really excited, and the fan base bring on Erica for all 22 episodes:) Make it happen CW.

  • DB - 15 years ago

    It is ok to for another season if the producers take the show into a different direction else it is just more of the same. If they continue the show, they really should seriously consider renaming the show to Metropolis since it is more Metropolis and Daily Planet focused oriented. In fact, we are getting into 'Lois and Clark' territory. And it is time that he became Superman with the tights and the flights and all. Stop teasing the loyal fan base. After all, this is what Smallville was supposed to evolve into after a few years and I would say that they are already there since Smallville has lasted longer than probaly what the producers thought. With the new Metropolis show, the principal characters are naturally Clark/Superman, Lois, Jimmy, and someone to play Perry White. Alison Mack would be out or around for just a few shows to wrap up her storyline. Also, Lex could return as a recurring mega villain. I think the Metropolis show could allow the show to mature and go into more traditional Superman territory and breather new life into a show that has gets repetitive and pointless at times. Go out with the Superman show that the fans have been waiting for.

  • Michael stephenson - 15 years ago

    I am very excited to hear that they wiil be going into season 9. I would be much happier if they said they a season 10 and 11 and 12 were also in the works. I think this take on superman is such a brain child as to not be repeated in our time so keep on doing a great job.
    Now what I think would be even more fantastic is if you turned this into a full Superman series. and hopefully a few movies as well with as much of this cast as you can get to do the movies. to include Michael. Who has been able to bring so much life to the part of Lex Luthor as none has done before. Michael has given Lex so many asspects to this role. He has been able to bring lex to life. more that any other actor.
    Anyway keep up the good work.


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